Politehnica University Timisoara

Politehnica University Timișoara - 97 years old a landmark in the academic landscape in Romania

 Politehnica University Timișoara - 97 years old a landmark in the academic landscape in Romania

November, 8-15, 2017

7 November 2017






97 years ago, on November 11, 1920, the first higher education institution in western România, the Politechnica School, was established in Timișoara by the royal decree signed by Ferdinand I of România, as a response of the necessity of society to form engineers in the context of industrialization that is in full ascension.

Today, the Politechnica University Timişoara is an advanced education and research institution, recognized worldwide for the quality of student training, for research results and for agreements and partnerships concluded around the world. Last but not least, since the foundation, the Politechnica University Timişoara has given the sport a special importance, considering that the health of the body and the spirit are closely linked.

"In its 97 years of existence, over 125,000 graduates have carried on the spirit of Politechnica, have become specialists and have contributed substantially to the development of Romania's research and economy. With an enviable material base, the Politechnica University leads further the reputation of the Timişoara Technical School, both through the quality of student training and the scientific research at the highest level and, last but not least, through the cultural and sports activities it promotes ", says Prof. Eng Viorel-Aurel Şerban Ph.D. Rector of the Politehnica University Timişoara.

Within the structure of the Politechnica University Timișoara are included faculties, departments, institutes and research centers, laboratories, libraries, hostels, canteens, sports facilities, as well as technical and administrative services, publishing house and typography, students' polyclinic. The 10 faculties of the university provide study programs for approximately 13500 students. Within the 25 departments, over 800 teachers work, and the administrative and auxiliary staff numbers around 1,000 cadres.

Politechnica University Timișoara is recognized as an outstanding protagonist on the stage of scientific research both national and international. The existence and operation of a considerable number of research centers (25), in which activates teams of researchers that are successfully implementing the research strategy of the institution, give the university professional prestige and, at the same time, provide the source of funds for development. Updating the results of research in scientific papers, patents or realized products is a guarantee of institutional competence, seriousness, and professionalism.

The Politechnica University Timişoara has an infrastructure that guarantees the good performance of didactic and research activities. Both in terms of real estate and equipment, the material basis of university excellence is the consequence of the concern to modernize and realize investments from the last decade.

The University campus includes 16 student dormitories that offer 6500 accommodations, a student canteen, a student's polyclinic and two high-performance Sports complex.


Anniversary program POLITEHNICA WEEK


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Thursday, November 9, 2017

 Friday, November 10, 2017

  • Exhibition "The Answering Machine - Faculty of Architecture and City Planning at the Politechnica University Timisoara, Vienna Design Week 2017", Faculty of Architecture, Demisol Club, 11:00 (more details)
  • The anniversary of Prof. Eng. Alimpie Ignea PhD., at the age of 70, in the K1 Amphitheater of the Politehnica University Library, Timisoara, 12:00. (more details)

Monday to Friday, November 13-17, 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

  • Launch of Students Magazine MASTERCOM, Faculty of Communication Sciences, BUPT Polyvalent Hall, 14:00;

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

  • The first meeting of the Academic Council, Hall of the Rectorate Council, 12:00.
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