


Application process

1. Am I eligible?
In order to be eligible you must cumulatively meet the following conditions:
a) You must be enrolled in a study programme leading to a recognized Bachelor, Master or PhD degree at one of the partner institutions of Politehnica University Timisoara, in a study field foreseen in the bilateral Erasmus+ agreement:

Country City University  UPT Dep. Coordinator Study field code Field Max. no. of students* Max. no. of months (total)

Study level

Morocco Agadir Universite Ibn Zohr POP
Mirela Cristina
023 Languages 2 10 Bachelor


Chişinău Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei STRATAN
0732 Building and civil engineering 1 4 Bachelor
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade LELEA
0711 Chemical engineering and processes 2 8 Bachelor, Master, PhD
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade LELEA
0712 Environmental protection technology Bachelor, Master, PhD
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade LELEA
0715 Mechanics and metal trades Bachelor, Master, PhD
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade CRIŞAN
0732 Building and civil engineering 3 15 Bachelor, Master
Serbia Kraljevo University of Kragujevac HERIŞANU Nicolae 0715 Mechanics and metal trades 2 6 Master, PhD
Serbia Niš University of Niš HERIŞANU Nicolae 0712 Environmental protection technology 2 10 Bachelor, Master, PhD
Serbia Niš University of Niš ALIC
Carmen Inge
0715 Mechanics and metal trades 2 10 Bachelor, Master
Serbia Novi Sad University of Novi Sad HERIŞANU Nicolae 0715 Mechanics and metal trades 1 5 Bachelor
Serbia Novi Sad University of Novi Sad ALIC
Carmen Inge
0715 Mechanics and metal trades 2 10 Master, PhD

*The maximum number of mobilities mentioned here-above is the maximum number included in the bilateral agreement. The number of places which will be opened for selection will depend on the funding received from the National Agency.

b) You must demonstrate a good knowledge of the language in which you wish to study (Romanian, English and/or French – according to the planned study programme).
c) You must comply with the rules of the programme regarding the minimum and maximum duration of the mobility. The minimum period for a study mobility is 3 months.

2. What documents does the application file contain?
a. Application form
b. Transcript of records (authorized translation or document endorsed by the sending university) for the years of study of the current study cycle prior to the mobility
c. Document issued by the sending university in which the position of the student in the academic ranking of the study cycle is mentioned (xth place out of the total number of students)
d. Motivation letter written in Romanian, English or French
e. Language proficiency certificate for the language in which the mobility will take place, if the latter is different from the language of study at the sending university

The documents will be analysed by the Department of International Relations of the sending university.

3. What are the application deadlines?

Application files will be submitted at the latest one working day before the day of the interview mentioned below:

University Interview Local contact person
University of Novi Sad
05.11.2015 (0715, 0712)
10.11.2015 (0715, 071)
Dipl. ing. MSc. Vladimir Todorović
Head of the International Relations Office
Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 21000 Novi Sad
E-mail: vladimir.todorovic@uns.ac.rs
University of Kragujevac 06.11.2015

Prof. Dr. Zlatan Šoškic
Vicedean for Scientific Research and International Cooperation
Dositejeva 19 et. 4, 36000 Kraljevo
E-mail: erasmus.plus@mfkv.kg.ac.rs

University of Belgrade


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:
Prof. Dr. Nenad Zrnić, Dipl. Ing.
Vicedean for International Cooperation
Kraljice Marije 16, 11000 Belgrad
E-mail: proint@mas.bg.ac.rs

Faculty of Civil Engineeringi:
Asist. univ. Miroslav Marjanović,
Institutional Coordinator
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Belgrad
E-mail: mmarjanovic@grf.bg.ac.rs

University of Niš 06.11.2015 - 0715
27.11.2015 - 0712

Dr. Vesna Lopičić
Vicerector for International Relations
University of Nis, Univerzitetski trg 2, 18000 Nis
E-mail: vesna.lopicic@ni.ac.rs

Dna. Jelena Čivljak,
Senior Officer for International Relations
University of Nis, Univerzitetski trg 2, 18000 Nis
E-mail: civljak@ni.ac.rs

Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei 15.12.2015

Tatiana Lucinschi
Head of the Department for Internatioanl Cooperation
bd. Ştefan cel Mare, 168, biroul 1-202, 1-204
E-mail: lucinschi.t@mail.utm.md

