Politehnica University Timisoara

Politehnica Timişoara - a step towards your future

Politehnica Timişoara - a step towards your future

More than 1,000 pupils built a ”Bridge between generations”

20 April 2018

More than 1,000 pupils from all over the country and the Republic of Moldova gathered on Friday, April 20, at the Capitol Summer Garden, to attend the opening of the "Politehnica Timişoara - a step towards your future" event, which this year runs under the slogan "Bridge between generations". The action, which is a tradition already in the 5th edition, addresses high school students and aims at informing them and acquainting them with the university environment in order to ensure a better transition of high school graduates to higher education and their orientation to a successful career.

Rector of Politehnica University Timişoara, prof. eng. Viorel-Aurel Şerbanm Ph.D., told the students about the advantages they have as students of UPT, both during the faculty, thanks to the material base and the exceptional facilities of the university, as well as the emphasis on the quality of the didactic act, which makes the graduation of a faculty within UPT a guarantee of success in life. Besides, it is already known that more than 90% of Politehnica graduates are employed in Timisoara, which has become a true pole of development of the country. Last but not least, the UPT Rector spoke to prospective students about sports and cultural activities, which are an important part of student activities.

Deputy Mayor Dan Diaconu, present at the event, spoke about the Politehnica Timisoara brand, which is closely linked to the economic development of Timisoara in the last century. The Deputy Mayor, who is also a graduate of UPT, urged students to take advantage of the "unremitting offer" to be students at Politehnica University Timişoara, highlighting the charm and attractiveness of the city.

From the Timiş County School Inspectorate, Professor Francis Halasz spoke about the good cooperation relations established with UPT, about joint actions, reminding students that being students of Politehnica University Timişoara during this period meant to witness both the UPT centenary, in 2020, and Timisoara European Capital of Culture in 2021, which will bring both interesting and attractive activities.

On behalf of the Managing Board of Politehnica University Timişoara, Florin Ciocan, Nokia director, talked about the good collaboration of the university with the economic environment, while the host of the event, prof. eng. Florin Dragan, Ph.D., vice-rector of UPT, spoke to students about what "life at Poli" means, but also about the scholarships that UPT gives, which are the largest in the country.

Moreover, the prestige enjoyed by Politehnica University Timişoara can also be noticed by the interest shown by the pupils, who are very much present at this event, many of them coming from the remote corners of the country, from the counties of Maramureş, Neamt, Harghita, besides those that traditionally bring UPT students: Arad, Caras Severin, Hunedoara, Alba, Gorj, Dolj, Mehedinti, Bihor.

The bridge between generations was also reinforced by the concert held by Friday's Vest Phoenix Cover, which performed some of the oldest or newer songs of the beloved Timisoara group that raised the students' they urged to dance.

If Friday was a relaxed day, on Saturday, April 21st, over 1,000 students participate in the seven national competitions with prizes organized by the faculties of Politehnica University Timişoara:

  • The "Valeriu Alaci" Mathematics Competition - at the Faculty of Automation and Computing and the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering,
  • The Environmental Protection - Smart and Sustainable Generation Chemistry Contest - at the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering,
  • "Constructions: Tradition and Future" - at the Faculty of Civil Engineering,
  • The Professional Idea Competition "Intelligent Electricity Generation" - at the Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering,
  • "Pyramid Management and Marketing" - at the Faculty of Management in Production and Transport,
  • The "MecArt" Skills Competition - at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
  • Olympiads of Communication - at the Faculty of Communication Sciences.

All competitions started at 9:00, and the awards took place between 14:30 and 18:00.

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