Politehnica University Timisoara

AquaSensTim, an online symposium - WATER - THE ESSENCE OF LIFE at UPT

AquaSensTim, an online symposium - WATER - THE ESSENCE OF LIFE  at UPT

dedicated to World Water Day

23 March 2021






The Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, the Department of Applied Chemistry and Engineering of Inorganic Compounds and Environment within Politehnica University Timisoara, together with its partners - Aquatim SA, Timisoara City Hall - Environment Department, Aquademica Foundation, AGIR - Timiș Branch, the National Society of Environmental Science and Engineering, AZUR Technological High School în Timișoara and the League of Chemistry Students from Timișoara - organized on Monday, March 22, 2021, the online Symposium WATER - THE ESSENCE OF LIFE (AquaSensTim), to celebrate World Water Day.

The event aims to bring together water professionals, university and pre-university teachers, people of culture, students and pupils, to share different aspects of the symposium topics, in line with the main goal of World Water Day 2021 - Valuing Water.

The message sent this year by UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) - Valuing water - was taken during the AquaSensTim Symposium - edition I - Precious water in the center of improved life (ApaVie) and became the call to consciousness to each of us about the value of water. For different people, water can mean something else, the UNEP message continues, but WATER means LIFE for EVERYONE, and our knowledge and concerns for water should be included in the ethos of civic education, in our way of being.

Given the generosity of water to us and this year's message-call for World Water Day, this edition of the symposium was dedicated to a wide range of topics, different approaches, stories, thoughts and feelings about what water means in our life. The symposium brought together water professionals, university and pre-university teachers, students and pupils to share their experiences, attitudes and actions related to water, showing that there is a concern to learn about and value water.

The papers presented at the symposium addressed topics related to water quality, water pollution, water supply management, modern technologies for water treatment and purification, water and health, water and disaster management, irrigation management, river basin management, water management and groundwater conservation, water science, water and energy, but also the presence of water in culture and art.

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