Lecturer Anatolie Taranenco
Head of the Chair for Buildings and Structural Mechanics
bd. Dacia, 41, corpul de studii nr. 10
E-mail: anatolcms@yahoo.com

Universite Ibn Zohr 14.12.2015 Prof. Youness Belahsen
Dean of Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Ouarzazate
E-mail: ybelahsen@gmail.com

Selection process

1. What are the selection criteria?
a. Average grade of the years of study completed prior to the mobility during the current study cycle (0-20 points). In the case of PhD students marks will be converted into grades.
b. Linguistic skills (0-30 points). 10 points will be awarded to students who wish to study in Romanian. Depending on the level of proficiency, points will be awarded as follows: A1 - 10 points, A2 - 12 points, B1 - 14 points, B2 - 16 points, C1 - 18 points, C2 - 20 points
c. Assessment of the motivation letter (0-20 points)
d. Interview with the selection board (0-30 points)
e. In the case of a tie between two or more candidates, the candidate with the higher position in the academic ranking, as demonstrated by the document mentioned above at point 2. c, will be selected.

2. How is the selection organized?
The selection of Erasmus+ students from partner countries will be done based on each inter-institutional agreement, within the limit of the approved number of places and funding. The application files will be submitted to the sending organisation at the latest 1 day before the interview. The interview will be done by the selection board comprising the departmental coordinator from UPT, the departmental coordinator from the sending institution and a representative of the Department for International Relations from the sending institution.

For the academic year 2015-2016 the following places will be open for selection:

Country City Partner university UPT dep. coordinator Field code Field Places available              
Morocco Agadir Universite Ibn Zohr POP
Mirela Cristina
023 Languages 2 students- 152 days each (Bachelor)


Chişinău Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei STRATAN
0732 Building and civil engineering 1 student - 122 days (Bachelor)
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade LELEA
0711 Chemical engineering and processes

1 student - 116 days (Bachelor)

2 students- 139 days each (Master)

1 student - 132 days (PhD)**

0712 Environmental protection technology
0715 Mechanics and metal trades
0732 Building and civil engineering
Serbia Kraljevo University of Kragujevac HERIŞANU
0715 Mechanics and metal trades 1 student - 139 days (Master)
Serbia Niš University of Niš HERIŞANU
0712 Environmental protection technology 1 student - 132 days (PhD)
Carmen Inge
0715 Mechanics and metal trades 1 student - 116 days (Bachelor)
Serbia Novi Sad University of Novi Sad HERIŞANU
0715 Mechanics and metal trades 1 student - 116 days (Bachelor)
Carmen Inge
0715 Mechanics and metal trades 1 student - 139 days (Master)

** For this mobility PhD students from the field 0732 can not be selected.

After the interview the Selection Board will fill in a selection contest report with the points awarded to the candidates. The candidates with the highest number of points will be selected, while the applicants ranked lower will be put on a waiting list or rejected.

Applicants would like to appeal the selection results can submit a contestation by e-mail to incoming@upt.ro within 48 hours of the publication of the results. The contestations will be analysed by a board appointed by the Rector of UPT.

What is the value of the grant?

The value of the Erasmus+ grants for incoming students is 25 EUR/day.  The maximum duration of the mobilities which can be funded in the academic year 2015-2016 is mentioned in the table above.

To cover the travel costs between the home and the host university the Erasmus+ programme provides the following travel grants (lump sum):
•    Morocco (Agadir)– 530 EUR
•    Moldova (Chişinău)– 275 EUR
•    Serbia (Belgrade, Kraljevo, Nis, Novi Sad) – 180 EUR.
The value of the travel grant takes into consideration the distance between the partner universities.

I've been selected. What should I do now? 

1. Fill in the accommodation form (optional, only if you would like to stay in a student residence).

2. Fill in the learning agreement. This document will be provided by UPT, and needs to be approved by the student, the home university and the host university before the beginning of the mobility.

3. Start the procedures for obtaining the visa for Romania. The UPT's Department for International Relations will issue an acceptance letter confirming the selection as an Erasmus+ student in order to support the visa application process. Please start the visa application procedures as soon as possible.

