Politehnica University Timisoara

Open Education and Impact of Digitization at UPT

Open Education and Impact of Digitization at UPT

Open Education and Impact of Digitization at UPT

25 March 2019






The Conference Center of Politehnica University Timisoara hosted on Friday, March 22, 2019, the workshop "Open Education and Impact of Digitization", organized by the ID / IFR and eLearning Center, with the support of the Eden and IEEE associations, addressed both to teaching staff and to students, but also IT trainers or human resources departments.

Nine international level speakers presented the latest news about open education in Romania and the European Union at the 6th edition of the Open Education and Digitization Impact Workshop, organized during the Open Education Week 2019.

The workshop highlighted the impact of opening in the digital age, from policies to individuals, teachers and students. Having a history of many years of implementation, it has been examined how Open Educational Resources (OER), Massive open online courses (MOOC), Open Culture, and Open Science can be integrated into all levels of education and training within institutions and companies. There have been presented practical examples of using and integrating mobile learning, augmented and virtual reality in education, open research, how the notion of blockchain influences education, but also how open and digital terms are reflected in culture and heritage.

The special guest of the event was prof. Steve Wheeler, PhD, Learning Innovation Consultant and former Associate Professor (Learning Technologies) at the Plymouth Education Institute where he chaired the Learning Futures group and led the IT and Science teams. He continues research on technology-based learning and distance learning, focusing in particular on pedagogy underpinning the use of social technologies and Web 2.0 technologies, and also has research interests in the field of mobile learning and cyberculture. He spoke in more than 35 countries and is the author of over 150 scientific articles with over 7,000 academic citations. An active and prolific edublogger, his Learning with ' e's blog is a regular online commentary on the social and cultural impact of disruptive technologies and on the use of digital media in education, learning and development. In recent years, it has attracted over 8 million unique visitors.

Open Education Week is an event promoted by the Open Education Consortium, with the aim of presenting the open learning opportunities and results of its integration into all forms of education, whether it is the development of skills or knowledge at work, as a backing for university or pre-university education, or simply to find out something new about a personal interest of each individual.

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