Politehnica University Timisoara

Inclusion @UPT


Diversity is a reality, but inclusion is a choice!

Inclusion means equal chances, equitable treatment and, on the same level, respect for the law.


In any type of activity, we aim at a total inclusive approach, for every participant to feel safe, and his/her/their identity to be completely respected.

UPT will have zero tolerance for any discrimination form, any attitude or behaviour that can generate unsafety, or any act that can be offensive in any way.

In any space and at any type of activity carried out under the UPT umbrella inclusion is a part of our organizational culture.


The first steps in assuring a non-discriminative environment are to understand any type of minority and to question one’s stereotypes and prejudices, as well as the organizational ones.


From a strategic perspective, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) element is based on the following principles: Respect, Openness towards the world, Excellence and Sustainability.

Respect – When we talk about respect for a person from a diversity point of view, the reference is made on the correct understanding of each minority, on addressing the specific individual and organizational stereotypes and prejudices to learn to better manage and value inclusion.

Respect determines adjustments of behaviours and acts when it comes to diverse groups and/or persons, in the sense of a coherent approach for equal chances, and for an approach with lack of discrimination.

Openness – Ours vision means accessibility, inclusion and equitable treatment towards any minority group and person.

To get diverse communities be involved we support inclusive mentalities, that shape behaviour by self-consciousness, curiosity, courage, vulnerability and empathy. These are essential for our capacity to create an environment in which everybody feels respected, appreciated, encouraged and empowered to contribute.

Excellence – we support excellence, in an organisational diverse culture, real inclusion brings a plus of creativity and contributes directly to excellent results.

An environment that fosters excellent results requires clear rules of conduct, non-discriminatory organizational processes and individual accountability.

Sustainability – We plan a process for a durable future by promoting social and organisational sustainability. For this, we propose safe and accessible spaces, openness, respect and dignity offering, and to adapt our activities to the real needs of the society.

 Ghidul „Ce este dizAbilitatea?”


DEI Team

Cristina Săracu, coordinator of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion department


contact: incluziune@upt.ro

phone 0725.89.09.55

Ultima actualizare: 2024-12-09
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