15.10.2020 - 15.01.2021

09.07.2020: Cycle de conferences MATH-ADORE
Le Centre francophone en mathématiques de l’Institut de mathématiques « Simion Stoilow » de l’Académie Roumaine, en partenariat avec l’AUF en Europe centrale et orientale, propose un cycle de conférences en ligne dans le but de disséminer, dans le monde scientifique francophone, les plus récents concepts, idées et résultats mathématiques.
Intitulé MATH-ADORE, le cycle de conférences sera inauguré de 10 juillet 2020 (16h, heure de Bucarest, GMT+2) par la conférence « Mathématiques et mouvement des organismes aquatiques » donnée par le Professeur Marius Tucsnak de l’Université de Bordeaux.
La conférence peut être suivie en direct ici : https://bit.ly/3dXnBvl
Plus d’informations sur le site de l’Institut de mathématiques « Simion Stoilow » : http://imar.ro

22.05.2020: Susteinability traineeships - EIT CLIMATE-KIC PIONEERS
Operating in 20 European locations, the Pioneers programme runs from June through to December and consists of a 4-6 weeks placement (domestic or international), bespoke transitions thinking & systems innovation mentoring delivered through a structured workshop programme and online training.
On the programme's website (https://pioneers.climate-kic.org/#section-id-1580970305788) you can find more information about participating locations, programme timeline, your local contact and most importantly how you can apply!
Deadline: June 1st, 2020. 

19.05.2020: Appel AUF – Assurance qualite et Gouvernance universitaire
L’AUF en ECO, en collaboration avec l’Institut de la Francophonie pour la Gouvernance Universitaire (IFGU), a lancé un appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour identifier les actions concrètes susceptibles de répondre aux besoins des universités de la région en matière d’assurance qualité et gouvernance universitaire.

Actions soutenues :
  • séminaires, formations, colloques, conférences, missions d’expertise qui s’inscrivent dans la promotion de la qualité de l’enseignement, de la recherche et de la gouvernance  dans vos établissements
  • la dotation d’outils nécessaires pour promouvoir la qualité de l’expertise et la capacité internationale d’intervention des acteurs francophones de l’assurance qualité, de l’évaluation et de l’accréditation
Nous attendons vos demandes jusqu’au 25 mai 2020 sur la plate-forme https://formulaires.auf.org

Pour plus de détails n’hésitez pas de visiter notre page Internet : https://bit.ly/3bEXOGV

12.05.2020: BNEUF & Atlas de l'expertise francophone
L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) s’est engagée depuis de nombreuses années dans une politique de développement d’une francophonie universitaire fondée, sur la mise en avant de l’innovation et de l’expertise universitaire francophone au sein et hors du monde académique.
Dans ce contexte, l’AUF a initié un projet intitulé BNEUF (Bibliothèque du Nouvel Espace Universitaire Francophone https://bneuf.auf.org/#!/) qui offre l’accès à l’ensemble des ressources documentaires, pédagogiques, scientifiques, culturelles, proposées par les acteurs membres de la francophonie dans le monde.
Son « Atlas de l’expertise francophone » permet également d’accéder à une liste d’experts francophones de toutes disciplines à travers le monde.
Pour plus de détails, nous vous prions de trouver ci-dessous deux vidéos de présentation de la BNEUF:
Ressources numériques : https://cutt.ly/lyxfwij
Atlas de l'expertise : https://cutt.ly/Tyxfr2x
L'AUF et ses partenaires proposent des services en ligne en soutien aux étudiants et aux enseignants pour maintenir la continuité pédagogique.
Pour profiter de ces services, cliquez ici
La bibliothèque numérique de l’AUF – BNEUF
Elle offre à la communauté étudiante et enseignante francophone du monde :
  • Plus de 11,6 millions de références documentaires libres d’accès dans tous les domaines des sciences et de la culture
  • Un atlas des enseignants-chercheurs francophones expert.e.s dans différents domaines
Des accès gratuits et libres sont également proposés par les partenaires de l’AUF. Ces services sont accessibles via la BNEUF ou en direct auprès des fournisseurs :
  • Editions législatives : accès gratuit et libre à tous leurs titres de presse quotidienne en ligne : les actuEL.
  • EDUNAO : plateformes technologiques éducatives pour la diffusion de cours. Des offres gratuites sont actuellement proposées.
  • Microsoft : offre gratuite pour 6 mois autour des plateformes collaboratives.
  • Nomad Education : application gratuite pour réussir au collège, au lycée et dans le supérieur.
  • Numérique Premium : propose un catalogue en ligne de 3500 ouvrages (sciences humaines, sociales et juridique) accessible gratuitement jusqu’au 22 avril 2020.
  • OpenClassrooms : éditeur de Moocs. Propose un accès gratuit à 600 cours en ligne.
  • Agorize : plateforme digitale pour continuer à collecter les projets d’études, assurer le bon suivi des mémoires, organiser au mieux les partiels et maintenir la gestion des inscriptions et admissions pour la rentrée 2020. 2 mois d’accès gratuit.
  • YouScribe : éditeur généraliste.

