26.07.2023 - 15.12.2023



  1. Pentru mobilitățile de formare: după ce un angajat UPT este acceptat de către universitatea parteneră, acesta își va depune candidatura pentru finanțarea Erasmus+ la DRI urmând instrucțiunile de pe pagina aceasta. Pentru universitățile care solicită nominalizarea UPT în urma unei preselecții persoana de contact de la UPT este Lect. Dr. Claudia STOIAN (claudia.stoian@upt.ro).
  2. Pentru mobilitățile de predare: domeniile eligibile și numărul maxim de mobilități sunt menționate în acordul bilateral. Luați legătura cu coordonatorul acordului și Lect. Dr. Claudia STOIAN (claudia.stoian@upt.ro) pentru a verifica disponibilitatea locurilor pe care urmează să candidați, și urmați instrucțiunile de pe pagina aceasta după ce sunteți acceptat de universitatea parteneră.
Universitatea parteneră Perioada mobilității Tip de mobilitate Domenii eligibile conform acordului Erasmus+ Descriere Termen limită
NOU! Université Catholique de Lille (F LILLE11) se va stabili de comun acord


0410 - Business and administration not further defined (1 cadru didactic, 5 zile)

0521 - Ecology (1 cadru didactic, 5 zile)

0610 - Information and Communication Technologies not further defined (1 cadru didactic, 5 zile)

0715 - Mechanics and metal trades (max. 2 cadre didactice X 5 zile fiecare)

Limba de predare: franceză sau engleză

Universitatea parteneră încurajează mobilitățile hibride și cele virtuale.

Lista tematicilor pentru care acceptă candidaturi în anul universitar 2023-2024: aici.

candidaturile sunt acceptate pe tot parcursul anului universitar 2023-2024
NOU! INSA Lyon (F LYON12) 11-12.10.2023 Formare

0714 - Electronics and automation

0719 - Materials engineering

 INSA Lyon – National Institute of Science & Technology – is excited to invite you to its annual International Partner Days event on 11 and 12 October 2023.

Join us on Wednesday 11 October to learn all about our latest developments, find out about our 9 engineering departments, international mobility at INSA Lyon, and (re)discover our campus. The day will end with a networking evening in a fine French restaurant.

Our study fair on Thursday 12 October is a great opportunity for you to showcase your institution to our +1000 students planning their international mobility which is compulsory in our engineering training. We will set up a stand for you, where you will meet our students and promote exchange options at your university.

We will be very happy to arrange for you individual meetings to discuss your interests or projects with our administrative and/or academic staff. Please indicate in the registration form who you would like to reach.

More details here.

Apel deschis până la ocuparea locurilor disponibile
Karadeniz Technical University




Predare în domeniile:

0713 - Electricity and energy (max. 2 cadre didactice X 5 zile fiecare)

0715 - Mechanics and metal trades (max. 2 cadre didactice X 5 zile fiecare)

0732 - Building and civil engineering (max. 2 cadre didactice X 5 zile fiecare)

Mobilități de formare (max. 2 persoane X 5 zile fiecare):

- cadre didactice din domenille de mai sus (prioritar) sau alte domenii

- personal administrativ

The 5th International Erasmus+ Staff Week will be organised within the framework of Erasmus+ programme, between  6-10 November 2023, in Trabzon, Turkiye.

Application for the 5th International Erasmus+ Staff Week
- Deadline for applications: 1 September 2023
- Application Form: https://forms.gle/e8PeiEtife1nRcm56
- Programme of the Staff Week: Please click here for the programme.
- To be held face-to-face in Trabzon, Turkey
For further details on the application procedure and details of the event: http://staffmobility.eu/staffweek/5th-international-erasmus-staff-week
NOU! St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (A ST-POLT03) 27.11.2023 - 01.12.2023




Predare ]n domeniile:

0610 - Information and Communication Technologies not further defined 

0613 - Software and applications development and analysis

1041 - Transport services

Join us for an intensive and inspiring International Week to co-create ideas and exchange best practices and experiences in the context of the European University Initiative (EUI). We, the St. Pölten UAS together with the board of the E³UDRES² European University Alliance, invite you to share, discuss, and exchange best practices and experiences in workshops, idea labs, panels, etc., or to simply learn more about them.

