Politehnica University Timisoara

Around 200 UPT students competed in the 4th edition of the Building Construct contest

Around 200 UPT students competed in the 4th edition of the Building Construct contest

Around 200 UPT students competed in the 4th edition of the Building Construct contest

20 May 2021






On Wednesday, May 19, 2021, the fourth edition of the Building Construct student competition, organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering withing Politehnica University Timisoara together with the Traian Lalescu Student Organization. IABSE, the largest professional organization in the field of civil engineering was a partner.
Building Construct is a competition addressed to first-year students, with the theme “Modern materials and solutions in constructions”. Designed to prepare students to be specialists in the field of civil engineering, and especially in construction materials, the project aims to develop their imagination, improve their skills and familiarize them with teamwork starting with the first year.
This year, the contest took place online (just like in 2020) with the students from the specializations civil engineering in Romanian (IC), in German (ICG), and in English (ICE). They formed teams and devised a didactic study from specialty literature under the guidance of assoc. prof. eng. Badea Catalin, Ph.D., assoc. prof. eng. Iures Liana, Ph.D., assistant eng. Chendes Remus, Ph.D. Almost 200 participated divided into 30 teams.
The first stage of the competition entailed doing the study, the students having from February 22 to May 12 to gather information on the topic they chose and devise a short presentation in a pre-defined format. The second stage was presenting the studies in an online conference. The presentations were evaluated by a jury made of prof. eng. Dan Sorin, Ph.D. – director of the Department of Civil Engineering and Instalations, Eng. Gruin Aurelian, Ph.D. – director of INCD URBAN-INCERC, Timisoara branch, Ph.D. student eng. Vioreanu Maura, student Rosu Daiana, representative of the student organization.

The topics presented by the 30 teams were:
No.    Team – Study name
1.      ICG I – The 21st century: The age of carbon fiber
2.      ICG II – Hydrogel – a key element in new construction materials
3.      ICG III – Silane-based hydrophobization
4.      114A-1 – Parquetry and its types
5.      114A-2 – Fiber cement in construction
6.      114B-1 – Self-leveling screed
7.      114B-2 – Composite tile cladding
8.      113A-1 – Concrete for grouting support machines
9.      113A-2 – Geocel
10.    113B-1 – Green concrete
11.    113B-2 – Hemp concrete
12.    ICE 1A – Cigarette Butt Bricks, a worldwide solution
13.    ICE 2A – Self Healing Materials - Concrete
14.    ICE 3A – Light Transmitting Concrete (LTC)
15.    ICE 1B – Transparent Wood
16.    ICE 2B – Cross laminated timber
17.    112A-1 – Residential buildings made of CLT
18.    112A-2 – Basalt wool
19.    112B-1 – Lamellar wood
20.    112B-2 – Micro cement
21.    115A-1 – BIM Technology
22.    115A-2 – Epoxy resins
23.    115A-3 – Smart glass
24.    115B-1 – 3D-printed building materials
25.    115B-2 – Transparent aluminum
26.    115B-3 – Transparent concrete
27.    111A-1 – High-strength self-compacting concrete
28.    111A-2 – Aerogel, construction material for insulation
29.    111B-1 – Two-component waterproofing mortar
30.    111B-2 – Hollow ceramic blocks filled with basalt wool

The teams that ended up on the podium presented studies based on innovative construction materials.

  • First place was taken by ICG 1 with the topic The 21st century: The age of carbon fiber (Daniel Varga, David Bîc, Daniel Gui, Vlad Gyenge, Bogdan Marcovici, Bogdan, Savi, Florin Burta, Mihai Hudac).
  • The second place was taken by team 114B-2 with Composite tile cladding (Florin Pernea, Monica Gușă, Marcian Adelin Popescu, Valentin Popescu, Miriam Alexandra Porcariu).
  • Third place was occupied by Group 2A – Civil Engineering 1st year cu Self-Healing Materials – Concrete (Adriana Paraschivei, Stefano Bujdei, Yassine Boulkhalil, Sailfeldin Elrashidy, Raluca Filip, Denisa Marc, Marius Militaru).

A mention was awarded to group 115B-2 for Transparent aluminum (Eduard Vamvu, Zagoni-Szabo Jozsef, Lia Adriana Tireac, Andrei Uzun, Diana Vijdea).

All the studies displayed in the competition will be published by Politehnica Publishing House in the “BUILDING CONSTRUCT” magazine, 3rd from 2021.

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