18.03.2020: New deadlines for Erasmus+ project applications
The European Commission, the Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, issued a note regarding the new deadlines for submitting Erasmus+ project applications. The new deadlines are a consequence of the difficulties encountered by applicants in the context of the coronavirus epidemic and were set for: 
April 23, 2020 (1pm Romania time) - deadline for submitting applications for:
  • Strategic partnerships for school education (KA201),
  • Strategic partnerships for vocational education and training (KA202),
  • Strategic partnerships for higher education (KA203),
  • Strategic partnerships for adult education (KA204),
  • Partnerships for school exchanges (KA229)
May 26, 2020 - deadline for applications - to the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture - for the Erasmus Charter in Higher Education (ECHE).

03.03.2020:  Fulbright Student Award to the United States 2021-2022
The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission is pleased to announce the 2021-2022 Fulbright Student Award competition for master’s study or research in the United States. Applicants can be Romanian graduates - BA, MA or PhD students - from accredited public and private universities. BA students are also invited to apply if they are in their final year of undergraduate study.

The Fulbright Student Award provides: international travel, tuition and university fees within established budget limits, books and supplies allowance, accident/sickness insurance and a living stipend for one academic year. 

Second-year costs for the Romanian Fulbright master’s students may be covered depending on funds availability as well as on proof of good academic standing during the first year of study.

The applicants will be selected through open, merit-based competition to participate in quality graduate level programs in any academic field except the clinical ones (i.e. that include patient contact).

23.02.2020: Erasmus+ outgoing mobilities 2020-2021

Information sessions:

05.03.2020, 2 p.m. – Erasmus+ information session (UPT Library, 4th floor, Multimedia area).
25-26.03.2020 - Erasmus+ booth at the Career Days Fair (UPT student restaurant)

Selection calendar:

Study mobilities Traineeship mobilities
Application period: 13.03.2020-20.03.2020

Interview: 25.03.2020 - 31.03.2020

Results posted online: 02.04.2020

Contestations: 03.04.2020

Contestation results posted online: 06.04.2020
Application period: 04.05.2020 -15.05.2020
Interview: 20.05.2020

Results posted online: 22.05.2020

Contestations: 25.05.2020

Contestation results posted online: 26.05.2020
For more details e-mail erasmus.outgoing@upt.ro.

27.01.2020: French cinema at UPT: GOOD LUCK ALGERIA
La projection aura lieu ce mercredi 29 janvier, à 18h, dans la salle Polyvalente de la Bibliothèque universitaire de l'UPT. 
Au programme : GOOD LUCK ALGERIA, une comédie de Farid Bentoumi (2016, sous-titres en anglais)
Sam et Stéphane, deux amis d'enfance, conçoivent avec passion des skis haut de gamme. Soumise à une rude concurrence, leur entreprise est en péril. Pour la sauver, ils se lancent dans un pari fou : qualifier Sam aux Jeux Olympiques d'hiver sous la bannière du pays d’origine de son père, l'Algérie. Au-delà de l'exploit sportif, ce défi improbable va pousser Sam à renouer avec ses racines.
Ce film s’inspire d’une histoire vraie.
N’hésitez pas à partager cet évènement autour de vous, et notamment sur vos réseaux sociaux.

27.01.2020: AUF grants for internships abroad
L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie lance un appel pour mobilités de stages professionnels 2020. Il sera ouvert jusqu'au 13 mars 2020 : https://www.auf.org/nouvelles/appels-a-candidatures/appel-candidatures-mobilites-de-stage-professionnel/.
Les stages concernés doivent obligatoirement faire partie du curriculum de la formation.
Public éligible : étudiants de l'AUF en ECO (première année de licence y compris)
Prise en charge : allocation mensuelle, transport, assurance
Durée des stages : 1 à 3 mois
Période : 1er avril à 18 décembre 2020
Les étudiants doivent avoir un statut étudiant pendant le déroulement du stage (ne pas être déjà diplômés).

