Politehnica University Timisoara

#impreunaonline – The series of webinars dedicated to online education during a pandemic

 #impreunaonline – The series of webinars dedicated to online education during a pandemic

The series of webinars dedicated to online education during a pandemic

13 May 2020






Over 1,000 teaching staff and students from Romania have attended the first four free webinars within the #impreunaonline series, dedicated to transitioning from traditional education to online education. Hosted and moderated by the team of the eLearning Center within Politehnica University Timișoara, the series includes 10 webinars held by guests from different universities in Romania and is dedicated to all the stakeholders involved in the educational process. The following webinars are held on every Wednesday, starting at 16:00 and are open to everyone.

The current crisis has accelerated both the transition to the integrated use of online tools in education and the transition from traditional to online education. To support teachers, students, but also all stakeholders involved in the educational process, Politehnica University Timișoara, through the e-Learning Center launched a series of live national webinars. They started on Wednesday, April 15, and are scheduled every Wednesday, starting at 16:00.

Over 1,300 participants from the university, pre-university, but also private environment

Participation is free and is done by accessing the registration links provided each week on the official website of CeL - https://www.elearning.upt.ro. Participants receive a "Together online" digital certificate (open badge).

The first 4 webinars have already seen a total of over 1,300 participants and addressed topics such as the transition to online education, the perception of students and teachers on the new form of education or open educational resources, and online courses available for both students and teaching staff.

From campus education to online education

The first webinar in the Together Online series took place on Wednesday, April 22, and focused on Eng. Diana Andone, Ph.D., director of the e-Learning Center, Politehnica University Timișoara, assoc. prof. eng. Florin Dragan, Ph.D., rector of UPT and was moderated by prof. eng. Radu Vasiu, Ph.D., president of the UPT Senate. Entitled "From campus to online education", the webinar registered over 220 participants, both from academia and from many other educational institutions in the country. Details, video recording and presentations: https://elearning.upt.ro/ro/comunitate/noutati-comunitate/de-la-educatia-in-campus-la-cea-online/

Teachers' and students' perceptions of online education

The second webinar had as guests assoc. prof. Marian Ilie, Ph.D., director of the Department for Teacher Training and director of the Academic Development Center of the West University of Timișoara and assoc. prof. Irina Macsinga, Ph.D., dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology at UVT and was moderated by Assoc. prof. Mădălin Bunoiu, Ph.D., vice-rector responsible for academic strategy, UVT, together with the host of the event, Diana Andone, Ph.D. The guests presented the results of the research at UVT on "Perceptions of teachers and students on online education", and the webinar gathered over 270 participants from different universities. Details, video recording and presentations: https://elearning.upt.ro/ro/comunitate/noutati-comunitate/webinar-impreunaonline-perceptia-cadrelor-didactice-si-a-studentilor-privind-educatia-online-oportunitati-si -provocari/

Use of OERs, MOOCs in Education

One of the most interesting topics - The use of Open Education Resources and Massive Online Open Courses was addressed at the webinar on Wednesday, April 29, and brought together over 500 people, both from university and pre-university environment, as well as in other fields. Prof. eng. Carmen Holotescu, Ph.D., Ioan Slavici University of Timișoara, assoc. prof. Gabriela Grosseck, Ph.D., West University of Timișoara, together with Diana Andone, Ph.D., Director of the eLearning Center Politehnica University Timișoara, presented practical examples of the use and integration of OER and MOOCs in education, with case studies from the experience of three universities in Romania. The session was moderated by eng. Vlad Mihăescu, Ph.D. - UPT. Details, video recording and presentations: https://elearning.upt.ro/ro/comunitate/noutati-comunitate/webinar-impreunaonline-utilizare-oers-moocs-in-educatie/

eCAMPUS UTCN and the #StamAcasa challenge: experience and perspectives

The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca presented the integrated digital policy module that it addressed recently during the webinar "eCAMPUS UTCN and the challenge #StamAcasa: experience and perspectives" on May 6, with guests assoc. prof. eng. Bogdan Orza, Ph.D., director of the Department for Lifelong, Remote and Part-Time Education, Aurelia Ciupe, Ph.D., and assoc. prof. Serban Meza, Ph.D., all from UTCN. Details, video recording and presentations: https://elearning.upt.ro/ro/comunitate/noutati-comunitate/webinar-impreunaonline-ecampus-utcn-si-provocarea-stamacasa-experienta-si-perspective/

Recordings of all webinars are available for viewing on CeL's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/cidupt, and on the IGTV account @elearning_upt.

Registration open for Wednesday, May 13th

The webinar "Ideas and methods of online educational evaluation" is scheduled for May 13, 2020, starting at 16:00 and has as guests assoc. prof. Mădălin Bunoiu, Ph.D., vice-rector responsible for academic strategy, West University of Timișoara, assoc. prof. Bogdan Timar, Ph.D., Dean, Faculty of Medicine, “Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timișoara and Diana Andone, Ph.D., director, eLearning Center, Politehnica University Timișoara, the session being moderated by prof. eng. Carmen Holotescu, Ph.D., dean, Ioan Slavici University of Timisoara. The urgent questions facing the world of education today are also focused on how to manage an assessment in online learning environments and will be presented various solutions for online group exams, e-portfolio, open-book exams, and academic integrity.

Registrations and information are available by accessing the link https://elearning.upt.ro/ro/comunitate/noutati-comunitate/webinar-impreunaonline-idei-si-metode-de-evaluare-educationala-online/, and participants will be given open digital certificates (Open Badges).

A series of open educational resources and information about free courses and tools can be found in the Open section of the eLearning Center https://elearning.upt.ro/ro/open/


Information about the #impreunaonline series is also available on:


The ID/IFR and e-Learning Center (CeL) was established in 1998, as an integral part of Politehnica University Timişoara (UPT) to initiate, promote, and manage remote learning in the university. CeL organizes the specializations - Technologies and Systems of Telecommunications, Applied Informatics, Communication, and Public Relations in remote learning bachelor studies and Technology of Machine Constructions in education with reduced frequency of bachelor studies. CeL has developed the CV - UPT Virtual Campus, an online educational support environment for all UPT faculties and remote learning. CeL provides support and organizes courses and events dedicated to online education, open educational resources, and free access to education, science, and resources.

#impreunaonline – webinarii dedicate educației online
#impreunaonline – webinarii dedicate educației online
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