Politehnica University Timișoara, the Department of Mathematics organizes in the period:
February 25, 2018 - June 17, 2018
Mathematics Preparatory Courses
for its potential students, regardless of the faculty that they wants to follow and independent of admission form (files contest or verification tests contest) for which they choose,
courses that will be useful both for the baccalaureate exam and for the first year of studies.
Classes are free!
and will take place every Sunday during the period above (except April 1, April 8 )
in the auditorium D1 of the Faculty of Automation and Computing, V. Pârvan Boulevard No. 2, between 10am and 1pm.
The topics debated (Syllabus) follows the content of Culegere de problem pentru examenul de bacalaureat și admiterea în Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara published by Politehnica Publishing House in 201.
Course participants are not required any commitment to UPT.