EEA GRANTS 2019-2020 (PROJECT 18-MOB-0043)


Taking into account the measures adopted by the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations on March 9, 2020, namely "halting study programs as regards to experience exchange until March 31, 2020", all mobilities within the Erasmus +, the European Solidarity Corps and EEA grants programs are suspended until the aforementioned date. The news is published on the National Agency's website here: https://www.erasmusplus.ro/stire/vrs/IDstire/742

As far as possible, we advise you to keep open the option of postponing your mobility in agreement with your partner institutions. Further news on this topic will be posted here.


Working together for a green,competitive and inclusive Europe

Mobilities for students

Mobilities for teaching and administrative staff

Students from partner universities can apply for a study of traineeship mobility at Politehnica University of Timisoara.

In order to apply a student needs to be enrolled in the study cycles and in study programs compatible with the fields covered by the agreements.

A student can undertake a single EEA study mobility and a single EEA traineeship mobility during the 2014-2021 period.

Teaching and administrative staff from the partner universities can undertake teaching and / or training mobilities at Politehnica University of Timisoara.  

Only staff active in the areas covered by the agreements are eligible for these mobilities.

One staff member can undertake a single EEA teaching mobility and a single EEA training mobility during the 2014-2021 period.

List of places available for incoming study mobilities

List of places available for incoming traineeship mobilities

NEW! EEA grants placement offer for students from partner universities in Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein: Materials for the automotive industry (Materials, Insulating materials for reducing thermal losses on the intake system of internal combustion engines, Air filters for road vehicles)

NEW! EEA grants placement offer for students from partner universities in Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein: Advanced electric drives and electric machines systems for the energy efficient industry 4.0 (electrical engineering, factory automation,  renewal energy generation, electric powertrain design and testing, cement factory automation, variable speed pumping, Industrial informatics, industrial telecommunications, variable speed generators)

NEW! EEA grants placement offer for students from partner universities in Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein: Logistics and quality at ELBA  Timisoara

Student mobilities have the priority in terms of funding: at least 60% of the number of mobilities funded need to be student mobilities.

Administrative contact person (nomination, obtaining the required signatures for study/traineeship agreements, financial contract, payments, accommodation, enrollment, certificates):
Diana Bals-Diaconescu (see-ESAYEP@upt.ro)

Academic contact persons (details regarding the academic offers & mentors for incoming EEA students):

- IS REYKJAV05: Assist. Dr. eng. Rares HALBAC-COTOARA-ZAMFIR (rares.halbac-cotoara-zamfir@upt.ro);
- N MOLDE01: Prof. Dr. eng. Marian MOCAN (marian.mocan@upt.ro)
- N STAVANG09: Assist. Dr. eng. Rares HALBAC-COTOARA-ZAMFIR (rares.halbac-cotoara-zamfir@upt.ro);
- N TRONDHE01:  Prof. Dr. eng. Radu VASIU (radu.vasiu@upt.ro) - fields 061, J;
- N TRONDHE01:  Prof. Dr. eng. Liviu MARSAVINA (liviu.marsavina@upt.ro) - fields 0715, 0732, M;

List of places available for incoming teaching mobilities

List of places available for incoming training mobilities

Student mobilities have the priority in terms of funding: at least 60% of the number of mobilities funded need to be student mobilities.

Administrative contact person (nomination, obtaining the required signatures on teaching/training agreements, financial contract, payments, certificates):
Diana Bals-Diaconescu (see-ESAYEP@upt.ro)

Academic contact persons (details regarding the academic offer, planning of teaching/ training assignments for incoming EEA teaching/ administrative staff):

- IS REYKJAV05: Assist. Dr. eng. Rares HALBAC-COTOARA-ZAMFIR (rares.halbac-cotoara-zamfir@upt.ro);
- N MOLDE01: Prof. Dr. eng. Marian MOCAN (marian.mocan@upt.ro)
- N STAVANG09: Assist. Dr. eng. Rares HALBAC-COTOARA-ZAMFIR (rares.halbac-cotoara-zamfir@upt.ro);
- N TRONDHE01:  Prof. Dr. eng. Radu VASIU (radu.vasiu@upt.ro) - fields 061, J;
- N TRONDHE01:  Prof. Dr. eng. Liviu MARSAVINA (liviu.marsavina@upt.ro) - fields 0715, 0732, M;
- Moderno AS: Lect. Dr. arh. Cristian BLIDARIU (cristian.blidariu@upt.ro)

Selection calendar (ROUND 1)

Submission of applications:

24-26 June 2019


27 June 2019


28 June 2019


1 July 2019

For this project, at least one of the following must be included: curriculum development, improvement of pedagogical skills, creation of a new course or chapter within existing courses).

Application, selection, nomination

Application - Students apply at their home university for EEA mobilities. The application file includes: transcript of records, letter of intent, language certificate.

