Curriculum vitae
The responsibilities of the rector of Politehnica University Timișoara:
- Representing the university;
- Authorising officer of the university;
- Coordination and operative management of the university;
- Asset management;
- Maintaining the relations with the economic environment and the public sector;
- Leads the development of medium- and long-term strategies and that of global and sectoral policies;
- Management of financial resources and policies and institutional evaluations;
- Scientific research, innovation, technology transfer;
- Digital infrastructure, international relations, visual identity and communication;
- Leads the Administrative Board;
- Management and review of the General Administrative Office;
- Management and review of the General Secretariat;
- Management and administrative control of the Legal Office;
- Management and review of the Public Internal Audit Office;
- Management and review of the Internal Control Compartment;
- Management of human resources development policies;
- Management of investment policies;
- Management of real estate usage policies;
- Management of digitization policies;
- Management and coordination of sports and cultural activities carried by the university;
- Hiring and dismissing staff;
- Manages the relations with employee syndicates and professional organizations;
- Educational process, student matters and quality assurance;
- Manages the relation with student professional organizations and syndicates;
- Manages the relation with graduates associations.
Secretary of the resort: Delia ROZOVLEAN
tel.: 0256 – 403011
e-mail: delia.rozovlean@upt.ro