Politehnica University Timisoara

20 years of distance learning in UPT

20 years of distance learning in UPT

ID / IFR and eLearning - CeL Center

6 October 2018





Politehnica University Timişoara organized the 20th anniversary of the ID / IFR and eLearning - CeL Center (the initial name was the Regional Center for Studies in Distance Learning - CSID) on 5-6 October 2018.

On this occasion, a series of events were organized:

  • International Conference on eLearning in Central and Eastern Europe;
  • 20th Anniversary of CeL @ 20 - (CeL 20 years Ceremony - CeL @ 20);
  • Opening of the academic year 2018-2019 for students of the first year of distance learning and part-time education;
  • Meeting of distance learning graduates - CeL Alumni Party.

This event was attended by graduates and teachers from all four specializations: Technologies and Telecommunication Systems (former Audio-Video and Multimedia Technologies), Computer Science, Communication and Public Relations, Machine Building Technology. On the CeL anniversary, the rector of Politehnica University Timişoara, prof. eng. Viorel-Aurel Şerban, PhD, former rector and first director of the Center, prof. eng. Nicolae Robu, PhD, the current mayor of Timisoara, but also the current director of CeL, eng. Diana Andone, PhD, who remembered the beginnings and evolution of the Center in its 20 years of activity.

Students across the country graduated from the CeL courses. Some are from Timisoara, others have crossed Romania from the other end of it. Graduates are part of the soul of any educational institution, they contribute to the consolidation and building of the future CeL. In the 20 years of activity, thousands of students have completed, within the CeL, either complete university study programs, or training or specialization courses.

CeL was established in 1998 under the name of the Center for Distance Learning Studies under the Phare Multi-Country Program for the purpose of functional integration into the trans-regional network of distance-learning education centers in Central and Eastern Europe . In these 20 years, CeL has initiated, promoted and managed university distance education, created and managed UPT Virtual Campus and developed research and implementation activities in eLearning and blended learning, mobile learning, promoted open educational resources OER), open education, developed UniCampus as the first MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) in Romania for free, open and open online courses.

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