26.11.2019: Ateliers francophones a l'UPT
Dans le cadre du lectorat francophone, chaque jeudi de 16h à 17h30, un atelier de pratique culturelle/artistique/ludique en langue française se déroule dans la salle Multimédia 1 de la Bibliothèque Centrale de l'UPT.
L'objectif est de pratiquer la langue française dans un cadre convivial et bienveillant.
Le programme est le suivant :
Jeudi 28/11 : Chorale
Jeudi 05/12 : Théâtre 
Jeudi 12/12 : Jeux du monde entier
Les ateliers sont ouverts à tous. Il n'y a pas besoin de réserver.
Pour savoir plus, n'hesitez pas à contacter Mme Florence Mourlon, florence.mourlon@upt.ro.

10.10.2019: DAAD Scholarships

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is awarding scholarships in Germany for students, graduates, PhD students and teaching staff from higher education and research institutions in Romania.

Funding is available for summer schools, masters programs and research internships. DAAD supports programs taught in German or English.

The full range of DAAD Romania scholarship programs is available at: http://bit.ly/burseDAAD20-21

Calendar of scholarship presentations (and German language test for candidates) by DAAD lecturer at UPT, Ms Sabina de Carlo:
21.10.2019, 18:00, UPT, ASPC building, 2nd floor, room A208 (language laboratory)
28.10.2019, 18:00, UPT, 
ASPC building, 2nd floor, room A208 (language laboratory)
11.11.2019, 18:00, UPT, 
ASPC building, 2nd floor, room A208 (language laboratory)
18.11.2019, 18:00, UPT, 
ASPC building, 2nd floor, room A208 (language laboratory)
Also, information on the DAAD scholarships will be available during the Career Days (October 30-31, UPT Cafeteria) at the DAAD Lectorate stand.

06.05.2019: Francophonie
29 mai 2019 - Cinéma français de l'UPT : HIPPOCRATE, mercredi 29 mai à 19h
La projection aura lieu le mercredi 29 mai, exceptionnellement à 19h, dans la salle Polyvalente de la bibliothèque universitaire BUPT.
Au programme : HIPPOCRATE (2014, sous-titres en roumain)
Pour ce dernier mercredi de mai, nous suivrons Benjamin, 23 ans, qui commence sa carrière de médecin comme stagiaire dans un hôpital. Entre humour et drame, cette fiction montre toutes les difficultés de la profession tout en étant à la fois un bel hommage à l'hôpital public.
Un film subversif qui nous plonge avec puissance dans la réalité de la médecine.
9-13 mai 2019 - Festival du film français.

16.00 Funan |  (2017) – 82’
18.30 Joueurs) (2018) – 105’
10 MAI
16.00 L’Époque (2019) – 94’
18.00 Première Année (2018) – 92’
20.00 Edmond | Cyrano, mon amour (2019) – 109’

11 MAI
16.00 Gare du Nord (2013) – 119’
18.30 C’est ça l’amour (2019) – 98’
20.30 Amanda (2018) – 107’

12 MAI
16.00 Ils étaient neuf célibataires (2003) – 125’
18.30 Les drapeaux de papier (2018) – 102’
20.30 En guerre (2018) – 113’

13 MAI
18.00 Le grand bain (2018) – 123’

Tous les films sont projetés en français avec des sous-titres en roumain dans l'Aula Magna de l'Université de l'Ouest. L'entrée est gratuite!
10 mai 2019 - Formation à l'observation électorale
Vous avez déjà 18 ans ou plus? Vous souhaitez vous impliquer dans la construction d’une société où vous aimeriez vivre? 
Alors, rejoignez-nous au sein de la première mission d’observation électorale francophone au moment des prochaines élections européennes et participez en tant que citoyen à cette belle expérience pour faire vivre la démocratie!
Vous obtiendrez une accréditation d’observateur électoral indépendant pour accéder aux bureaux de vote le plus proche de votre domicile et veiller au bon déroulement du processus électoral lors des élections européennes, le 26 mai 2019. A la fin de mission, vous recevrez également une attestation faisant foi de votre engagement citoyen. 
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu’au 10 mai sur le site www.lesObs.fr
Le rôle d’observateur électoral implique certaines responsabilités. C'est pourquoi, une formation, au préalable, est obligatoire. Si vous souhaitez vous impliquer dans ce projet, nous vous invitons donc à la formation que nous organiserons le 15 mai 2019, à l’Institut Français de Bucarest (77 Boulevard Dacia), à partir de 16h00.
La formation sera assurée par des experts du Conseil de l’Europe avec la participation de l’eurodéputé Cristian PREDA. 
22 avril - 21 juin 2019
Concours régional "Mon idée d'affaires" ouvert du 22 avril au 21 juin 2019

