Politehnica University Timisoara

Hundreds of UPT students participated in the opening of the ID / IFR academic year

Hundreds of UPT students participated in the opening of the ID / IFR academic year

Hundreds of UPT students participated in the opening of the ID / IFR academic year

7 October 2019

Politehnica University Timisoara, through the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center organized on Saturday, October 5, 2019, the opening celebration of the 2019-2020 academic year for students attending remote and reduced-frequency courses. Hundreds of students and the representatives of the UPT management as well as the faculties that have specializations in ID / IFR regime took part in the event.

The opening ceremony began with the traditional "Gaudeamus" and the Politehnica anthem and the host of the event was the director of the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center, eng. Diana Andone, PhD. She took the floor and wished the "freshmen" a warm welcome from the CeL team.

Then prof. assoc. Florin Drăgan, PhD, Vice-Rector of UPT and teacher in the Computer Science specialization, addressed the students. He congratulated the students on the choice made and told them about his interactions with former ID students, students with an average age older than daily-frequency class students, but with a much more serious and motivated approach.

"This year you are the 100th generation to become students at Politehnica University Timisoara. This is a university that has a tradition and, perhaps, the difference between us and other universities with tradition is that we pay special attention to this form of education. So, welcome! ”Said the UPT Vice-Rector in front of the students.

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Automation and Computers – prof. assoc. eng. Ciprian-Bogdan Chirilă, PhD, encouraged the "freshmen" to finish the IT specialization, reminding of the success that the IT field has in the Western area, but also about the benefits that the jobs in the IT area bring: "You have chosen well. Informatics is a leading field in the Timisoara industry. And we also have jobs in the field. In UPT we have technology, we have support, and the Virtual Campus is at a great height. I wish you success!".

At the conclusion of the event, the new students participated in a training course on the use of the UPT platform - Virtual Campus - the official platform for learning support in the ID and IFR regime. On the same day, the students of the 4 specializations - Informatics, Technologies and telecommunications systems, Communication and Public Relations and the Technology of machine construction entered the classrooms and participated in the first day of ID / IFR courses.

In the academic year 2019-2020, 100 students were admitted to the Computer Science ID specialization, 50 students to the Communication Systems Technology specialization, 64 students to the Communication and Public Relations specialization and 60 students to the Communication Systems Technology specialization.

Sute de studenți ai UPT au participat la deschiderea anului universitar ID/IFR
Sute de studenți ai UPT au participat la deschiderea anului universitar ID/IFR
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