The ERASMUS Intensive Language Courses (EILC) are specialised courses in the less widely used and less taught languages organised in the countries where these languages are used as teaching languages at higher education institutions. The languages English, German, French and Spanish (Castilian) are not eligible for EILC.
The EILCs take place in the following countries for the eligible languages in brackets: Belgium (Dutch), Bulgaria (Bulgarian), Croatia (Croatian), Cyprus (Greek), Czech Republic (Czech), Denmark (Danish), Estonia (Estonian), Finland (Finnish and Swedish), Greece (Greek), Hungary (Hungarian), Iceland (Icelandic), Italy (Italian), Latvia (Latvian), Lithuania (Lithuanian), Malta (Maltese), the Netherlands (Dutch), Norway (Norwegian), Poland (Polish), Portugal (Portuguese), Romania (Romanian), Slovakia (Slovak), Slovenia (Slovenian), Spain (Catalan , Valencian, Basque and Galician), Sweden (Swedish), Switzerland (Italian) and Turkey (Turkish).
Organising institutions and course descriptions can be found on the website of the National Agencies of the countries where ERASMUS Intensive Language Courses take place. Please follow the direct links to the websites of the National Agencies.
Students apply for participation in an EILC through their home institution.
The selection of EILC students is the joint responsibility of the EILC organising institutions and the National Agency in the host country.
Applications shall be submitted electronically to the students' home institution, which will be responsible for forwarding the application to the EILC organising institution directly or to the National Agency of the EILC organising institution. Erasmus students should contact their home institution, the EILC host institution or the National Agency for further information.