Politehnica University Timisoara

A new agreement signed by UPT with the University of Niś

A new agreement signed by UPT with the University of Niś

A new agreement signed by UPT with the University of Niś

19 December 2019






Politehnica University Timisoara further strengthens its collaboration with Serbia. A new agreement, this time with the University of Niś, was signed on Thursday, December 19, 2019, at the Rectorate of UPT.

The new framework agreement for collaboration was signed by the rectors of the two higher education institutions, prof. Dragan Antić, PhD, and Prof. eng. Viorel-Aurel Șerban, PhD.

Even though the agreement was signed only now, the collaboration between the two universities is much older, the first contacts being initiated, on behalf of Politehnica, over 30 years ago, by Professor Stefan Preitl.

Subsequently, several collaborations were established between teachers, faculty, exchanges of teachers and students, mutual visits, especially after 2002, when the Erasmus+ agreement was concluded.

The Collaborative Framework Agreement aims to strengthen the relationships established so far and to extend cooperation to other levels. On the occasion of the meeting and presentation of the two universities, the numerous similarities in the didactic and research activity were emphasized, which amplifies the possibilities of collaboration in the future.

Un nou acord semnat de UPT cu Universitatea din Niś
Un nou acord semnat de UPT cu Universitatea din Niś
Un nou acord semnat de UPT cu Universitatea din Niś
Un nou acord semnat de UPT cu Universitatea din Niś
Un nou acord semnat de UPT cu Universitatea din Niś
Un nou acord semnat de UPT cu Universitatea din Niś
Un nou acord semnat de UPT cu Universitatea din Niś
Un nou acord semnat de UPT cu Universitatea din Niś
Un nou acord semnat de UPT cu Universitatea din Niś
Un nou acord semnat de UPT cu Universitatea din Niś
Un nou acord semnat de UPT cu Universitatea din Niś
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