Politehnica University Timisoara

100 years of academic excellence



11 November 2020

The message of the Rector - anniversary message  

Dear colleagues, dear students,
100 years ago, Timisoara opened the first university in this part of the country. It was a process that had begun 14 years prior, in 1906, when the Municipal Council meeting on November 26 proposed a memorandum on the need to establish a polytechnic school. In 1907, Mayor Carol Telbisz submitted the memorandum to the Ministry of Public Instruction in Budapest. The proposal would be rejected. On April 29, 1912, the Municipal Council addressed the renowned professor Kornel Zelovich, from the Budapest Polytechnic, with the request to support and argue the need to establish a technical university in Timisoara. The council draws up a well-documented memorandum explaining the need to establish a second Polytechnic in Hungary. read more...





17 December 2020

50 years of Electronics and Telecommunications in Timișoara

In 2020 we celebrated not only 100 years since the establishment of the first higher education institution in Timisoara and the west of the country, the Polytechnic School, but also 50 years since the first admission to the newly created section of Applied Electronics, one of the avant-garde at that time, as well as 30 years since the creation of the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, one of the most prestigious and sought after in Politehnica University Timișoara.


11 December  2020

50 years of architecture in Timisoara

For the Faculty of Architecture and City Planning of Politehnica University  Timișoara, the year 2020 marks 50 years of university activity of the School of Architecture in Timișoara, as well as 10 years since the establishment of the Furniture and interior design specialization. The double anniversary was marked on Friday, December 11, 2020, through an online event that brought together teachers, students, graduates, and guests, who relived memories from the 50 years of activity.


05 December 2020

Politehnica University Timisoara launches the Interactive Digital Museum of Information Science and Technology

Politehnica University Timisoara, through the Multimedia Center, launched the Interactive Digital Museum of Information Science and Technology - a project that aims to bring to the forefront the technical and scientific premieres of Timișoara, promoting local and regional potential in education, science, and technology and contributing to the education of young people, stimulating research and development in these fields.


05 December  2020

UPT celebrated the 100th anniversary of polytechnic sports

Politehnica University Timișoara celebrated on Friday, December 4, 2020, online, the entry into the 100th year of the polytechnic sport. Politehnica Timișoara Sports Society was officially founded on December 4, 1921, even though its foundations were laid by the first rector, Traian Lalescu, a great sports lover, since the autumn of 1920, shortly after the establishment of the Polytechnic School.


26 November 2020

The Faculty of Engineering in Hunedoara within UPT celebrated 50 years since its establishment

On Wednesday, November 25, 2020, the Faculty of Engineering in Hunedoara (FIH), celebrated the half-centenary of the higher education unit. On behalf of Politehnica University Timișoara, its rector, associate professor Florin Dragan, Ph.D., and associate professor Alina Dumitrel, Ph.D., vice-rector. During the event, in the presence of the mayor Dan Bobouțanu and the general school inspector of ISJ Hunedoara, Ilie Pârvan, an anniversary plaque "50 FIH" was unveiled. Additionally, a gallery of the former deans of the Faculty of Engineering in Hunedoara was inaugurated, in the main hall of the C building of the faculty.


16 November 2020

Anniversary messages of economic partners

The management of Politehnica University Timișoara thanks all the economic partners for the wishes sent on the occasion of the Centenary of the institution. You are more than just partners, you are true friends of Politehnica, we grew together, we evolve together and we want to maintain the same good collaboration relations in the future.


16 November 2020

Spotlight Heritage Timișoara: The stories of the Elisabetin neighborhood, launched virtually

A live virtual tour in the public and intimate past life of the Elisabetin neighborhood, five live interventions from the emblematic locations of the street exhibition, live demonstrations with online, mobile and augmented reality applications and dozens of guests including people of culture, Timișoara City Hall and Timiș County Council representatives, but also the management of Politehnica University Timișoara, of the National Museum of Banat Timișoara and the Timișoara European Capital of Culture Association. The digital exhibitions and applications Spotlight Heritage Timișoara dedicated to the Elisabetin neighborhood were launched virtually, on Friday, November 13, in the presence of hundreds of Timisoara residents and more.
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13 November  2020

Festive meeting of the UPT Steering Committee

The Steering Committee of Politehnica University Timisoara, a structure established for the first time nationally, consisting of prominent personalities of the regional socio-economic environment, met on Friday, November 13, 2020, in a festive online meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Politehnica University Timișoara. The institution was created by the Decree signed by King Ferdinand I on November 11, 1920.