We address people who have a general interest in how to benefit from the EUI, who plan to become a member of one of the existing EUIs or establish their own EUI alliance, or who come from a university that is currently a member of an EUI. Be part of a growing think tank for future universities. Meet people who strive to shape the future of European Universities.
Topic Area 1: Future Curricula
for Teaching Staff, Teaching Policymakers, Staff of Higher Education Development and Teaching/Learning Development and Educational Offices, International Offices, Curriculum Developers, Quality Managers, G&D Officers, European Universities Representatives, Stakeholders such as National Agencies, etc.
Topic Area 2: Universities & Innovation Ecosystems
for Stakeholders interested in/from European University Alliances & E³UDRES² (Management, (Vice) Rectors, Staff in Charge of the Development of the HEI Strategy), Policymakers, Staff of Higher Education Development, Quality Managers, Stakeholders, R&D Officers, Tech Transfer Officers
Topic Area 3: Leadership Forum
for High-Level Management of Higher Education Institutions, Deans, Faculty and Department Heads, etc.
Teaching Staff Week in the Department of
- Digital Business & Innovation
- Media & Digital Technologies
- Social Sciences
- Health Sciences
Get now registered for this year's International Week until 30 September 2023!



Universitatea parteneră Perioada mobilității Tip de mobilitate Tematică sau domeniu Descriere Termen limită
Angers University Institute of Technology  (F ANGERS01) 22-26.05.2023 Predare

053 - Physical sciences

0714 - Electronics and automation

You’ll be with our first-year students and so we don’t expect the material covered to be too technical or in-depth. Interactive activities are most welcome to optimize the students’ participation.
Angers University is now a member of a European alliance of eight universities working jointly on an EU Green project. So this year we would like to introduce a green dimension into our week and tackle some of the issues we’re facing as a planet. Green should be understood in a broad sense including ecological transition, sustainable development, social justice and responsibility, health, well-being … Any lectures, seminars and activities that resonate with this theme will be more than welcome.
Contributions could take the form of lectures and case studies and here are some ideas we’ve thought of: environmental and scientific responsibility, food sustainability, eco-designs, digital twin, internet of things, green economy, and management, fair trade, circular economy, responsible and ethical communication, etc. And of course, we will be glad to consider proposals not closely involving this green dimension.

More details here.

Université Catholique de Lille (F LILLE11) 24-28.04.2023 Formare
(pentru cadre didactice)

Metode inovative de predare-învățare

Dezvoltare durabilă

• General program:
Innovation in teaching & learning (visit of labs and facilities, presentation of innovative teaching techniques and specific trainings to foster innovation amongst students and professionals), innovation for internationalization.
Sustainable Development (presentation of UCL’s project for a 0-carbone campus; visit of eco-friendly buildings; presentation of interaction with local partners and student participation; integration of SDG’s in students’ programs).
(more information to come in January)
• Bilateral meetings with French colleagues
• Cultural and linguistic immersion
• Networking with an international group

How to apply?
Candidates are invited to send CV and/or description of their project and a motivation letter in link with sustainable development and/or innovation to their Erasmus coordinator (claudia.stoian@upt.ro). The home institution will then nominate candidates.

