Head of the Department for International Relations, Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator
Prof. univ. Dr. ec. Claudiu ALBULESCU
Address: 2 Piaţa Victoriei office 106 RO-300006 Timişoara
Tel: +40-256-403033

Erasmus+ Office
Lect. Dr. Claudia STOIAN, head of the Erasmus+ Office
Tel: +40-256-403174
Responsibilities: coordination of activities related to outgoing and incoming Erasmus+ students, academic and administrative staff; organisation and coordination of promotion activities and of Erasmus+ information campaigns within UPT; counseling the beneficiaries, supportting them in preparing their mobility files and carrying out their mobility; checking the mobility documents for accuracy and monitoring the flow of specific legal documents for outgoing Erasmus+ mobilities; synthesis of Erasmus+ financial information; management of outgoing Erasmus+ mobilities for academic and administrative staff; management of data regarding outgoing staff in Mobility Tool.
Tel: +40-256-403034
Responsabilities: administrative support for Erasmus+ KA103 outgoing students and graduates (information, selection, preparation of documents, ongoing contact with students and host universities, monitoring the progress of the mobilities, recognition, monitoring the flow of specific documents in electronic or printed format); promoting participation in the programme, information campaigns for outgoing students, creation of materials for disseminating the results; entering data into the Mobility Tool for outgoing Erasmus students; responsible for work health and safety, fire prevention.
Tel: +40-256-403034
Responsabilities: administrative support for the Erasmus+ programme  with partner countries (KA107): incoming and outgoing mobilities for students and staff (information, selection, preparation of the documentation, ongoing contact with outgoing and incoming beneficiaries and the home/host universities, monitoring the document flow and the mobilities, the correct movement of specific documents in electronic or printed format, conclusion and recognition); promoting the Erasmus+ KA107 programme, development of information campaigns, creation of materials to disseminate the KA107 results; specific data entry in the Mobility Tool; updating the UPT pages on studyportal.eu and studyinromania.gov.ro
Tel: +40-256-403134
Responsabilities: administrative support for incoming students and staff under the Erasmus+ KA103 and other international programmes or freemovers (information, preparation of the documents, maintaining contact with incoming beneficiaries and their home universities, monitoring the document flow and the mobilities, the correct movement of specific documents in electronic or printed format; promoting the Erasmus+ programme for incoming students; creation of materials to disseminate the results; implementing the SAMOB internal project.

Office for International Cooperation
Adriana IACOB
Tel: +40-256-403135
Responsabilities: management of cooperation agreements (Erasmus+ KA103, Erasmus+ KA107, framework cooperation agreements, double-degree agreements, etc.) with universities and foreign institutions; monitoring the partnerships and international academic networks, programs and educational projects other than Erasmus+ (including CEEPUS); cooperation with AUF (including E. Ionescu scholarships); promoting non-Erasmus scholarship programmes; administrative support for  long-term visiting teacher activities (excluding Erasmus+); implementing the EEA grants projects EY-MPO-0083 & 19-MOB-0025; updating the DRI website; managing the newsletter; translation.

Office for International Mobility
Andreea ROTARU
Tel: +40-256-403135
Responsabilities: handling the documents for the issuance of the Rector's Ordinance (other mobilities than Erasmus+); updating the database with staff and student mobilities abroad (excluding Erasmus +);  ISI programme administration; administration of international affiliations (EUA, AUE, AUF, AUDEM, BENA, EADTU, EATA, EDEN, EUBREN, IADI, etc); DRI internal registry and archives; document distribution within DRI; products and materials procurement (planning and reception).

Office for International Students
Loredana Maria MUSTĂŢEA 
Tel: +40-256-403187
Responsabilities: administrative support in the recruitment process, submission of applications, obtaining the acceptance letters, organizing the arrival and stay of foreign students, including Romanian ethnics from abroad, who enroll at UPT for full-degree programmes (providing information, handling their files and documents, registration, visas, accommodation, UPT accounts and cards, health insurance, contact with the relevant department of the Ministry of Education, monitoring the students); updating the database of foreign students; communication with the faculties, the Immigration Services.
Tel: +40-256-403187
Responsabilities: administrative support in the recruitment process, submission of applications, obtaining the acceptance letters, organizing the arrival and stay of foreign students, including Romanian ethnics from abroad, who enroll at UPT for full-degree programmes (providing information, handling their files and documents, registration, visas, accommodation, UPT accounts and cards, health insurance, contact with the relevant department of the Ministry of Education, monitoring the students); updating the database of foreign students; communication with the faculties, the Immigration Services.

International Relations promoters in the academic year 2020-2021:
Faculty Name E-mail
Automation and Computing Conf. Dr. ing. Ciprian-Bogdan CHIRILĂ chirila@cs.upt.ro
Architecture and Urban Planning Conf. Dr. arh. Cristian BLIDARIU cristian.blidariu@upt.ro
Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering Conf. Dr. ing. Cornelia-Veronica MUNTEAN cornelia.muntean@upt.ro
Civil Engineering Prof. Dr. ing. Sorin HERBAN sorin.herban@upt.ro
Electrical and Power Engineering Conf. Dr. ing. Attila SIMO attila.simo@upt.ro
Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies Ș.l. Dr. ing. Muguraș MOCOFAN muguras.mocofan@upt.ro
Engineering in Hunedoara Conf. Dr. ing. Sorin-Aurel RAȚIU sorin.ratiu@upt.ro
Management in Production and Transportation Conf. Dr. ing. Ilie TĂUCEAN ilie.taucean@upt.ro
Mechanical Engineering Conf. Dr. ing. Cosmin CODREAN cosmin.codrean@upt.ro
Communication Sciences Conf. Dr. Simona-Cristina ȘIMON simona.simon@upt.ro




   Internationalisation is a challenge, an opportunity, but also an essential condition for the development of the university. Specific activities of the department, location and how to reac...
   The newsletter of the Department for International Relations is issued once a month. To subscribe we kindly ask you to fill in the form at the bottom of the page. Please note that the new...
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Timisoara, Romania
Tel. +40 256 403034, Fax. +40 256 403033
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