12 November  2020

UPT Centenary Anniversary, for now only with the family

Given that the pandemic has led to postponing the official celebration of the Centenary of Politehnica University Timisoara, the management of the institution decided, however, to mark November 11, 2020, when 100 years have passed since the signing by King Ferdinand, of the Decree establishing the Polytechnic School in Timisoara, through an online event in an intimate setting, with all the university staff: teachers, students, administrative staff.


11 November  2020

ARUT anniversary meeting to celebrate the UPT Centenary

The Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities - ARUT, met on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, in a festive online meeting to celebrate the Centenary of Politehnica University Timisoara, established by the Decree of King Ferdinand I of November 11, 1920. The alliance formed by Politehnica University of Bucharest, the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" Iasi, the Technical University of Civil Engineering in Bucharest and Politehnica University Timisoara was established in 2017 to represent both a collaboration platform for the most prestigious universities with a technical profile in the country, as well as a common voice, strong and dedicated to optimizing education and research policies.


09 November  2020

RockIng, created by UPT graduates, released the video for the song "100 de ani" (100 years)

On Monday, November 9, 2020, at the Library of Politehnica University Timișoara, the video of the RockIng band for the song "100 years" was released during a press conference. To celebrate the Centenary of Politehnica University Timișoara, celebrated on November 11, 2020, several renowned musicians from bands that have made history in the field of music, all UPT graduates, came together to form a super-band - RockIng - which will hold a concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the oldest higher education institution in Timisoara.


09 November  2020

"Politehnica through my eyes" named the winners

On Monday, November 9, 2020, in the central lobby of the Library of Politehnica University Timișoara, the award ceremony of the drawing and photography contest "Politehnica through my eyes" took place. The competition, launched on September 1 and endowed with prizes totaling 10,000 lei, was organized in the context in which, on November 11, 2020, Politehnica University of Timișoara celebrates 100 years since its establishment. On this occasion, UPT launched a challenge for pupils (potential future students), students, teachers, and UPT graduates - to express their vision of Politehnica.


06 October 2020

UPT centenary brings together renowned musicians

To celebrate the Centenary of Politehnica University Timisoara on November 11, 2020, a group of caliber musicians from bands that have made history in the field of music, all UPT graduates, come together to form a super-band. They will give a concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the oldest higher education institution in Timisoara.


22 September 2020

Opening of  the academic year 2020-2021 at Politehnica University Timisoara

On Monday, September 21, 2020, Politehnica University Timisoara organized, the online opening ceremony of the academic year 2020-2021. About 6,500 students and teachers from UPT joined the festive opening organized at the university level, followed by the events organized by each of the ten faculties, where students were given all the details to start activities, in the best and safest conditions.
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21 September 2020

UPT 2020 Generation, graduation ceremony at "Știința"  Stadium

500 graduates of Politehnica University Timișoara, class of 2020, were present on Sunday evening, September 20, 2020, at Știința Stadium at the graduation ceremony, while another 12,000 people, colleagues, friends, parents, or grandparents watching live online the joy and emotion of the moment.
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01 September  2020

"Politehnica through my eyes" Contest

On November 11, 2020, Politehnica University Timișoara celebrates 100 years since its establishment. On this occasion, UPT launches a challenge for high school students (potential future students), students, teachers, and UPT graduates: to express their own creative vision of the Polytechnic, in the drawing/sketching and photography contest "POLITEHNICA THROUGH MY EYES", which starts on September 1, 2020, awarding total prizes worth 10,000 lei.
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01 September  2020

The blueprint of the exceptional achievement of a UPT teacher made available free of charge to those interested