Ayant comme priorités stratégiques l’employabilité et le développement de la culture d’entrepreneuriat estudiantin dans les établissements membres en Europe centrale et orientale (ECO), l’AUF lance un concours à destination des étudiants francophones de tout niveau pourles inciter à présenter leur projet d’entreprise ou de développement d’activité à des professionnels du domaine.
Les objectifs du concours régional « Mon idée d’affaires » sont :
•    sensibiliser les jeunes à considérer la création ou la reprise d’entreprise comme une véritable option de vie professionnelle ;
•    stimuler et promouvoir l’initiative entrepreneuriale ;
•    faire émerger des idées de création d’entreprise ;
•    soutenir le passage à l’acte de création d’entreprise ;
•    mettre en lumière et récompenser les meilleurs projets de création d’entreprise.
Mais surtout, ce concours est une occasion unique :
•    de se motiver pour présenter son projet définitif ;
•    d'être guidé dans la rédaction de son business plan ;
•    d'obtenir un regard critique, positif ou négatif, sur son projet professionnel ;
•    de rencontrer des professionnels dans le domaine de la création d'entreprise, de lier des liens avec d'autres porteurs de projets.
La particularité de ce concours : il est ouvert à tous les étudiants francophones des universités membres de l’AUF en Europe centrale et orientale, quel que soit leur âge, genre ou domaine d’études.

Le concours se déroulera en 3 étapes, avec des prix pour les meilleures propositions !

Si vous êtes intéressé, si vous souhaitez plus de détails, n'hésitez pas à contacter M. Brice Lecourt, lecteur AUF de l'UPT, à l'adresse suivante : brice.lecourt@upt.ro
Vous pouvez également vous rendre sur les adresses suivantes : 

03.04.2019: Erasmus+ Master Degree Loans 
Erasmus+ Master Degree Loans are EU-guaranteed loans with favourable pay-back terms that can help you finance a Master course in an Erasmus+ Programme country.

The scheme is designed to support postgraduate students and protect them from student hardship with social safeguards including:
  •     No need for collateral from students or parents, ensuring equality of access
  •     Favourable, better than market interest rates
  •     Pay-back terms that allow graduates up to two years to find work before beginning repayment.
Currently the scheme is being made available through banks and universities:
  • Banks in Spain, Italy (Emilia Romagna region), Croatia, Romania and Turkey for outgoing students from these countries pursuing postgraduate study abroad and students from other Programme countries going to Spain for a Master course;
  • Universities of Luxembourg and Cyprus for incoming students from other Programme countries going for a Master course at these universities.
As more institutions from around Europe join the scheme, more destinations for postgraduate study will become available.
Find out more

For the terms and conditions of Erasmus+ Master Loans, please visit https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/opportunities/individuals/students/erasmus-plus-master-degree-loans_en and:

22.03.2019: Fulbright Student Award

On Thursday, March 28, 2019, at 10:30, the Fulbright Student Award will be presented at the Conference Room on the 1st floor of the Polytechnic Student Restaurant.
About the Fulbright Student Award programme:
Applicants can be Romanian graduates - BA, MA or PhD students - from accredited public and private universities. BA students are also invited to apply if they are in their final year of undergraduate study.

The Fulbright Student Award provides: international travel, tuition and university fees within established budget limits, books and supplies allowance, accident/sickness insurance and a living stipend for one academic year. 

Second-year costs for the Romanian Fulbright master’s students may be covered depending on funds availability as well as on proof of good academic standing during the first year of study.

The applicants will be selected through open, merit-based competition to participate in quality graduate level programs in any academic field except the clinical ones (i.e. that include patient contact).
â–º    Grant duration: one academic year (9 months, starting August 2020)
â–º  Applicants must meet the following criteria:    
• have Romanian citizenship; green card holders and persons with dual (Romanian and U.S.) citizenship are ineligible;
• hold at least a Bachelor's degree (BA students may apply if they are in their final year of undergraduate study); 
• have English proficiency; 
• if applying in law, applicants must hold a degree in that field.
For more details:
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. eng. Alexandru Amaricai, alexandru.amaricai@cs.upt.ro, Fulbright Ambassador at UPT;

18.03.2019: CINECULTURA film festival

6 days, 12 countries, 14 films - at the end of March the Aula Magna of the West University of Timisoara will host again the International Film Festival CINECULTURA. The 10th edition of the festival is organized by foreign lecturers of UVT and UPT in collaboration with cultural operators and volunteers, and will take place between the 25th and 30th March. As with the previous editions, the entry will be free of charge.

The films from Romania, Italy, Germany, USA, France, Austria, Mozambique, Peru, Spain, Brazil, Eritrea and the Czech Republic will be projected in the original version with English or Romanian subtitles.