Kaunas University of Technology (LT KAUNAS02) 24-28.04.2023 Predare

0731 - Architecture and town planning

0732 - Building and civil engineering

0715 - Mechanics and metal trades

061 - Information and Communication Technologies

The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Kaunas University of Technology kindly invites colleagues from partner universities worldwide to its “Global Faculty Week 2023” to be held on 24-28 April 2023.
The purpose of the event is to integrate international and intercultural dimensions into the curriculum, strengthen the idea of internationalization at home, maintain and develop international cooperation. The event is open for academic staff working in the fields of engineering timber applications, building information management (BIM) and data-driven design, sustainable construction, modular construction, renovation, reuse, reduction of construction and demolition waste, sustainable energy, and occupant wellbeing, sustainable energy and occupant wellbeing, sustainable architecture and urban planning, management and use of cultural heritage. But all other topics are also welcome, especially based on research carried out in your institution, and national practices. We'd like to also encourage Global Faculty teachers to include engaging didactics (workshops, discussions, groupwork), with an emphasis on critical thinking, systems thinking and design towards sustainability approaches.
The event will be held in a hybrid format. Colleagues, who are hesitant about travelling or otherwise have no possibility to come to Kaunas for a physical visit, are welcome to choose the possibility of virtual teaching.

More details here.

Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (P BRAGANC01)

Program intensiv mixt pentru cadre didactice format din:

Mobilitate virtuală: 20.03.2023 - 19.05.2023


Mobilitate fizică: 08.05.2023 - 12.05.2023

Formare (pentru cadre didactice) Toate domeniile

Tema programului intensiv mixt: Unlocking Imagination! (5 ECTS)

Organizatori: Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugalia), Hanze University of Applied Sciences (Olanda), Bremen University of Applied Sciences (Germania), Universidad de La Laguna (Spania), Silesian University (Cehia).

Conținut: Transdisciplinary creativity fields and approaches; Methodologies fostering individual and group creativity potential; Design, implementation, and evaluation of creative processes; Unexpectedness and creativity.

Link înscriere: aici

Detalii: aici.

THM Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences (D GIESSEN02)

22 - 26.05.2023 (predare)

sau (formare)



Formare (pentru cadre didactice sau personal administrativ)


061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)



orice domeniu

This year's International Staff Training Days adresses colleagues and academic staff. It will deal with the question "How to motivate STEM students to participate in international exchange?", and will provide various opportunities for networking and sharing knowledge and experiences with colleagues from other partner institutions.

We also invite lecturers from your university to contribute actively with lectures, workshops and sessions to the departments’ teaching programme during the week.

Also, an International Fair will again take place on site on 23 May, and offers the attendees of our partner universities the opportunity to introduce their institution personally to our students and colleagues during a partner university fair.

You can find more detailed information on both events, e.g. the preliminary programme and the possibility to register on our websites.

THM Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences (D GIESSEN02)

22 - 26.05.2023 (predare)

sau (formare)



Formare (pentru cadre didactice sau personal administrativ)


061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)



orice domeniu

This year's International Staff Training Days adresses colleagues and academic staff. It will deal with the question "How to motivate STEM students to participate in international exchange?", and will provide various opportunities for networking and sharing knowledge and experiences with colleagues from other partner institutions.

We also invite lecturers from your university to contribute actively with lectures, workshops and sessions to the departments’ teaching programme during the week.

Also, an International Fair will again take place on site on 23 May, and offers the attendees of our partner universities the opportunity to introduce their institution personally to our students and colleagues during a partner university fair.

You can find more detailed information on both events, e.g. the preliminary programme and the possibility to register on our websites.

IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems GmbH (A KREMS03) 17-21.04.2023 Formare (pentru cadre difactice sau personal administrativ) Domeniile relații internaționale sau consiliere carieră

IMC University of Applied Sciences is happy to announce that the 2nd IMC Staff Training Week will take place from 17 - 21 April 2023.

Two tracks are available:

"New Mobility Trends – current development & challenges"(International Relations programme)

"New Trends in Career Services"(Corporate Relations programme)

More details here.

DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen - Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (D VILLING02) 8-12.05.2023





0413 - Management and administration


Formare: relații internaționale

International Week 2023 / ERASMUS Teaching Staff Week 2023
Globally Connected
May 8-12, 2023
Please save the date and share this information with your academic staff and international relations colleagues.
Detailed information and application documents will follow soon.
We will accept applications until March 15.

Academic Staff:
We invite academic staff to give lectures from a variety of fields, such as management, economics, finance, international relations, political science and psychology, to provide a multi-faceted insight into current issues.

International Relations Staff / non-academic staff:
We invite colleagues, e.g. from International Relations or International Offices, to discuss student and staff exchanges, including blended mobility projects, and share ideas on new Erasmus+ strategic objectives: Inclusion and Diversity, Green Erasmus, Digitalization and Civic Engagement.

All participants:
We will present our university and the concept of dual study, and look forward to exchanging ideas on how to increase students' employability and success.

Please contact international@dhbw-vs.de if you are interested in participating or have any questions.

Sivas Cumhuriyet University
8-12.05.2023 Formare (cadre didactice sau personal administrativ)

0231 - Translation and interpretation

0410 - Business and administration

0610 - Information and Communication Technologies

0711 - Chemical engineering and processes

0712 - Environmental protection engineering

0713 - Electricity and energy

0731 - Architecture and town planning

Join us for the 4th International Staff Week, where you'll have the opportunity to meet and network with colleagues from around the world. This week-long event is packed with workshops, presentations, and cultural activities that will broaden your perspective and help you build valuable connections. Don't miss out on this chance to expand your professional network and gain a global perspective - Apply now at https://forms.office.com/r/Vt4h67L1Kk
Registration and all activities (including a welcome lunch and an excursion) are free of charge. Travel and accommodation need to be covered by the participants.
Important Dates:
March, 17  2023 : Applications Deadline
March 21, 2023 : Announcement of Accepted Participants
April 4, 2023: Announcement of Staff Week Programme
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (LV VALMIER01) 15-20.05.2023


Formare (personal administrativ)


0610 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) not further defined



exclusiv personal administrativ, orice domeniu

All academic staff representatives are invited to give lectures, lead workshops and participate in discussions of one of our daily themes.  

Participants are welcome to specify their fields of expertise regarding proposed activities in the application form HERE.
We can host maximum of two participants per institution.

For more details see the attached file with the Preliminary Program of the International Week.

The results will be announced by March 25, 2023.

Afyon Kocatepe University (TR AFYON01)  22-26.05.2023




0410 - Business and administration not further defined

0714 - Electronics and automation

0715 - Mechanics and metal trades

0716 - Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft

0720 - Manufacturing and processing not further defined (Materials science)

0732 - Building and civil engineering

Formare: managementul calității, dezvoltare organizațională, relații publice, relații internaționale

The international week is directed to three main strands of participants:

1) Staff Training: Training activities will be negotiated with the unit representatives of (a) the Quality Coordinatorship Unit, (b) Strategy Development Unit, (c) Press, Media, and Public Relations Unit (4), and the Faculties.

2) Staff Teaching: Teaching activities will be negotiated with the Erasmus coordinators of related faculties and schools

3) International Relations Office Staff: There will be two main topics for this group which are (a) Fostering Inclusion Diversity, and Equality: Challenges and Good Practices and (b) Challenges and Good Practices of Incoming Offices

Please fill in the application form here.

The deadline for application is 31st March 2023. Selected participants will be contacted till 15th April 2023.