Students will be selected by the universities where they are enrolled. The selection process shall ensure transparency, equal opportunities and avoidance of conflicts of interests (in setting up selection committees and awarding funding procedures). For study mobility, the student in the 1st cycle shall be enrolled at least in the second year of study. For traineeship this condition does not apply. Recent graduates are eligible for traineeships under the following condition: they are selected before the graduation and the mobility takes place within 12 months after graduation.

Prior to the selection contest the selection committee shall be approved. The whole process (starting with the internal Call for Proposals and ending with publication of results and treatment of appeals and complaints) shall be documented and sent out to Politehnica University of Timisoara to be easily checked by the National Agency, either during on the spot visits or during desk checks.

The internal Call for Proposals will contain at least the following information: the application procedure (deadlines, documents to be included in the application), the selection criteria and their weight in the final score (including priority points for disadvantaged people), the estimated number of places available per countries and universities, the planning of the process (dates of selection interviews, date for publication of results), the appeal procedure, the level of the grant. The Call shall be published on the website of the university and promoted on the largest scale possible (advertised in all the relevant faculties, via student organisations, Facebook, etc).

The selection criteria are according to the rules of the programme:
- academic results - 20% of the total score
- letter of intent - 20% of the total score
- interview - to confirm the information given in the letter of intent and to assess the attitude towards a potential mobility in the chosen country - 40 % of the total score
- relevant linguistic competences - 20% of the total score
- Roma students, students with special needs or with a socio-economic disadvantaged background will get additional priority points, amounting to 20% of the maximum possible score.

All the original selection documents will be submitted to Politehnica University of Timisoara which - according to the rules of the programme - needs to present them to the National Agency during monitoring visits or on-the-spot checks.

Nomination - The nomination is done by e-mail to see-ESAYEP@upt.ro and will include: full name of the student, type of mobility, study cycle, field of the mobility, period of the exchange and the e-mail of the student.

Application, selection, nomination

Application - Staff members apply at their home university for EEA mobilities. The application file includes a letter of intent, which shall include the Work Programme of the planned activities.

The sending university is responsible for the selection of its outgoing staff members.

The selection process shall ensure transparency, equal opportunities and avoidance of conflicts of interests (in setting up selection committees and awarding funding procedures). Prior to the selection contest the selection committee shall be approved. The whole process (starting with the internal Call for Proposals and ending with publication of results and treatment of appeals and complaints) shall be documented and sent out to Politehnica University of Timisoara to be easily checked by the National Agency, either during on the spot visits or during desk checks.

The internal Call for Proposals will contain at least the following information: the application procedure (deadlines, documents to be included in the application), the selection criteria and their weight in the final score (including priority points for disadvantaged people), the estimated number of places available per countries and universities, the planning of the process (dates of selection interviews, date for publication of results), the appeal procedure, the level of the grant. The Call shall be published on the website of the university and promoted on the largest scale possible (advertised in all the relevant faculties, Facebook, etc).

For teaching and non-teaching staff, the selection will be based on the letter of intent. The selection will take into account the relevance of the proposed mobility to the institutional development needs of the university of origin and to strengthening the bilateral relations.

Nomination - After the selection is complete,  the full name of the selected staff member, his/her e-mail, type, field and period of mobility should be sent to  see-ESAYEP@upt.ro to prepare the mobility.


EEA grants for studies and traineeships amount to 1000 EUR/month. For incomplete months, a grant of 33 EUR/day will be paid.

The financial support for travel expenses is based on the distance between the partner universities, and amounts to:
- 275 EUR for N STAVANG09;
- 360 EUR for N TRONDHE01, N MOLDE01;
- 530 EUR for IS REYKJAV05.

The grants are meant to cover the difference between the living costs in the two countries. EEA grants can not be used to fund expenses already covered through other national or international programmes.

EEA students are exempt from tuition fees or fees for enrolment, exams and access to laboratories and libraries in the hosting institution. During the EEA study/traineeship period abroad, the students will continue to receive any scholarships or loans that they were benefiting from already in their country of origin.


EEA grants for teaching and training amount to 150 EUR/day, 750EUR/week and 1250 EUR/2 weeks. Travel days (one day before and one day after the mobility) are funded as well with 150 EUR/day.

The financial support for travel expenses is based on the distance between the partner universities, and amounts to:
- 275 EUR for N STAVANG09;
- 360 EUR for N TRONDHE01, N MOLDE01;
- 530 EUR for IS REYKJAV05.

The grants are meant to cover the difference between the living costs in the two countries. EEA grants can not be used to fund expenses already covered through other national or international programmes.

Special needs support

Students and staff with special needs can request a specific additional grant, after being selected for a mobility period. Financial support for students/staff with special needs (including costs with a potential accompanying person) must be motivated in a official notification sent by Polithenica University of Timisoara to the National Agency. This notification must have attached:
- the declaration of student/staff regarding the additional cost requested;
- the declaration of accompanying person regarding additional costs requested (if it is the case);
- the copy of medical report confirming the special need of the student/staff.