The teachers of Politehnica University Timișoara cannot catch a break even on vacation. Lecturer engineer Ciprian Dughir, Ph.D., a teacher at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies within UPT, a photography enthusiast, built, from scratch, a "large format" 4x5" camera, the design, project, and execution belonging entirely to him. On the occasion of the Centenary of Politehnica University Timișoara, in honor of which he built it, he wants to offer the execution blueprints to all those interested free of charge.
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22 May 2020

100 years since the first philatelic exhibition of Greater Romania

100 years ago, on May 23-24, 1920, in Lloyd's Palace, in the current Senate Hall of Politehnica University Timișoara, the first philatelic exhibition in Greater Romania was organized. The catalog of the exhibition shows that it was patronized by Stan Vidrighin, then mayor, and later rector of the Timisoara Polytechnic. Even if the current situation does not allow the organization of an event commensurate with the importance of the Centenary of the first philatelic exhibition in Greater Romania, Politehnica University Timișoara, Romfilatelia and Timișoara Philatelic Association wanted to mark this moment at least in the virtual environment. As soon as the conditions allow, UPT will organize, in the Senate Hall, an exhibition to commemorate that important moment in the history of the city and of philately enthusiasts from all over the country.


12 March 2020

The technical tradition of Timisoara, reflected in the UPT Museum

Given the well-known technical tradition of Timisoara and the numerous awards recorded here, but also in the context of the future European cultural capital, the appearance of a museum of technology is more than welcome. In this regard, on Thursday, March 12, 2020, the official reception was held at the completion of the arrangement of the Museum of Politehnica University Timișoara and the presentation to the management of the institution.
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24 February 2020

2020 - Year of Politehnica in Timisoara

Politehnica University Timișoara, Timișoara City Hall and Romfilatelia SA were the hosts of the "2020 - Year of Politehnica in Timișoara" Gala on Tuesday, February 18, 2020, organized to celebrate the role that Politehnica has played in the city's development in the last century.
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13 November 2019

100 for Poli!

After the Politehnica 100% performance Gala, which marked the entry in the year 100 of the UPT and in which 100 deserving students were rewarded with 1000 euros each, the series of anniversary events continued, on November 12, 2019, with another established tradition in Politehnica University Timisoara.

07 November  2019

100% Performance Politehnica TM Anniversary Gala

On November 11, 2019, the Polytechnic of Timisoara entered the 100th year of its existence, and on this occasion the performance was celebrated, one of the values that have always been the basis of its activity and which has led it to the prestige enjoyed today. local, national and international plan.

15 September 2019

The best of the best, at UPT

The best 100 students from seven counties of the country (Timiș, Arad, Hunedoara, Caraș-Severin, Mehedinți, Gorj and Bihor) were present, on September 5, 2019, in the Auditorium of the Conference Center of the Polytechnic University Timișoara, at the opening "Politehnica ™ 100% performance" summer school. They were welcomed by representatives of the university management, representatives of the ten faculties, the economic environment, but also the National Council of Students.
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29 May 2019

UPT at the NAFSA 2019 Annual Conference and Exhibition

In May 26 - 31, 2019, in Washington, Politehnica University Timisoara, together with 23 other universities in Romania, attends the NAFSA Annual Conference and Exhibition, the largest international event promoting the international offer, under the aegis of the National Council of Rectors and with the support of the Erasmus National Agency and UEFISCDI through FDI-2019-0708 - the field of Internationalization of Higher Education in Romania.
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4 April 2019

UPT - world leaders in engineering rankings

Politehnica University Timisoara is becoming more and more present in the international charts and thus confirms its status as an institution of excellence in education and research. US News published the 2019 ranking in engineering, Politehnica University Timișoara being included for the first time in this world ranking of higher education institutions.  read more...

27 March 2019

Politehnica University Timisoara awarded 20 students with 1000 lei each

Politehnica University Timisoara, the oldest higher education institution in the west of the country, which will soon celebrate a century of activity, has been, since its inception, the engine of Romania's main economic development area, largely due to the thousands of graduates who have proven the skills of the engineer trained in Timisoara. In almost 100 years of operation, the Timisoara Polytechnic has always had two reliable partners: pre-university education and the economic environment.  read more ...