4. Plan your trip to Timişoara. Train / bus / plane tickets need to be bought directly by the students.

Contact person: Diana BALŞ-DIACONESCU



Application file:
a) CV – written in Romanian, English or French
b) Language certificate (if the language of the mobility is different from the working language at the sending institution)
c) Summary of prior cooperation activities with UPT (max. 1 page) – if any
d) Draft teaching / training programme. Only teaching / training mobilities in the fields mentioned in the agreement can be approved:

INCOMING teaching mobilities :

Country City Partner university Departmental coordinator at UPT Field code Teaching field Max. no. of mobilities* Max. no. of days (total)
Morocco Agadir Universite Ibn Zohr POP Mirela-Cristina 023 Languages 2 10
Moldova Chişinău Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei STRATAN Aurel 0732 Building and civil engineering 1 7
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade LELEA Dorin 0711 Chemical engineering and processes 2 14
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade LELEA Dorin 0712 Environmental protection technology
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade LELEA Dorin 0715 Mechanics and metal trades
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade CRISAN Andrei 0732 Building and civil engineering 2 14
Serbia Kraljevo University of Kragujevac HERISANU Nicolae 0715 Mechanics and metal trades 5 35
Serbia Niš University of Niš ALIC Carmen Inge 0715 Mechanics and metal trades 1 7
Serbia Novi Sad University of Novi Sad HERISANU Nicolae 0715 Mechanics and metal trades 1 5
Serbia Novi Sad University of Novi Sad ALIC Carmen Inge 071 Engineering and engineering trades 2 10

 INCOMING training mobilities:

Country City Partner university Departmental coordinator at UPT Field code Training field Max. no. of mobilities* Max. no. of days (total)
Maroc Agadir Universite Ibn Zohr POP Mirela-Cristina 023 Languages 2 10
Moldova Chişinău Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei STRATAN Aurel 0732 Building and civil engineering 1 7
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade LELEA Dorin 0711 Chemical engineering and processes 2 14
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade LELEA Dorin 0712 Environmental protection technology
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade LELEA Dorin 0715 Mechanics and metal trades
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade CRISAN Andrei 0732 Building and civil engineering 2 14
Serbia Kraljevo University of Kragujevac HERISANU Nicolae 0715 Mechanics and metal trades 5 35
Serbia Niš University of Niš HERISANU Nicolae 0712 Environmental protection technology 2 14
Serbia Niš University of Niš ALIC Carmen Inge 0715 Mechanics and metal trades 1 7
Serbia Novi Sad University of Novi Sad ALIC Carmen Inge 071 Engineering and engineering trades 1 5

*The maximum number of mobilities mentioned here-above is the maximum number mentioned in the bilateral agreement. The number of places which will be opened for selection will depend on the funding received from the National Agency.

The application file will be submitted at the latest 1 day before the interview at the Department for International Relations of the sending university.

Selection board:
a) One teaching staff member from the sending organisation
b) The departmental coordinator from UPT
c) A representative of the Department for International Relations from the sending organisation

Selection criteria:
a) Interview (0-30 points)
b) Quality of the draft teaching/training programme (0-30 points)
c) Compatibility with the activities carried out in UPT (0-30 points)
d) Prior cooperation activities with UPT (0-10 points)

Application deadlines

Application files will be submitted at the latest one working day before the day of the interview mentioned below:

University Interview Local contact person
University of Novi Sad
05.11.2015 (0715, 0712)
10.11.2015 (0715, 071)
Dipl. ing. MSc. Vladimir Todorović
Head of the International Relations Office
Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 21000 Novi Sad
E-mail: vladimir.todorovic@uns.ac.rs
University of Kragujevac 06.11.2015

Prof. Dr. Zlatan Šoškic
Vicedean for Scientific Research and International Cooperation
Dositejeva 19 et. 4, 36000 Kraljevo
E-mail: erasmus.plus@mfkv.kg.ac.rs

University of Belgrade


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:
Prof. Dr. Nenad Zrnić, Dipl. Ing.
Vicedean for International Cooperation
Kraljice Marije 16, 11000 Belgrad
E-mail: proint@mas.bg.ac.rs

Faculty of Civil Engineeringi:
Asist. univ. Miroslav Marjanović,
Institutional Coordinator
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Belgrad
E-mail: mmarjanovic@grf.bg.ac.rs

University of Niš 06.11.2015 pentru 0715
27.11.2015 pentru 0712

Dr. Vesna Lopičić
Vicerector for International Relations
University of Nis, Univerzitetski trg 2, 18000 Nis
E-mail: vesna.lopicic@ni.ac.rs