Czech-German Staff Week 2023 for academic and non-academic staff at the University of West Bohemia (UWB), Pilsen, Czech Republic and at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH), Amberg-Weiden, Germany 22-26.06.2023 Formare (cadre didactice sau personal administrativ)

0410 - Business and administration

0713 - Electricity and energy

0732 - Building and civil engineering


Czech-German Staff Week 2023 for academic and non-academic staff at the University of West Bohemia (UWB), Pilsen, Czech Republic and at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH), Amberg-Weiden, Germany

Czech German Staff Week 2023 at UWB in Pilsen and OTH in Amberg-Weiden
Days of the event: May 22-26, 2023
Three days in Pilsen, two days in Amberg and Weiden.
Language of the event: English
The programme will consist of a mixture of meetings, presentations, and workshops.
Topic: Think positive: Challenges for the future.
Online registration: available till April 1st, 2023 here
We will accept limited number of participants (25 employees, maximum 2 representatives per institution). We will confirm the participation of registered applicants ASAP, not later than the beginning of April 2022.
Registration fee: 90€ (includes bus transfers between UWB and OTH Universities).
Participants will stay in Pilsen for the whole week.Transportation will be provided to Germany and back to Pilsen on Wednesday May 24thand on Thursday May 25th.
Wrocław University of Science and Technology (PL WROCLAW02) 15-19.05.2023 Formare Relații Internaționale We would like to warmly invite you to the International Staff Training Week organized by International Relations Office at Wrocław University of Technology. The International Staff Training Week will take place on 15-19 May, 2023 and will offer you Managing International Promotions of a University in Global Digital Spaces workshop and other attractions.

The participation fee is 80 EUR.

Participation fee covers:

•    Managing International Promotions of a University in Global Digital Spaces WORKSHOP
•    City Tour
•    All day trip around Lower Silesia region
•    Welcome dinner
•    Lunches (on Wednesday and Thursday)
•    Coffee breaks (on Wednesday)

If you are interested in attending, please send the Application Form with your data before 9th of April, 2023.
South East European University (MK TETOVO02) 24-28.04.2023 Formare Cooperare internațională

South East European University is pleased to announce the 1st  International week for Teaching and Administrative Staff, called “NETWORKING & INTERNATIONALIZATION THROUGH PROJECTS”

Date:  24-28 April, 2023
Venue: South East European University, Tetovo, North Macedonia
This International week is dedicated to teaching and administrative staff, dealing with international cooperation, exchange programmes and international projects. The main purpose of the programme is to share working experiences, internationalize current practices and network with partners.  Participants are also expected to give presentations and share information about their home institutions.
Working language of the International week is English.
South East European University will cover most of the social-cultural activities during the week.
All  travel costs and accommodation have to be covered by the participants. The organized travel options in the Agenda, travel and lunch in Skopje, are covered through the registration fees.
The registration fee is 80 Euros

Registration form

Draft schedule

Erasmus University Rotterdam

08-11.05.2023 Formare

Incluziune și diversitate în mediul academic

Erasmus University Rotterdam proudly presents: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access (IDEA) International Knowledge Week. We invite you to join us on 8-11 May in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, for four days full of workshops, inspiration, exchanging knowledge, research and best practices.

With participants from all over the globe we focus on how to make institutions more inclusive, looking into what each one of us can do. Our IDEA Knowledge Week will have an interactive program, with plenty of room for questions and answers, and space to share knowledge with other participants in informal settings as well.

During the week, various national and international speakers - including Prof. Lina Gálvez Muñoz (European Parliament), Alfred Herrera (University of California, Los Angeles), Prof. Eveline Crone (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Prof. Moniek Buijzen (Erasmus University Rotterdam) - will share practical insights and knowledge on topics such as (academic) outreach, student engagement, inclusive education, inclusive HR, inclusive communication and monitoring & research. For the full program and registration click here.

THM Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences (D GIESSEN02)

22 - 24.05.2023 (formare)


Formare (pentru cadre didactice sau personal administrativ)


orice domeniu

This year's International Staff Training Days adresses colleagues and academic staff. It will deal with the question "How to motivate STEM students to participate in international exchange?", and will provide various opportunities for networking and sharing knowledge and experiences with colleagues from other partner institutions.

Also, an International Fair will again take place on site on 23 May, and offers the attendees of our partner universities the opportunity to introduce their institution personally to our students and colleagues during a partner university fair.