25 March 2019

Handball players from SCM Politehnica Timişoara presented the Romanian Cup

Great joy and emotion on March 25 at the UPT Library, where the handball players from SCM Politehnica Timişoara all came to present the Romanian Cup, which they won after 33 years.

Politehnica Timişoara played Sunday, March 10, 2019, in Focsani, the Romania Cup final of men's handball. Supported by an admirable gallery, the students of Montenegrin Pero Milosevic led the whole match and triumphed against Steaua, 31-27, after 15-14 at break time! Captain Cristian Fenici was handed the trophy, the players received medals, and Marius Sadoveac was named the Final Four MVP. Thus, Timisoara qualified for the next season of European Cups!  read more...

27 February 2019

European Money for Timisoara Chemistry

On Wednesday, February 27, 2019, the Agency for Regional Development West (ADR Vest) and Politehnica University Timisoara signed the financing contract for the project "Modernizing, expanding and equipping the university educational infrastructure at the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering" at UPT Rectorate. read more ...

18 December 2020

UPT's Permanent Education Center is 20 years old

The Center for Permanent Education of Politehnica University Timişoara celebrated its 20th anniversary on December 18, 2018, on the occasion for the CEP Educational Forum. The UPT rector, prof. eng Viorel-Aurel Şerban, PhD, Vice-Rector prof. eng. Daniel Dan, PhD, Deputy Mayor of Timisoara, eng. Dan Diaconu, and CEP Director, Conf. Eng. Nicolae Crainic, PhD, took the floor at the openingread more...

29 November 2020

Politehnica Publishing House has become a trademark registered with OSIM

Considering image and identity as particularly important, Politehnica Publishing House has renewed its logo to OSIM. The new logo keeps the image of the old one, but has received a new coat in accordance with UPT's visual identity rules.  read more...

16 November 2018

25 years of communication and translation studies in UPT

The Faculty of Communication Sciences within Politehnica University Timisoara celebrated on November 16th in the UPT Conference Center Auditorium, 25 years since the establishment of communication and translation studies in UPT, then a national premiere in a university with a technical profile.

15 November  2018

Environmental protection, debated at UPT, within GLOREP 2018

The second edition of the Global and Regional Environmental Protection Symposium - GLOREP 2018, a major event in the field of environmental protection, debuted on 15 November 2018 in the Auditorium of the Conference Center of UPT, which hosts and organizes the event, alongside the West University of Timişoara, the "Mihai I of Romania" University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timişoara, the University of Petroşani with the support of the Balkan Environmental Association (BENA) and the Politehnica Timişoara Foundation.  read more...

14 Noiembrie 2018

98 for Poli

To reflect the importance that Politehnica University Timisoara always given sport, since its establishment, a few years ago was launched on the anniversary celebrations of the institution, a race in which students, professors and all who are along with UPT run a number of runways equal to the number of years of existence of the university. read more...

09 November  2018

Seven decades of Industrial Chemistry in Timisoara

The Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, one of the oldest within Politehnica University Timişoara, is living a festive moment. Friday, November 9, 2018, the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the faculty took place in the Auditorium of the Conference Center of Politehnica University Timisoara. read more...

7 November 2018

Cea mai mare campanie de donare de carte pentru licee

În cadrul deschiderii festive a Zilelor Politehnicii 2018, care marchează cei 98 de ani de existență ai instituției de învățământ superior, Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara, în parteneriat cu Continental Anvelope Timișoara, a lansat cea mai mare campanie de donare de carte tehnică pentru liceele din jumătatea de vest a României. În cadrul acțiunii, vor fi distribuite 2500 de volume de carte tehnică pentru a încuraja tinerii să se orienteze spre studii în domeniile ingineriei. O mare parte dintre cărți au și fost distribuite directorilor de licee prezenți la aniversarea UPT, restul urmând să fie trimise liceelor în perioada următoare.   read more...

6 October 2018

20 years of distance learning in UPT

Politehnica University Timişoara organized the 20th anniversary of the ID / IFR and eLearning - CeL Center (the initial name was the Regional Center for Studies in Distance Learning - CSID) on 5-6 October 2018.   read more...

