Politehnica University Timisoara

Launching the Strategic Project ATRACTING

Launching the Strategic Project ATRACTING
12 May 2014

Monday, 12.05.2014, in the UPT Senate Hall, the project entitled “Increasing the attractiveness and the performance of doctoral and postdoctoral study programs for the researchers in engineering science – ATRACTING” was launched. The project, implemented by the Politehnica University Timisoara, as beneficiary, in partnership with Politehnica University Bucuresti, Transilvania University from Brasov and Technical University from Cluj Napoca, has as a main objective the development of human resources for competitive research, able to innovate within knowledge based economy.

Through this project, a financial support under the form of scholarships co-financed from structural European funds through POSDRU 2007-2013, worth 3700 RON/month and 1800 RON/month, will be awarded to 41 postdoctoral researchers and for starting their career as scientific researchers and, respectively, to 130 PhD students for training them as scientific researchers. The project will be implemented for 18 months starting from April 2014.

Lansarea proiectului strategic ATRACTING
Lansarea proiectului strategic ATRACTING
Lansarea proiectului strategic ATRACTING
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