On Monday, November 9, 2020, in the central lobby of the Library of Politehnica University Timișoara, the award ceremony of the drawing and photography contest "Politehnica through my eyes" took place. The competition, launched on September 1 and endowed with prizes totaling 10,000 lei, was organized in the context in which, on November 11, 2020, Politehnica University of Timișoara celebrates 100 years since its establishment. On this occasion, UPT launched a challenge for pupils (potential future students), students, teachers, and UPT graduates - to express their vision of Politehnica.
The competition, divided into two sections - drawing/sketches and photography - encouraged the expression through sketches, drawings, or photography of the vision of Politehnica University Timisoara in its anniversary year, the organizers looking for a more creative, diverse, and free interpretation of this theme.
A large number of pupils, students, teachers, and graduates of Politehnica University Timișoara wanted to participate in the contest, sending valuable works for all sections. These were evaluated by a specialized jury for each section, as follows:
• Drawing/sketch section - Grigore Arbore Popescu - director of the Romanian Institute of Culture and Humanistic Research - Venice, associate professor George Păunescu, plastic artist - University of Bucharest, as. arch. Drăgan Dragomir, Ph.D. - President of OAR Timiș branch, lecturer plastic artist Vlad Ardeleanu, Ph.D. - Faculty of Architecture and City Planning, lect. arch. Cristina Maria Povian, Ph.D. - Faculty of Architecture and City Planning;
• Photography section - Assoc. Cătălina Bocan - Faculty of Architecture and City Planning within UPT, lecturer eng. Ciprian Dughir, Ph.D. - Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technologies, Constantin Duma - Agerpress, as. arch. Ovidiu Micșa, Ph.D. - Faculty of Architecture and City Planning, Lucian Ronkov - UPT Image Department.
Following the deliberations, the following winners were determined:
Drawing contest
Students section:
Students section:
Photography contest
Student category:
Students section:
Teachers section:
Graduates section: