Politehnica University Timisoara

Erasmus Policy Statement


The university will apply the European strategy of strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation. Based on the fact that learning mobility improves professional, social and intercultural competences of education beneficiaries, the university will develop partnerships within the framework of European and world-wide academic cooperation. Universities and international companies within the EU are traditional partners, with which common academic projects will continue to be developed, either for educational purposes, or research targets.  Strategic partnerships referring to structured and long term cooperation with other HEIs, enterprises, research entities, local authorities and social partners will be maintained and diversified. The university will benefit of opportunities to exchange knowledge, experience and professional methodologies for teaching and learning, fostering goals of the EU Modernisation Agenda.

The university is interested to particularly develop triangle partnerships by connecting higher education with research and business, for excellence and regional growth. The policy of promoting cooperation with research institutions, business and high-tech centres across borders expects to bring new types of international cooperation, stimulating innovation, creative attitude and robust interaction, with the aim of improving graduates’ labour market inclusion.

The university plans an ample increase of the mobility studies for students, to attend a percentage of 10% mobile students at the end of the next period.

Partnerships with non-EU institutions-companies and universities- will be considered in a new vision about internationalization: Asia, Africa, Latin America will be approached intensively, for attracting international students and for widen academic and scientific exchanges. Participating in educational or scientific partnerships with entities outside Europe will foster the visibility of our institution. The university will invite non-European academics to perform mobility stages within our university and will support bilateral exchanges of students and staff.

Making use of the geographical position on the continent, the university will enhance cooperation with universities and companies from East-European countries, from Russia and former Soviet republics.

The university will reconsider the distribution of the mobility over a larger spectrum of students, from the second year of bachelor degree, to the final year of master and doctoral degrees. Students enrolled in all the three levels of study will be encouraged to apply for a mobility stage either in a university or in a company. Even students in the first year of study with good academic results will be invited to apply for traineeships in companies or laboratories. Students and staff with special needs will be supported to benefit of mobility outside the country.  Young mothers with children of kindergarten, married students, students from disadvantaged-, low-income- and many - children families will be sustained in being mobile. The university will valorise its own experience in this area, by continuing to organize new mobility for disadvantaged categories.

Successful implementation of practical placement stages for former and current Erasmus students will be used to develop students’ traineeships, aiming to acquire work-relevant experience as part of the professional education. Meeting labour-market requirements is a challenge for the future graduate, a source of work satisfaction and practical skills coaching and certification. The university will foster the relevance and quality of placement mobility for students.

Young academic staff will be a special target group in future mobility actions, for training and teaching assignments. Experienced members of the academic staff consider as a duty of honour to advise and initiate young colleagues in making arrangements for international mobility actions. The university pays particular attention in attracting young members in the teams of international projects.

Development of double/joint programmes will add value to the already successful partnerships with several universities, but new similar alliances with European and non-European universities will be considered, in a variety of study fields within the partnership. Increasing the number of students enrolled in these joint degrees is also targeted. Joint master programmes – like Erasmus Mundus- will be envisaged for several fields of study, mainly in engineering and architecture. By means of these occasions, poles of excellence in science and engineering across Europe and inside the partner universities will be created for tomorrow.

New co-advisory doctoral theses will involve up-to-date topics to be studied, by implying European and non-European doctoral advisors, well-known in their field of expertise, as well as doctoral students beyond EU.

The university will develop strategic partnerships with universities, enterprises of all sizes, centres of innovation and research entities, to implement international projects that will stimulate innovation, good practices, concurrency and creativity in teaching and learning.

 The university will apply powerful instruments when implementing cross-border projects in bilateral or multilateral networks with participating entities and countries, as well as with non-participating institutions or non-participating countries, using multiple channels for modernization of the higher education.

Being international does not limit to Europe and EU. Attracting actors from outside Programme in common actions and projects will strengthen the university value and will empower the European higher education community, enhancing teaching and learning. Modernization of higher education requires the presence of world-wide actors; good results and practices should be spread over the continents in a world- reaching environment. Our university is decided to be an active actor on this stage.

Being aware of the fact that a valuable and effective higher education could not neglect social and cultural components, the university will maintain and extend partnerships with social partners in the local area, youth organizations, professional associations and local authorities, implying them in the future Programme. Multinational companies from our country could facilitate international cooperation of the university with their representatives outside Romania: powerful networks and partnerships could emerge in this active networking participation, leading to improved curricula, adapted professional skills and higher capacity of integration on the labour-market of the future graduates.

The university will remodel knowledge-based academic alliances with higher education entities and economical partners, because teaching and learning permanently require creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

The university expects an active position in the modernisation of European higher education. The university will apply the benefits of the Programme to be more attractive, to increase attainment levels, so that enrolled students do not leave the study before graduating. The university will deliver graduates for knowledge-intensive jobs that will reinforce European capacity and sustain European social model. Systemic changes involving quality improvement will help recruiting more students. Graduates will be empowered with appropriate competencies for a rapid inclusion in the labour market, even in difficult fields (research, education). More graduates of the second cycle will be interested to enrol in the doctoral cycle.

In mobility and cooperation projects, the university will stimulate women talent and skills for engineering professions, improving their access to leadership positions and roles.

The active presence of the university within the Programme will enhance the higher education quality and relevance. Teaching in an international context fosters academic experience, generates flexible and innovative educational instruments and approaches. Actively involving employers in the design and delivery of education, by developing traineeships in companies, will ensure employability and entrepreneurship. Traineeships directly within the knowledge-intensive labour market motivate students and teachers.  Better learning and teaching conditions, as well as a better recognition and reward of teaching and research excellence attracts and retains high quality academic staff.

Mobility and cross-border cooperation strengthen flexibility in education. Abroad gained credits recognition, mutual trust in mobility results will open students’ enthusiasm for being mobile and will attract students and academics from outside EU, fostering the international dimension.

Programme development will be possible if the so called “knowledge triangle” higher education-research- business will really work. The Programme facilitates increased flows of knowledge and new types of cooperation between our university and other entities, but our capacity of integrating research results and innovative practice into the educational offer and to exploit the potential for marketable products and services must be consistently improved.

Our university, as a centre of knowledge, expertise and learning, will act as a cluster, a regional hub of excellence and specialisation. We expect to turn partnership and cooperation with business into a core activity of the university.

The active role of the university within the Programme will improve financial aspects and funding management. Funding must be efficiently used and well-targeted. The university will look for alternative resources to support this participation and to guarantee the success of each implemented project. The university will guarantee the portability of scholarships and financial social support for mobile students.


Ultima actualizare: 2025-01-27
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