- About the project
- Events
EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES - E3UDRES2 – Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions
E³UDRES² promotes the development of small and medium-sized cities and their rural environments into smart and sustainable regions and shapes a prosperous future with the best possible quality of life for self-determined people in a progressive European society.
It combines the knowledge, core competences, skills and shares resources of the following six higher education institutions:
- St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria)
- Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (Portugal)
- Polytechnical University Timisoara (Romania)
- Szent Istvan University Gödöllö (Hungary)
- UC Leuven Limburg (Belgium)
- Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Latvia)
NEW! Saxion University of Applied Sciences (https://www.saxion.edu/) and Fulda University of Applied Sciences (https://www.hs-fulda.de/en/home) have been accepted in E³UDRES² as associated partner universities, with the perspective of becoming full consortium partners in the near future.
NEW! Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (JAMK) (https://www.jamk.fi/en) from Finland will become the ninth partner in the E³UDRES² Alliance, extending our network to more than 100.000 students and 10.500 staff over nine European countries. As with Fulda and Saxion, JAMK will also join E³UDRES² as an associated partner and will become a full member from Autumn 2023 on, when the next phase of E³UDRES² (hopefully) starts.
E³UDRES² pursues the following strategic goals:
- Provide Challenge-Based Education, Mission-Oriented Research, Human-Centered Innovation, Open and Engaged Knowledge Exchange
- Build on in-depth scientific expertise and cross-disciplinary applied skills
- Shift to a European multi-university campus
- Empower, support and challenge creative talents for future work
- Act as an inclusive platform for collaborative open innovation
- Think and learn entrepreneurially
- Engage and interact with the local communities and economic environment
The main activities are grouped in 6 Work Packages (WPs), as below:
1. Management and Coordination
2. Future Universities as Drivers for Smart and Sustainable Regions
3. Learners & Educators
4. Researchers
5. Innovators and Entrepreneurs
6. Sustainability and Dissemination
The E³UDRES² multi-university campus promotes the mobility (both physical and virtual) of students at all levels, as well as, of both academic and non-academic staff. E³UDRES² enables students and staff to gain intercultural competences (including language competences) and broaden the perspective from regional to European.
The main expected results are:
- a co-created exemplary blueprint for a future university for smart and sustainable regions (WP1 & WP2)
- a training towards future universities for academic and non-academic staff (WP2)
- well-established I-Living Labs as role models for challenge-based learning with innovative methods (WP3)
- I-research networks to enable mission-oriented research and human-centered innovation in cross-disciplinary European groups (WP4)
- an I-cubator as part of the E³UDRES² Innovators and Entrepreneurs Programme (WP5)
- a strategy and a work schedule for open and engaged knowledge exchanges (WP6)
- tasks and measures to ensure widespread dissemination of E³UDRES² ideas, concepts and results (WP6)
- a co-created platform-oriented business model to guarantee the long-term sustainability of the alliance (WP6).
The project establishes I-Living-Labs for future universities and smart and sustainable regions. Again, the “I” stands for inspiring, innovative, intercultural, international, interdisciplinary, intersectoral, inclusive and intense. E³UDRES² adopts the concept of Living Labs for the development of “Future Universities”, as well as for smart and sustainable regions. The I-cubator is a specific programme for innovation and entrepreneurship aiming to promote regionally anchored and internationally connected innovation ecosystems for smart and sustainable regions.
The project will involve various stakeholders (students, staff, entrepreneurs, innovators, SMEs, ventures, policy makers, etc.) in co-ideation/co-design workshops to promote innovation ecosystems for smart and sustainable regions against the background of globalization, urbanization, digital transformation and disruptive technologies.
It will involve mobilities between all partners, different other events, scientific conferences or entrepreneurial presentations, visits to local companies, student and/or research activities.
It will encourage and support talents to transform their ideas into businesses that are regionally anchored but internationally connected. It will also increase the attractiveness of small and medium-sized cities and their rural regions for experienced innovators and companies who are willing to interact with regional ecosystems and acknowledge the potentials of smart and sustainable regions within the context of complex global challenges.