Free entrance is possible thanks to the support provided by sponsors, embassies, consulates and cultural institutes of the participating countries, UVT, the associations of production houses and volunteers.

For the second consecutive year, the Eastern European Film Festival BEAST in Porto (Portugal) is a CINECULTURA partner by presenting the closing film Built to Last. This year we also mark a new collaboration with Vira Films and the project My First Documentary.

More information on www.cinecultura.eu and the Facebook page of the festival.

08.01.2019: Appel a candidatures PHC Brancusi

Nous avons lancé l’appel à candidatures pour le PHC Brancusi du 20 décembre 2018 jusqu’au 7 février 2019.  
Ce programme de coopération scientifique permet la prise en charge des mobilités des chercheurs entre laboratoires français et roumains.  
L'objectif des PHC est de développer les échanges scientifiques et technologiques d'excellence entre les laboratoires de recherche des deux communautés scientifiques. 
Vous pourrez trouver les informations pour déposer un projet : 

04.12.2018: Prix des jeunes ecritures

Vous êtes étudiant.e dans un établissement membre de l'AUF 
ou vous avez entre 18 et 29 ans ?
Vous aimez écrire et racontez des histoires ?
Ce concours est fait pour vous
Le défi 
 Ecrire une fiction de 15 000 caractères maximum commençant par la phrase "Toute histoire commence un jour, quelque part".
Le prix
Un séjour parisien d'expériences culturelles et littéraires. 
© 2018 Agence universitaire de la Francophonie

20.11. 2018: Cinema francais de l'UPT
Le dernier mercredi de chaque mois, de 18h à 20h, à la bibliothèque de l'Université Politehnica Timisoara, vous êtes invités à venir découvrir le cinéma français sous toutes ses couleurs et ses styles. 

Voici les dates et les films à retenir :
  • Mercredi 28 novembre -  BANDE DE FILLES, comédie dramatique, 2014
  • Mercredi 30 janvier - MICHAEL KOHLHAAS, fiction historique, 2012
  • Mercredi 27 février - LE TABLEAU, film d'animation, 2011
  • Mercredi 27 mars - L'EVEIL DE LA PERMACULTURE, documentaire, 2017
  • Mercredi 24 avril - HORS-PISTE, documentaire, 2016
  • Mercredi 29 mai - HIPPOCRATE, comédie dramatique, 2013
  • Mercredi 26 juin - GERONIMO, comédie dramatique, 2014
Vous êtes tous et toutes bienvenus aux séances du Cinéma français de l'UPT, sous-titré en roumain.
Brice Lecourt
Lecteur de français de l'UPT

19.11.2018: Vulcanus in Japan
Vulcanus in Japan started in 1997. The programme consists of industrial placements for EU* / COSME** students. It starts in September and ends in August of the following year in order to accommodate the academic year in EU Member States.
The students follow:
  • a one-week seminar on Japan,
  • a four-month intensive Japanese language course,
  • and then an eight-month traineeship in a Japanese company.
  • To study the range of advanced technologies employed by a leading Japanese host company.
  • To learn Japanese and to understand and appreciate Japanese culture with a view to an enriching one year experience abroad.
  • To be well placed in your future career to interact with Japanese businesses and people.
Who pays what
This programme is financed by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation and the Japanese host company. The EU* / COSME** students are awarded a grant (Yen 1.900.000) to cover the cost of travel to and from Japan and living expenses in Japan. There is no charge for the language course and seminar, and accommodation is provided free of charge during the course and seminar and the company traineeship.
Are you eligible?
You must be:
  • citizen of an EU Member-State * or a COSME ** partening country.
  • a student of engineering or science *** at an EU / COSME university, enrolled –at the  moment of application in between the 4thofficial year of studies and the penultimate year of PhD.
  • able to provide a certificate of enrollment at the university valid until at least 3 months prior to the starting of the programme
(**) Non EU ? Please check if your country has joined COSME and the agreement is “in force”. Then you can apply. (See here the status of your country & of the country of your university.)
(***) Computer science, science engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical, electronics, biotechnology, electrical engineering, physics, telecommunication, nuclear engineering, civil engineering, metal materials, ceramics, production system, GNSS …
Selection criteria
Applicants are short-listed on the basis of their academic record and the opinion of their tutors, their knowledge of written and spoken English, their motivation, their attitude to EU-Japan relations and their ability to adapt to a different culture. The final say lies with the Japanese host companies. (for more information: click here)
How to apply
Deadline to apply for session 2018/2019: passed
Deadline to apply for session 2019/2020: 20 January 2019

06.11.2018: Erasmus and DAAD stands at UPT's Career Days 
Students interested in studying or doing internships abroad will be able to get acquainted with the Erasmus+ and DAAD funding programs by visiting the dedicated stands at UPT's Career Days. The Career Days are held from 6 to 7 November, from 10:00 to 17:00, at the UPT Student Restaurant. We are looking forward to discussing your options!