You can find more detailed information here.
University of Rijeka (HR RIJEKA01)

21.06.2023 - mobilitate virtuală
și 26-30.06.2023 - mobilitate fizică

Formare (pentru cadre didactice) 061 - Information and Communication Technologies

Program intensiv mixt (BIP) "International Summer School on Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Traffic Applications - ASTRA 2023" deschis atât studenților, cât și cadrelor didactice.

Programul include:

  • Possibilities and Challenges of UAS Applications in Traffic
  • A Beginner’s Guide to UAS and Flight Operations
  • EASA Regulations for UAS Flight Operations
  • UAS Components and UAS Control Basics
  • Sensor Integration with UAS for Traffic Applications
  • Introduction to Computer Vision
  • Innovative Approaches for UAS Mission Planning and Automatization
  • UAS in Search and Rescue Operations
  • Practical Work: Virtual UAV Flight Control

Informații detaliate aici.

Persoană de contact la DRI: Lect. Dr. Claudia STOIAN

St. Poelten University of Applied Sciences (A ST-POLT03) 27.11.2023 - 01.12.2023 Formare (pentru cadre didactice)

0610 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

0613 - Software and applications development and analysis

1041 - Transportation services


Save the Date: Meet European Universities. Melting Pots for Innovation in Higher Education

Join us for an intensive and inspiring International Week to co-create ideas and exchange best practices and experiences in the context of the European University Initiative (EUI). We, the St. Pölten UAS together with the board of the E³UDRES² European University Alliance, invite you to share, discuss, and exchange best practices and experiences in workshops, idea labs, panels, etc., or to simply learn more about them.

We address people who have a general interest in how to benefit from the EUI, who plan to become a member of one of the existing EUIs or establish their own EUI alliance, or who come from a university that is currently a member of an EUI. Be part of a growing think tank for future universities. Meet people who strive to shape the future of European Universities.

Topic Area 1: Future Curricula
Topic Area 2: Universities & Innovation Ecosystems
Find more information here.

Université Catholique de Lille (F LILLE11) se va stabili de comun acord



041 - Business and administration

0521 - Ecology

061 - Information and Communication Technologies

0715 - Mechanics and metal trades

Limba de predare: franceză sau engleză

Universitatea parteneră încurajează mobilitățile hibride și cele virtuale.

Lista tematicilor pe care acceptă candidaturi în anul universitar 2022-2023: aici.


19.09.2023 - mobilitate virtuală +

25-29.09.2023 - mobilitate fizică





Pentru predare:

0610 - Information and communication technologie

0715 - Mechanics and metal trades

0721 - Food processing


Pentru formare:

- cadre didactice din domenille de mai sus (prioritar) sau alte domenii

- personal administrativ


We would like to invite academic and non-academic staff to the 19th International Week “Wellbeing of Staff in Higher Education” on 25-29 September 2023.

Participants coming for Training Mobility programme will attend Blended Intensive Programme, which will take place physically on 25–29 September, and virtually on 19 September. Participation in full programme (1 virtual day and 5 physical days) is mandatory.

Participants coming for Teaching Mobility programme will give lectures to KVK students, and additionally will be able to attend Blended Intensive Programme activities on 25-29 September.

Maximum number of participants is 40, of which:
•    coming for Training Mobility (Blended Intensive Programme) - 25 participants,
•    coming for Teaching Mobility - 15 participants.
In the same week, we also organize two International Conferences (separate registration):
•    “Studies-Business-Society: Present and Future Insights VIII” on 26 September.
•    “Interdisciplinary Approach: Challenges and Opportunities in the Studies of Health Sciences” on 28 September.
Registration is open till 30 June:

More information:



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    Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (Germania) organizează o școală internațională de vară în domeniul sustenabilității în perioada 26 iunie – 1 iulie 2023. Prog...
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