Politehnica University Timisoara

International Conference on Applied Sciences at its fifth edition at Hunedoara Engineering

International Conference on Applied Sciences at its fifth edition  at Hunedoara Engineering

10-12th May 2017

16 May 2017






During 10-12th May, Politehnica University Timisoara and the University of Banja Luka hand in hand with the Romanian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Tehnical Sciences (Timisoara branch), Academy of Sciences Republic of Srpska and the General Association of Engineers in Romania (Hunedoara branch), hold, at Hunedoara Engineering, the fifth edition of  “International Conference on Applied Sciences” (ICAS2017), where important figures from the scientific and engineerical area participated.

The conference’s past editions have helped improving not only Politehnica University Timisoara and Hunedoara Engineering’s image, but also that of Hunedoara’s, due to the high attendance of some significant number of researchers from Romania and some other countries such as, Bosnia and Herzegovina, USA, China, Germany, France, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia etc.

At this year’s edition we were honoured by the presence of some personalities such as: H.E. Dr. Mile Vasić, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Romania, Mr. Radenko Komljenovic, Economic Director at Banja Luka City hall, Mrs. Dragica Ristic, Director at the Chamber of Commerce in Banja Luka, Mr. Predrag Damjanovic, Director of the Pedagogical Institute in Banja Luka, and also the presence of some important personalities from different scientific and engineerical areas, close areas to materials science, mechatronics, electrical engineering, computer engineering and fundamental sciences which are taught at Hunedoara Engineering.

At the conference, there were presented 125 scientific papers, most of them tackling the problems in the industrial area.

Papers were presented in plenum by PhD. Mohsen Razzaghi from Mississippi State University, PhD. Miroslav Prsa from University of Novi Sad, Mr. Bogdan Lungu from Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Prof. Mircea Octavian Popoviciu from the Romanian Academy of Sciences and PhD. Ioan Ilca from the Academy of Tehnical Sciences of Romania.

After a close evaluation, the accepted papers will be published in a volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. We hope that this volume will be indexed in the most important databases, such as Scopus and also in ISI Web of Sciences (Conference Proceedings Citation Index), like in the past editions.


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