Proiect 2020-1-RO01-KA107-078472 (Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries) cu Azerbaijan, Belarus, Republica Dominicana, Georgia, India, Japoni...
   Proiect 2019-1-RO01-KA107-061891 (Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries) cu Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia si Hertegovina, Brazilia, Federatia R...
   Proiect 2018-1-RO01-KA107-047747 (Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries) cu Brazilia, Fiji, Georgia, Israel, Japonia, Maroc, Moldova, Rusia, ...
   Proiect 2017-1-RO01-KA107-036355 (Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries) cu Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia si Hertegovina, India, Indonezia, Jap...
   Proiect 2016-2-RO01-KA107-035265 (Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries) cu Maroc si Republica Dominicana - runda 2 (2016-2018)
   Proiect 2016-1-RO01-KA107-023584 (Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries) cu Bosnia si Hertegovina, Maroc, Moldova, Serbia - runda 1 (2016-2018)
   Proiect 2015-1-RO01-KA107-014626 (Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries) - Maroc, Moldova, Serbia (2015-2017)
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