Politehnica University Timisoara

Assessment of surface water quality

Assessment of surface water quality

Assessment of surface water quality

19 November 2019






The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Politehnica University Timișoara hosted, on November 18, 2019, the conference of launching a new cross-border Romania - Serbia project on the topic of environmental protection. Not long after the cross-border project on insect migration was launched, a project on surface water quality has now been launched.

Entitled “Academic studies on surface water quality in the relevant cross-border natural reserves Djerdap / Iron Gates National Park and Carska Bara nature reserve; with the dissemination of the results in environmental awareness workshops", the project, worth about 630,000 euros, coordinated by Politehnica University Timisoara, in partnership with the University of Belgrade, the Technical Faculty in Bor, the Pro-Mehedinți Association and the "Village" Civic Association - The Movement for Rural Development in Zlot, is funded through the Interreg Cross-border Cooperation Program - IPA CBS Romania - Serbia.

The project activities are carried out for 18 months and in addition to equipping the two universities with high-resolution research equipment, the team of researchers has as main objective the analysis of surface water quality on the Danube, in the Iron Gates / Djerdap nature reserve area, in the newest delta of Europe - Nera Delta, in the Carska Bara nature reserve as well as other tributaries of the Danube.

The two partner associations have as their main objective the increase of awareness of the young generations on both sides of the border regarding the immediate need to protect the region's remarkable natural heritage, as well as to raise awareness of the local communities regarding the benefits of sustainable use. of natural resources and environmental protection.

The project manager is assoc. prof. eng. Ioan Laza, PhD, director of the MMUT Department of Politehnica University Timisoara. In addition to the representatives of the partner institutions, the general consul of Serbia in Timișoara, Vladan Tadic, and the deputy of the Serbian minority in the Parliament of Romania, Slavoliub Adnagi (graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering within UPT), attended the project launch conference, all spoke about the importance of developing joint projects, respectively about the need to protect the environment and to combat pollution.

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