Curriculum vitae
The attributions of the Rector are the following:
- Representation of the university;
- Credit release authority of the university;
- General coordination and operative management of the university;
- Patrimony management and relations with the economic environment as well as the public sector;
- Coordination of the strategic medium- and long-term development of global and sector specific policies;
- Financial resource and policies management, institutional evaluation;
- Scientific research, innovation, technological transfer;
- IT infrastructure, international relations, image and communication;
- Head of the Administration Council;
- Coordination and control of the General Administration Division;
- Coordination and control of the General Secretariat;
- Coordination and administrative control of the Legal Office;
- Coordination and control of the Internal Public Audit Division;
- Coordination and control of the Internal Control Compartment ;
- Coordination of the human resources development policies ;
- Employment and dismissal of staff ;
- Relation with employees’ syndical and professional organizations;
- Education process, student issues and quality assurance;
- Relation with students’ syndical and professional organizations;
- Relation with alumni associations.
Secretary of resort: Eng. Emiliana IELI
tel. : +40-256-403011