23.10.2018: DAAD scholarhsips for the 2019-2020 academic year
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has launched a new call for applications for scholarships in Germany for students, graduates, PhD students and teachers from Romania's higher education and research institutions.
Language courses, master study programs and research internships are eligible for funding. DAAD provides financial support for study programs taught in German or English.
A synoptic table of the most important DAAD scholarships can be consulted at the following address: https://www.daad.de/imperia/md/content/informationszentren/ic-bukarest/stipendien/rumaenisch/daad_stipendien_kurz_19-20-ro.pdf.
For a full list of DAAD scholarships have a look at http://bit.ly/burseDAAD19-20.

09.05.2018: Erasmus+ guest lecturer from the Dominican Republic 
Between May 14th and 17th 2018, the students of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism will have the opportunity to participate in a workshop held by Dr. Magaly Caba, guest professor at UPT through the Erasmus + programme.

The Iberoamerican University of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, is a new international partner of UPT within this programme in the fields of architecture, management, computer engineering, civil engineering and mechanical engineering.

02.05.2018: Falling Walls Lab Romania
Outstanding researchers, entrepreneurs and professionals can as of now apply for the Falling Walls Lab Romania on 8 June 2018 to present their research work in 3 minutes. Applications are due by 8 May 2018.
In 2018, international Falling Walls Labs take place all over the world and call for the application of Bachelor and Master students, postdocs, young professionals, entrepreneurs and junior professors. Ground-breaking research projects, initiatives, ideas and business models from all disciplines are welcome.
The winner of every international Falling Walls Lab will be awarded a slot for the Falling Walls Lab Finale in Berlin on 8 November 2018 and a ticket to the Falling Walls Conference on 9 November 2018. In total 100 applicants qualify for the Finale in Berlin. Each finalist will receive the opportunity to present their research work, initiative or business model within three minutes in front of a high-calibre jury from academia, research and business. The three winners receive a cash prize and give their talks again on the grand stage of the Falling Walls Conference on the next day.
The aim of the Falling Walls Lab is to foster scientific and entrepreneurial innovations and to promote the exchange between outstanding scholars and professionals emerging from different fields of expertise.
The Falling Walls Lab Romania takes place on 8 June 2018 at Tranzit House, Cluj-Napoca. Applications can be submitted online until 8 May 2018. The Falling Walls Lab Romania is hosted by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and supported by the Falling Walls Foundation, the Bayer Foundations and Sartorius.
For further information and the online application form please visit www.falling-walls.com/lab
DAAD Romania
DAAD Bucharest
Str. Buzești nr. 61, bl.A6, ap. 59
011013 Bucharest, Romania
Email: falling-walls@daad.ro
Phone: +40 21 310 15 40

03.04.2018.  Fulbright Student Award to the United States 2019-2020
The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission is pleased to announce the 2019-2020 Fulbright Student Award competition for master’s study or research in the United States. Applicants can be Romanian graduates - BA, MA or PhD students - from accredited public and private universities. BA students are also invited to apply if they are in their final year of undergraduate study.

The Fulbright Student Award provides: international travel, tuition and university fees within established budget limits, books and supplies allowance, accident/sickness insurance and a living stipend for one academic year.
The applicants will be selected through open, merit-based competition to participate in quality graduate level programs in any academic field except the clinical ones (i.e. that include patient contact).

Grant duration: one academic year (9 months, starting August 2019)

Applicants must meet the following criteria:
  • have Romanian citizenship; green card holders and persons with dual (Romanian and U.S.) citizenship are ineligible;
  • hold at least a Bachelor's degree (BA students may apply if they are in their final year of undergraduate study);
  • have English proficiency;
  • if applying in law, applicants must hold a degree in that field.
Each applicant will be required to submit:
  • a complete online application (https://iie.embark.com/apply/ffsp), including all supplemental forms (see the left-side menu of the online application);
  • three letters of recommendation from university professors and/or other acknowledged Romanian or foreign professionals, submitted directly in the online application by referees or mailed as signed official paper copies (by May 14, 2018, postmarked); the letters of recommendations are also accepted via email (office@fulbright.ro) if they are sent directly by the recommenders as scanned signed documents.
  • academic transcripts and diplomas for all undergraduate and graduate levels, accompanied by translations, scanned and uploaded to the online application by May 14, 2018; official paper transcripts should be sent at a later date, only by those who are selected for interview; high-school transcripts and diplomas are not required.
Application deadline: May 14, 2018
Standardized tests are not obligatory in the first stages of the competition. Score reports will be required prior to November 27, 2018. Test vouchers for exam registration will be provided only to the Romanian final nominees who must take TOEFL (for research) and TOEFL, GRE or GMAT (for master’s degree).
Please refer to the Complete Online Application Instructions:
https://foreign.fulbrightonline.org/online-application-student-instructions (select Romania)
Note: Only online applications will be accepted. Incomplete applications lead to exclusion of the respective applicant from further selection process. Paper documents will not be returned.