25 September 2018

The Centenary of Romanian Energy at UPT

The conference center of Politehnica University Timişoara hosted on September 25, 2018, the symposium "The Centenary of Romanian Energy", an event organized by UPT's Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering in collaboration with the Timişoara branches of the Romanian Power Engineers' Society, respectively the Academy of Science People in Romania. read more...

11 May 2018

Napoleon III's friends, the Great Union and the fascinating history of the UPT Senate Hall

On 11th May, the Senate Hall of Politehnica University Timişoara hosted the conference "Napoleon III and Romania", supported by members of the Friends of Napoleon III Association, the event being organized in partnership with the Politehnica University Timişoara and Politehnica Foundation. The conference focused on the construction of Romania, the unitary state, starting with the first union of the Romanian Principalities in 1859, followed after 60 years by the Great Union of 1918 and the annexation of Banat to Romania on 3rd August 1919. read more...

11 May 2018

The new Academic Council of UPT inaugurated the Rectors' Gallery

On May 11, 2018, the first session of the Academic Council, an advisory body subordinated to the UPT Rector, part of the UPT Board, took place in the Rector's Hall of Politehnica  University Timişoara. At the time of its establishment, the Council is made up of 12 personalities representing the academic community of UPT, well-knowers of past and present reality, who have proven to have innovative, scientific and managerial skills (former UPT rectors, academics, university professors emeritus , professors with a rich teaching experience, scientific research, managerial skills): Ion Gheorghe Boldea, Ioan Gheorghe Cartiş, Colectia Sabata, Toma-Leonida Dragomir, Teodor Heptu, Gheorghe Lucaci, Alexandru Nichici, Horia Liviu Popa, Viorel Popescu, Radu Radoslav , Rodica Superceanu, Teodor Todinca.  read more...

20 April 2018

Politehnica Timişoara - a step towards your future

More than 1,000 pupils from all over the country and the Republic of Moldova gathered on Friday, April 20, at the Capitol Summer Garden, to attend the opening of the "Politehnica Timişoara - a step towards your future" event, which this year runs under the slogan "Bridge between generations". The action, which is a tradition already in the 5th edition, addresses high school students and aims at informing them and acquainting them with the university environment in order to ensure a better transition of high school graduates to higher education and their orientation to a successful career.  read more...

23 March 2018

The commemoration of Victor Vlad, founder of Politehnica School Timișoara

Politehnica University Timișoara has established a tradition of honoring those who, along the years, contributed to the development of the first higher learning institution in Banat. A part of the aforementioned tradition is the event that took place on Friday, 23rd of March that paid homage to one of the founders of Politehnica School Timișoara, professor, engineer and architect Victor Vlad. The event is the first in the series that celebrates University Politehnica Timișoara’s centennial. This moment was not chosen randomly. Just as the Great Union from 1918 helped found Politehnica School in 1920, nowadays, in the year we celebrate Romania’s centenary in, UPT launched the series of events that celebrates its own 100-year anniversary. The commemoration also included the unveiling of professor Victor Vlad’s bust. Founder and first dean of UPT’s Faculty of Civil Engineering, the professor has made quite an impact in Timișoara through his architectural projects and his involvement in public matters.  read more...


Un secol de învățământ superior în Banat (1920 - 2020)
Centenarul Universității Politehnica Timișoara


În 2018 am sărbătorit Centenarul României, în 2019 Centenarul Banatului, iar în 2020 sărbătorim Centenarul Politehnicii timișorene. E interesant cum istoria potrivește uneori lucrurile și le leagă între ele. Căci năzuințele bănățenilor de a avea un institut de învățământ superior nu ar fost posibile în absența Marii Uniri, tot așa cum fără alipirea Banatului la Patria Mamă nu s-ar fi putut crea acea emulație care a dus la înființarea Școalei Politecnice, prin decretul regal semnat de Majestatea Sa Ferdinand, la 11 noiembrie 1920, ridicând astfel Timișoara la rangul de Civitas Academica. Iar Politehnica, la rândul său, prin însăși misiunea sa, a contribuit într-un mod exemplar la propășirea economică, socială și culturală a Timișoarei, a Banatului, a României și chiar și dincolo de granițele acesteia. citește mai departe...

Ultima actualizare: 2021-04-12
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