Politehnica University Timisoara

International Conference ICNcT 2018, under the sign of Aurel Nanu

International Conference ICNcT 2018, under the sign of Aurel Nanu

the "pioneer" of unconventional technologies in Romania

4 October 2018






Under the aegis of the Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania, Politehnica University Timişoara, in collaboration with "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu and the Romanian Association of Unconventional Technologies, organized, on 4-6 October 2018, the International Conference on Unconventional Technologies - ICNcT 2018.

The conference is part of the most representative gallery of global scientific events of this genre and has a 47-year tradition in the scientific world. The 19th edition of 2018 approached the context where nanotechnologies represent the future of the planet, and their importance in the economic development of the regions is considered to be decisive.

On the first day commemorative actions took place 1 year after the death of the professor emeritus dr. ing. dr. doc. ş.t. dhc. Aurel Carol Nanu (May 23, 1921 - October 4, 2017), the "pioneer" of unconventional technologies in Romania. On this occasion, a general commemorative assembly was held in the hall 193 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of UPT, which was given the name "Aurel Carol NANU". It was a meeting of the soul, in which those present, many of whom were former colleagues, students or simply friends, have expressed their gratitude and shared memories about Professor Aurel Nanu, the mentor of generations. An exciting moment at the meeting was the interpretation that the Lira choir, led by Camelia Condescu, of the prayed Our Father.

First-rate scientific personality, unmistakable at national and international level, Professor Aurel Nanu is a reference name for material technology. Since 1924, the discipline of Materials Technology is studied starting at the Timişoara Technology School, and after 1965 the teaching of this discipline is based on the course of Professor Aurel Nanu, who imprinted a new concept, phenomenological, in the technology of materials, contributing decisively to raising it to the rank of science. He led and completed the record number of over 80 doctoral theses in over forty years, the authors obtaining the title of doctor of technical sciences.

Added value was given to the academic event by co-opting in the commission international science of remarkable personalities in the field of unconventional technologies. The papers presented at the Conference will be published in the scientific publication"Nonconventional Technologies Review" (www.revtn.ro), indexed in several international databases.

Conferința Internațională ICNcT 2018, sub semnul lui Aurel Nanu
Conferința Internațională ICNcT 2018, sub semnul lui Aurel Nanu
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