For this reason, E³UDRES² – the Engaged European Entrepreneurial University as a Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions - supports small and medium-sized cities and their rural surroundings areas and addresses their specific needs and challenges along a complex path towards a prosperous future European society. It follows the idea "From Europe – For Europe" by developing European solutions to regional problems in a globally connected world.
For more details about this initiative click on the logo of the project:

NEW! 7th International Workshop Digital skills for Education and Innovation
In this edition, national and international specialists, entrepreneurial students and company experts will present and debate current topics, and demonstrate through practical examples the impact that digital skills can have in education and how they can stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship. Participation is free.
Date: Friday, December 9, 2022, 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., K1 Amphitheater, UPT Conference Center – HYBRID
Details: https://elearning.upt.ro/ro/comunitate/digital-skills-for-education-innovation-international-workshop/
E.I.N.S Open Lecture 3: New future and the new entrepreneur generation
E.I.N.S Open Lectures is a series of eight lectures given by project experts, with the aim of improving entrepreneurship education and identifying challenges and opportunities for joint activities. The lectures are online, and are targeting students and employees.
Date: 24.11.2022
Registration: https://upt-ro.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MYgruoNbSz-NxbGXNd3Bzw
E³UDRES² Timisoara Meeting
Dates: 18 - 21 October 2022
Registration form: https://form.123formbuilder.com/6247656/form
Details: here
Third Edition of E³UDRES² I Living Labs
Dates: October – December 2022
Participants: students from all E³UDRES² universities
Teams consisting of: 6-14 people
E³UDRES² Hackathon 2022: Make your Europe & Make it Work
Registration deadline: 4th October 2022
Dates: 18 - 21 October 2022
• Developing Sustainable Food Products
• Design of a Booking Platform for Care Services
• Digital Technologies and Advanced Manufacturing
• Add Value in Musculoskeletal Healthcare
• Sustainable Tourism for a Mountain Valley
• Development of a Start-Up Village
1st E³UDRES² Bootcamp on "Smart Regions" (St. Jakob in Defereggen, Austria)
Dates: 04 – 08 July 2022
E³UDRES² Science Pub Quiz: Change cornEr Edition
Date: 14.04.2022, 19:00 - 20:30 CET 02.06.2022, 19:00 - 20:30 (CET)
E³UDRES² Change Corner
2nd E.I.N.S. Online Inspiring Chat on “Entrepreneurial Universities as Drivers for Innovation Ecosystems – Fact or Fiction?”
Date & time: 01.03.2022, 16:00 – 17:30 CET
Details: https://eudres.eu/eins-inspiring-chat
E³UDRES² Change cornEr
Change cornEr is a co-creation space in each of the six universities participating in E³UDRES². The Change Corner aims to connect the scientific community, students, authorities and the general public to raise awareness on the circular economy. To participate:
- Post your #example on Instagram as a picture, video or IG story and tag @eudreseuropeanuniversity. Content can also be emailed to office@eudres.eu to be featured!
- Use the hashtags #EUDRESchangecorner and #sustainablemobility
The best images will be featured on our social media and website!
Details: https://eudres.eu/changecorner
E.I.N.S. - E³UDRES² Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Smart and Sustainable European Regions
Partners: St Poelten University of Applied Sciences (coordinator), Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, UC Leuven-Limburg University of Applied Sciences, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, University Industry Innovation Network and Politehnica University Timisoara.
Period: July 2021 – July 2023
Details: https://eudres.eu/eins https://eit-hei.eu/app/uploads/2021/10/EIT-Project-Fact-Sheet-E.I.N.S.pdf
EINS Inspiring chat: entrepreneurial education
Online event moderated by Hannes Raffaseder.
Organised within E³UDRES² Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Smart and Sustainable European Regions.