Dna. Jelena Čivljak,
Senior Officer for International Relations
University of Nis, Univerzitetski trg 2, 18000 Nis
E-mail: civljak@ni.ac.rs

Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei 15.12.2015

Tatiana Lucinschi
Head of the Department for Internatioanl Cooperation
bd. Ştefan cel Mare, 168, biroul 1-202, 1-204
E-mail: lucinschi.t@mail.utm.md

Lecturer Anatolie Taranenco
Head of the Chair for Buildings and Structural Mechanics
bd. Dacia, 41, corpul de studii nr. 10
E-mail: anatolcms@yahoo.com

Universite Ibn Zohr 14.12.2015 Prof. Youness Belahsen
Dean of Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Ouarzazate
E-mail: ybelahsen@gmail.com

Places available for the academic year 2015-2016:

INCOMING teaching mobilities:

Country City Partner university Departmental coordinator at UPT Field code Field No. of mobilities No. of teaching days (total)** No. of transportation days (total)
Morocco Agadir Universite Ibn Zohr POP
023 Languages 2 10 2
Moldova Chişinău Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei STRATAN
0732 Building and civil engineering 1 7 2
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade LELEA
0711 Chemical engineering and processes 2 10 3
0712 Environmental protection technology
0715 Mechanics and metal trades
0732 Building and civil engineering
Serbia Kraljevo University of Kragujevac HERISANU Nicolae 0715 Mechanics and metal trades 1 5 2
Serbia Niš University of Niš ALIC
Carmen Inge
0715 Mechanics and metal trades 1 5 2
Serbia Novi Sad University of Novi Sad HERISANU Nicolae 0715 Mechanics and metal trades 2 11 3
Carmen Inge
071 Engineering and engineering trades


INCOMING training mobilities:

Country City Partner university Departmental coordinator at UPT Field code Field No. of mobilities No. of training days (total)** No. of transportation days (total)
Morocco Agadir Universite Ibn Zohr POP Mirela-Cristina 023 Languages 2 10 4
Moldova Chişinău Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei STRATAN Aurel 0732 Building and civil engineering 1 7 2
Serbia Belgrade University of Belgrade LELEA Dorin 0711 Chemical engineering and processes 2 12 2
0712 Environmental protection technology
0715 Mechanics and metal trades
0732 Building and civil engineering
Serbia Kraljevo University of Kragujevac HERISANU Nicolae 0715 Mechanics and metal trades 2 10 4
Serbia Niš University of Niš HERISANU Nicolae 0712 Environmental protection technology 1 7 2
Serbia Novi Sad University of Novi Sad ALIC
Carmen Inge
071 Engineering and engineering trades 1 5 2

 ** Total number of working days. Non-working days (holidays, weekends) will not be funded, unless they coincide with the international travelling dates.

After the interview the Selection Board will fill in a selection contest report.

Applicants would like to appeal the selection results can submit a contestation by e-mail to incoming@upt.ro within 48 hours of the publication of the results. The contestations will be analysed by a board appointed by the Rector of UPT.

Erasmus+ grants

The value of the Erasmus+ grants for incoming students and staff is as follows:
•    Incoming study mobilities: 25 EUR/day
•    Incoming teaching mobilities: 140 EUR/day
•    Incoming training mobilities: 140 EUR/day

The maximum duration of the mobilities which can be funded in the academic year 2015-2016 is mentioned in the table above. The grants for staff mobilities are awarded for working days (Monday to Friday, excluding national holidays) and for travel days.

To cover the travel costs between the home and the host university the Erasmus+ programme provides the following travel grants (lump sum):
•    Morocco (Agadir): 530 EUR
•    Moldova (Chişinău): 275 EUR
•    Serbia (Belgrade, Kraljevo, Nis, Novi Sad): 180 EUR.
The value of the travel grant takes into consideration the distance between the partner universities. The plane / train / bus tickets need to be bought by the participants themselves.

Contact person: Diana BALŞ-DIACONESCU

Impact and disemination

Mobility reports from incoming students:

Exceptional results:

Page dedicated to the project on the European Commission platform



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    Project 2017-1-RO01-KA107-036355 (Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries).
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   Project 2016-1-RO01-KA107-023584 (Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries).
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