Politehnica University Timișoara, Timișoara City Hall and Romfilatelia SA were the hosts of the "2020 - Year of Politehnica in Timișoara" Gala on Tuesday, February 18, 2020, organized to celebrate the role that Politehnica has played in the city's development in the last century.
On this occasion, a festive meeting of the Timisoara Local Council took place, the launch of the philatelic program dedicated to the Centenary of Politehnica University Timișoara, in partnership with Romfilatelia SA, the awarding of students with special results and a musical recital. In his words, Mayor Nicolae Robu spoke both as mayor of Timișoara, as well as a professor and former rector of the university. The rector of UPT referred, in his speech, to the context in which, in Timisoara, the first institution of higher education was the Polytechnic School, as well as the role that the teachers and the graduates of the institution had in the development of the city. The philately enthusiasts were able to see, for the first time, the elements of the philatelic program dedicated to the Centenary of the oldest higher education institution in the western part of the country, and the most diligent students learned that their performance is rewarded by the Politehnica Timișoara. Last but not least, everyone present appreciated the recitals supported by the String Quartet and the singers of the Romanian Opera in Timișoara.
Politehnica University Timișoara, pillar of the city's development
Timisoara celebrates 100 years since King Ferdinand signed the Decree establishing the Polytechnic School on November 11, 1920 . The transformation of Timișoara into a university city has had a direct effect on its growth and increase the attractiveness for investments of all types, keeping the young and innovative spirit, promoting its avant-garde image of Romanian and European science.
In order to underline the important role that Politehnica University Timișoara had and continues to play in the development of the city, the Timisoara Local Council adopted the Decision no. 609/2018 regarding the approval of the declaration of the year 2020 - the Year of Politehnica in Timisoara.
In the statement of reasons regarding the opportunity of the draft decision regarding the approval of the declaration of the year 2020 - The Year of Politehnica in Timisoara, it is stated that "Our city is entitled to mark the contribution that Politehnica University has made to the development of the Romanian technical higher education in the last 100 years, and the events organized on this occasion in 2020 - meetings with twin cities and universities, shows, scientific innovation fairs, etc. - are elements that constitute an important advantage in terms of capitalizing on the image of Timişoara as one of the most prolific university and research centers in Romania, a basic component in the context of the future European Capital of Culture exercise in 2021”.
A century ago, Timisoara City Hall played a significant role in the implementation of the project of establishing a higher education institution in these areas: it allocated funds, land, buildings, found solutions for hosting the secretariat of the Polytechnic School about to be set up, encouraged the development of a university campus. The dedication and active concern for raising Timișoara to the rank of Civitas Academica, determined Stan Vidrighin, the mayor of Timișoara at that time, to accept to become rector of the university (July-October 1921), thus making it possible to organize the admission contest ensuring continuity of the activity of the Polytechnic School, after the departure of Traian Lalescu.
The efforts of the local administration were fully rewarded: in Timisoara came to teach enlightened minds of Europe. In time, the technical solutions developed by the Polytechnic School have been recognized and taken over in the major development projects of Romania, from the construction of the Iron Gates hydroelectric plant to the Danube - Black Sea canal, from the calculations for the RomExpo building to large industrial complexes in Romania.
Collaborations with professors of Politehnica such as Corneliu Mikloși, Stefan Nădășan, Remus Răduleț, Aurel Bărglăzan or Plautius Andronescu, transformed the city, generated national and international awards, increased the prestige of Timisoara and ensured the constant development of the most important economic center in the west.
Launch of the philatelic program dedicated to the Centenary of Politehnica University Timișoara
To celebrate the Centenary of Politehnica University Timișoara, Romfilatelia launched a philatelic program with the theme "Politehnica University Timișoara, a century of education and innovation". The issue of postage stamps contains a stamp and a lace booklet, marking the Centenary of the first higher education institution in the west of the country. The coincidence is that in 2020 a century will be celebrated since the first philatelic exhibition in Great Romania, an event that took place in Lloyd Palace, the current headquarters of UPT Rectorate, and this was sponsored by Stan Vidrighin, then mayor of Timișoara, and later rector of the Timisoara Polytechnic.
Awards for deserving students
Last but not least, Politehnica has always rewarded performance, one of the values that have been the basis of the prestige that the university enjoys today on a regional, national and even international level. On the occasion of the Gala on February 18, 2020, Politehnica University Timișoara, with the contribution of the partners from the economic environment, awarded, with 1000 euros, the students with the best results, one from each of the 10 faculties.