Additional costs related to participants with special needs and costs related to accompanying persons (if needed), approved by the National Agency, will be reimbursed 100% based on real costs. The student or staff member who receives special needs support will submit invoices mentioning the name and address of the issuing institution, the amount, currency, date, proof of payment of the invoice, documentation confirming the special needs in order to be reimbursed.

Duration and period of mobilities

All mobilities will take place between 01.06.2019 – 30.09.2020. EEA mobilities will be included in the Diploma Supplement.

The minimum duration of a study mobility is 3 months. The maximum duration is the one mentioned in the list of available places above.

The minimum duration of a traineeship mobility is 2 months. The maximum duration is the one mentioned in the list of available places above.

Duration and period of mobilities

All mobilities will take place between 01.06.2019 – 30.09.2020.

The minimum duration of a mobility is 2 consecutive working days (excluding travel time). the maximum duration is the one mentioned in the list of available places above. A minimum of 8 teaching hours per week or per any shorter period of stay are a requirement of the EEA programme.

Evolution of the file for studies or traineeship mobilities


Phase 1. Application

1. Transcript of records, letter of intent, language certificate

2. Request for special needs support (if eligible)

3. Selection protocol

4. Nomination

Phase 2. Before the mobility

5. Copy of identity document

6. Invitation letter - will be issued by UPT

7. Learning agreement for studies or Learning agreement for traineeships - initially it will be signed in electronic form. Two (2) copies with the original signature of the home university will be submitted by the student upon arrival at UPT

8. Bank account (statement from the bank confirming the owner and the details of the EUR account: IBAN, BIC/SWIFT, name and address of the bank)

9. Accommodation form

10. Medical, civil responsibility and accident insurance

11. Financial contract - issued by UPT and signed within 30 days before the start of the mobility

12. Payment of the first instalment of the grant (80%) by UPT

Phase 3. After the mobility

13. Certificate of attendance

14. Transcript of Records or Traineeship Certificate

15. Recognition of academic results. For the participating students (EEA students), the university of origin shall ensure full recognition of the mobility period and its outcomes, using the ECTS system. Recognition shall be made on the basis of the Learning/Traineeship agreement, approved by all parties before the start of the mobility. The EEA mobility period shall also be included in the Diploma Supplement. In the special case of a traineeship period that is not part of the student’s curriculum, the sending institution will recognise this traineeship at least by including it in the Diploma Supplement.

16. Narative report and 2-3 photos for dissemination activities

17. Online feedback form - the link will be sent by e-mail

18. Declaration regarding the avoidance of double-funding

19. Proof of transportation (boarding pass)

20. Payment of the second instalment of the grant (20%) by UPT

Evolution of the file for teaching or training mobilities


Phase 1. Application

1. Letter of intent, which shall include the Work Programme of the planned activities

2. Request for special needs support (if eligible)

3. Selection protocol

4. Sending the contact details of the selected people

Phase 2. Before the mobility

5. Copy of identity document

6. Invitation letter - will be issued by UPT

7. Teaching agreement or training agreement - initially it will be signed in electronic form. Two (2) copies with the original signature of the staff member and the home university will be submitted by the staff member on arrival at UPT. It is recommended to include one or two of the following objectives: reduction of school drop-out in technical fields; development of an entrepreneurial learning mind-set; slowing down unnecessary economic migration and the demographic depopulation of disadvantaged areas; acceleration of the integration of educational spaces at regional, national and European level.

8. Bank account (statement from the bank confirming the owner and the details of the EUR account: IBAN, BIC/SWIFT, name and address of the bank)

9. Medical insurance

10. Financial contract - issued by UPT and signed within 30 days before the start of the mobility

11. Payment of the first instalment of the grant (80%) by UPT

Phase 3. After the mobility:

12. Certificate of attendance

13. Narative report and 2-3 photos for dissemination activities

14. Online feedback form - the link will be sent by e-mail

15. Declaration regarding the avoidance of double-funding

16. Proof of transportation (boarding pass)

17. Payment of the second instalment of the grant (20%) by UPT

The financial support received from the EEA grants programme will be mentioned in any document published and diseminated, on any product or declaration made, and on every interview given regarding activities related to the EEA mobility, together with the disclaimer "This (select or insert the most adequate for your purpose) article/ document/ publication was realised with the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 financial support. Its content (text, photos, videos) does not reflect the official opinion of the Programme Operator, the National Contact Point and the Financial Mechanism Office. Responsibility for the information and views expressed therein lies entirely with the author(s)."

EEA Grants - 2018 Guide for Mobility Projects in Higher Education

Communication and design manual EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021

Narrative reports of participants:




Material made with the financial support of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 - 2021. Its content (text, photos, video) does not reflect the official opinion of the Program Operator, the National Contact Point or of the Office of the Financial Mechanism. The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the author(s).


   Call for applications, forms, deadlines, value of the grants, contact people
   Call for applications, forms, deadlines, value of the grants, contact people
   A new call for applications for strategic cooperation projects that seek to modernize or innovate the curricula (with intellectual outputs) and small size cooperation projects (without in...
   Call for applications, forms, deadlines, value of the grants, contact people
   EEA grants archive
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