The Student Fulbright Award provides: international travel, tuition and university fees within established budget limits as well as accident/sickness insurance and monthly maintenance allowance. The grant also offers books and supplies allowance depending on available funds.


Selection Steps:
  • applications are pre-screened;
  • the assessment of study/research projects is performed by Fulbright alumni and leading Romanian and U.S. scholars in the respective fields of knowledge;
  • the applicants recommended by reviewers will be invited to an interview carried out by a bi-national panel, in the first half of September;
  • the nominated finalists are subject to final approval by the Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB - http://eca.state.gov/fulbright).


The Institute of International Education in New York (IIE) will team up with the Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission in order to carry out the Romanian finalists’ admission and affiliation process to accredited U.S. universities.
The duration of the entire selection process is approximately 12 months; as a result, the Fulbright Student Award competition is advertised a year before the grant starts. Affiliation of the Fulbright Student Award finalists will be concluded in May-July. Exchanges will begin in August - September, the year following the application.
For further information, please send your inquiries to:

09.02.2018: Call for applications: cooperation projects with the EEA countries
Data regarding this call for applications is available in Romanian here.

23.11.2017: National holidays
Dear students and partners,
please note that the Department for International Relations, as well as all other services of Politehnica University of Timisoara, will be closed on November 30th (Saint Andrew's Day) and December 1st (Romania's National Day). 
Best regards,
Department for International Relations

16.11.2017: Bourses doctorales et postdoctorales "Eugen Ionescu" 2017-2018
L'appel à candidatures pour les bourses doctorales et postdoctorales "Eugen Ionescu" 2017-2018 a récemment été lancé: https://www.auf.org/europe-centrale-orientale/nouvelles/appels-a-candidatures/bourses-de-recherche-doctorale-postdoctorale-eugen-ionescu-2017-2018/
Délai de candidature : 14 janvier 2018.
Public cible : doctorants et enseignants-chercheurs de toutes disciplines, rattachés à une université du réseau AUF dans un pays de l'OIF et en Algérie (excepté la Roumanie) souhaitant effectuer un stage de 3 à 5 mois en Roumanie, dans un des 30 centres universitaires d'accueil.
Période de la mobilité : mars à juillet 2018.
Prise en charge : 
* allocation mensuelle de 1000 EUR pour le postdoctorat/800 EUR pour le doctorat
* transport aller-retour
* assurance santé-accident-rapatriement

18.10.2017: Days of Cooperation between UPT and the Republic of Serbia
Between October, 18th and 27th 2017, the Department for International Relations of Politehnica University of Timisoara carried out a series of activities meant to bring forward the close technological and academic relations between Romania and Serbia.
The event "Days of Cooperation between UPT and the Republic of Serbia" highlights the latest achievements in the academic field, namely the collaborations within the new Erasmus + KA107 programme with 4 major universities in the Republic of Serbia: University of Novi Sad, University of Belgrade, University of Kragujevac and University of Nis. The Erasmus+ KA107 - Mobility with Partner Countries programme allows students, academics and non-academic staff to carry out study, teaching or training mobility in fields of common interest, both to and from the four partner universities.
The event "Days of Cooperation between UPT and the Republic of Serbia" includes activities for students, as well as discussions, workshops and promotional activities for academic and non-academic staff of the partner universities of the Republic of Serbia on topics related to the Erasmus + program, research and curriculum development.
The participation in the Career Days of the guests from the Republic of Serbia is an opportunity to encourage both our students and the the local business environment to pursue future collaboration initiatives.
To learn more about this event:
1.      Poster
2.      Flyer
3.      Programme flyer
5.      Photos- set 1set 2

