The best 100 students from seven counties of the country (Timiș, Arad, Hunedoara, Caraș-Severin, Mehedinți, Gorj and Bihor) were present, on September 5, 2019, in the Auditorium of the Conference Center of the Polytechnic University Timișoara, at the opening "Politehnica ™ 100% performance" summer school. They were welcomed by representatives of the university management, representatives of the ten faculties, the economic environment, but also the National Council of Students.
In the context of the close of the Centenary of its existence, the Politehnica University of Timisoara has started, since spring of this year, the Politehnica TM project 100% performance (100 successful polytechnics people for 100 deserving high school students), in order to identify and support 100 young people with skills from high schools in the region and beyond.
The project aims to support performance from the high school level, by creating a system of identification, stimulation and motivation of students capable of performance, not only as a result of learning, but also as a result of outstanding intellectual, creative, artistic or sporting skills.
The 100 students, from the 10th and 11th grades, were selected on the basis of school performance, but also of the prizes obtained at the olympics and national and international competitions, both in educational, sporting or artistic disciplines, as well as based on volunteer activities.
One component of the project consisted in the organization, with the Center for Counseling and Career Guidance within UPT, a summer school during 5 to 7 September 2019, in which the 100 students are introduced to social facilities offered from the Politehnica University Timișoara, the prestige that UPT enjoys at national and international level, the educational offer of the university, the student life at Politehnica, the opportunities they have, both as students and as graduates of UPT, the sports facilities they have at your service. Also, the program includes visits to Timișoara and to the headquarters of some companies, workshops for self-knowledge and educational and career planning.
On November 11, 2019, the 100 students will be awarded with 1000 euros each, within the "Politehnica TM 100% performance" Anniversary Gala, which marks the entrance of Politehnica University Timisoara in the year 100 of its existence. At the same time, they will come in contact with the "mentors" selected from the successful graduates, and their career will be pursued in the future.