Date: 31.01.2022, 15:00 – 17:30 CET
Details and registration: https://eudres.eu/eins-inspiring-chat
The new webpage of the E³UDRES² project has been created!
E³UDRES² Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Smart and Sustainable European Regions
The project is coordinated by St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences and will take place between 2021 and 2023. The consortium includes Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara, UC Leuven-Limburg, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal and University Industry Innovation Network.
E³UDRES² I-Living Labs
The "I" stands for inspiration, innovation, intercultural, international, interdisciplinary, inclusive, and intense.
E³UDRES² adopts the concept of Living Labs for the development of "Universities of the Future", as well as smart and sustainable regions. Living Labs are defined as user-centered open innovation ecosystems that integrate competing research and innovation processes in a public-private-people partnership. These I-Living-Labs are based on individual-centered learning techniques as well as open research and innovation environments that help I Living Lab stakeholders acquire and train future skills and co-create solutions to relevant challenges.
The approach consists of integrating research and innovation processes into real-life use cases involving interdisciplinary teams with experts from different stakeholders. I-Living-Labs applies design research methods and repeats the following main steps: Co-Ideation and Co-Creation, Exploration, Experimentation and Evaluation
14 students and 7 UPT employees are involved in the first edition of I-Living--Labs held between 8.11.2021 and 15.12.2021.
E³UDRES² Science Pub Quiz
Covering various topics from artificial intelligence to sustainability as well as general information about the European university alliance, the E³UDRES² Science Pub Quiz is a 60-minute online event created for everyone!
The next E³UDRES² Science Pub Quiz will take place on December 2nd, 2021 at 19:00 CET.
For more details and registration:
EUDRES meeting at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (18-20.10.2021)
During the meetings were presented news regarding the European Universities Initiative, was analyzed the first year of the project, and were discussed methods of optimizing the activity for the next two years of the project, paying particular attention to the medium and long-term impact of E³UDRES².
An interactive greeting card has been posted on the project page https://www.eudres.eu/ containing films and images from the activities organized in the first year of the project.
Politehnica University Timișoara was represented by a delegation composed of Conf. Dr. Eng. Florin Drăgan, Prof. Dr. Eng. Radu Vasiu, Prof. univ. Dr. Eng. Liviu Marșavina, Dr. Eng. Diana Andone, and Alexandru Iliescu.
Approval of the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) - Erasmus+ short term mobility Experiment in Art, Design & Technology
In this project 6-8 students from UPT will work together with students from the other E³UDRES² member universities to create something that combines art and technology. The program will take place partly online and partly face-to-face at UAS St. Pölten (16-20 May 2022).
Contact person at UPT: Prof. Dr. Eng. Radu Vasiu
Hack2Change - Smart and Sustainable Regions
Within the project EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES - E3UDRES2 - Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions the Smart and Sustainable Regions hackathon take place on September 23-24, 2021. Students and entrepreneurs are invited to find solutions to regional problems related to the circular economy, the human contribution to artificial intelligence or the well-being and active aging process.
The event will be organised online and the teams of participants will be coordinated by well-known mentors, familiar with the problems of the region they come from. The students of Politehnica University Timisoara are invited to participate in the event, having the opportunity to discover new things, to integrate international teams and to make their mark on the future of our European regions, all in the 36 hours of the event.
A series of prizes and artistic moments are available to the participants. More information can be found at https://eudres.eu/hackathon-2021. Registration of participants is open until September 12, 2021.
Imagine changing the future of your region, in only 36 hours!
Come and join Hack2Change!
International Virtual Tech Camp - Discover Innovation and Engineering in France
Deadline: 15.06.2021
Details: https://www.epf.fr/en/article/epf-virtual-tech-camp-2021
25 ideas for the future from St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences celebrates 25 years of activity by publishing an idea for the future every week
Details: https://www.fhstp.ac.at/en/about-us/25-years-uas-st-polten?utm_content=&set_language=en#!/en/WoqLKfZd/all-future-ideas/