01.10.2017: UPT delegates at the EAIE Conference in Seville
Between thr 12th and 15th of September, the Annual Worldwide Conference organized by the European Association for the Internationalization of Education (EAIE) was held in Seville. Two universities from Timisoara attended the event together with 19 other Romanian universities under the StudyinRomania logo: Politehnica University of Timisoara and West University. The delegation was supported by the National Council of Rectors, and the Romanian delegation was accompanied by Professor Sorin Câmpeanu, CNR President.
The conference included an exhibition with the academic offer from different European countries as well as from countries from other continents. The atmosphere was dynamic, and youthful, the academic spirit intertwining with the friendship and the desire to develop new international partnerships in the academic field.
"The first day of the fair was very crowded. At 14:30 (Wednesday, September 13), Romania's reception took place at the exhibition where European and non-European Commission members were invited. In the evening, a meeting was held with the representatives of the Romanian community in Andalusia" said prof. Dr. Lia Dolga, Director of the Department for International Relations, UPT.
The opening of the conference was attended by national authorities and Spanish media.
The second day of the International Conference on the Internationalization of Education in Seville was full of Romanian events, where UPT directly involved. At the Romanian reception there were numerous present and future international partners of the Romanian universities.
At the Romanian stand, the guests were welcomed by its Excellency Gabriela DANCÄ‚U, Ambassador of Romania in Spain, Radu-Cătălin MARDARE, General Consul of Romania in Seville, officials of the Romanian Government and national education authorities (Gigel PARASCHIV, Secretary of State in the Ministry of National Education, Sorin CÂMPEANU, President of the Rectors' National Council, Adrian CURAJ, General Director UEFISCDI, Adrian GEORGESCU, Deputy Director Erasmus + National Agency), rectors and vice-rectors of the participating universities.
The UPT team held preparatory discussions of future international academic partnerships and presented its academic offer to Finnish, Peruvian, Colombian, Turkish, and Malay visitors.
During the evening a meeting with representatives of the Romanian communities in Andalusia was organised. Good hosts were again Gabriela DANCÄ‚U, Ambassador of Romania to Spain, State Secretaries from the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry for Romanians Abroad, national education authorities.
The UPT team enjoyed a beautiful surprise, a real reward for the efforts made in preparing well-trained graduates: the speaker on behalf of the Romanian communities in Andalusia, Daniel LEUCIAN PELE, was from the 1998 graduate cohort of Politehnica University of Timisoara, an dis currently occupying a key position in a regional firm in the field of energy system maintenance. Our alumni had many beautiful words about the training provided by UPT, which helped him to work professionally and to train new generations of energetic technicians.

10.03.2017: Invitation 20 years anniversary of Marie Sklodowska Curie fellowships
The European Commission celebrates the 20 years anniversary of Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowships through an event at USAMVB Timisoara, during 16 to 17 March: 20 Years of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: Past, Present & Future Career Development of Researchers.
In the past 20 years the European Commission has funded 100 000 Marie Sklodowska Curie research fellowships. USAMVB Timisoara has the privilege to host this anniversary event in Romania.
On the agenda are topics such as the current career development of researchers, preparing innovative PhD programmes at European level, Marie Sklodowska Curie fellowships, exchange of research staff and individual scholarships, themes that will be debated by academics and researchers from various universities in the country.
The event is of interest to teaching staff, PhD and post doctoral students. The conference agenda can be found here.
For organizational reasons, please register: https://goo.gl/8XY0FK

20.03.2016: Booklet published to celebrate the International Francophonie Day

By publishing the booklet "Politehnica University Timisoara - Francophone Experiences" the Department for International Relations marks this year's International Francophonie Day.
The booklet highlights achievements and crucial moments in the francophone history of our university and can be accessed here: http://www.upt.ro/img/file/Newsletter/UPT_Experiente%20Francofone2016.pdf.

09.11.2015: DIES ACADEMICUS 2015
The 11th of November marks the beginnings of Politehnica University of Timisoara. In 1920, King Ferdinand I signed the royal decree, founding the first higher education institution in Western Romania. Today we stand as a higher education institution of advanced research, recognized worldwide for the quality of our graduates, for our research results and for our global partnerships. Locally, we have contributed to the shaping of Timisoara’s identity and to the development of the community, and we have undertaken continuous efforts to support the economy.

During a week, between 9 and 13 of November, we will stop for 95 minutes within the festive ceremony, to celebrate the 95 years that have brought us where we stand today. The festive ceremony is part of a series of celebratory events carried out in accordance with this schedule.


    The European Central Bank is launching a new traineeship campaign in the Directorate General Information Systems. We are looking for candidates that have a bachelor’s degree or masterâ...
    The questionnaire has three main target groups: students participating in any type of mobility program starting in August 2021, international students enrolled in a full-time study progra...
    Students interested in doing an Erasmus+ or EEA grants placement at Politehnica University of Timisoara should contact us at incoming@upt.ro.
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