Politehnica University Timisoara

IDMSC 2018: The students presented their projects and won prizes

IDMSC 2018: The students presented their projects and won prizes

IDMSC 5th edition

22 May 2018






UPT's Central Library hosted on May 18, 2018, the student contest Interactive Digital Media Student Contest, a student competition organized by the Multimedia Center of Politehnica University Timisoara, which aims to stimulate the creativity and the spirit of multimedia competition reached at the 5th edition.
During the competition pupils and students at bachelor, master and doctoral level from all over the country and even from abroad, had the opportunity to present their projects, but also to interact directly with the representatives of the economic environment, possible employers of the participants.

The IDMSC 2018 Contest has taken place in several categories:

- Web development / Web applications development on a topical theme, of any type and format;
- Mobile development / Mobile applications that use any computing architecture and for any platform;
- Audio-video production - materials belonging to one of the types of audio-video productions: videos, commercials, generic / promo /
  trailer, video animations, timelapse, special effects / tricks;
- Graphic Design - graphic designs of any kind: web banner, template website, infographic, poster / poster, brochure / leaflet, cover,
  visual identity elements, processed digital images;
- Internet of Things - Implementation of an IoT concept or device that combines hardware, software and data on a topical theme (eg:
  intelligent house, sensor network, robots, etc.).

At the contest students and students were presented both individually and organized in teams.


The jury, made up of specialists from Politehnica University Timisoara and representatives of the partner companies, awarded the following awards:

  • Grand Prix IDMSC - Web Application - XVision - Iarca Ştefan, Avramescu Cristian, Bercean Bogdan, Tenescu Andrei (undergraduate students, Faculty of Automation and Computing, Politehnica University Timişoara), Lucaci Cosmina Deiana (Bachelor of Science, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, West University of Timisoara). The award was offered by Haufe Group (a full package of Raspberry Pi 3). Also, for the XVision project, the IDMSC 2018 Trophy was awarded by 3D Printing and offered by Nutechnologies.
  • Best Business Award - Idea - Web Application - PrioriVar - Moldovan Bogdan, Andronache Dan Alexandru, Pîrvănescu Delia-Alisa, Mocan-Dragoescu Andreea, Schuszter Cristian (Master's Degree, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, West University of Timişoara). The award was given by the Multimedia Center (iPad Mini).
  • Web Development / Web Development Award - Emun - Ionascu Alexandru (Bachelor of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest), Popa Diana-Fabiola (Bachelor of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, West University of Timisoara). The award was offered by Intel Movidius (vouchers worth 1.500 lei).
  • Audio Production Award - Video - Swingville - Popa Haralambie, student, Grigore Moisil High School in Timisoara. The award was provided by Nokia (Sony Xperia Smartphone).
  • Graphic Design Award - Graphics - No Hate Speech - Selagea Paul, Iurescu Daiana (undergraduate students, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies, Politehnica University Timisoara). The award was provided by Lasting (2 monitors - Fujitsu and Dell).
  • Mobile Development - Mobile Application - AtOnce - Iarca Stefan, Florea Vlad, Giuriciu Daniel (undergraduate students, Faculty of Automation and Computers, Politehnica University Timisoara). The award was provided by Cobalt Sign (AirPods headphones and RockBox audio speaker).
  • IoT - Clock Vision Award - Bogdan Darius-Răzvan, Toaca Arin, Tofeni Marius, Incicaş Raluca, Tenescu Andrei (Bachelor's Degree, Faculty of Automation and Computers, Politehnica University of Timişoara). The prize was provided by SafeFleet (vouchers worth 1.500 lei).
IDMSC 2018: studenții și-au prezentat proiectele și au câștigat premii
IDMSC 2018: studenții și-au prezentat proiectele și au câștigat premii
IDMSC 2018: studenții și-au prezentat proiectele și au câștigat premii
IDMSC 2018: studenții și-au prezentat proiectele și au câștigat premii
 UPT Central library The Department of Communication and Image
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