Politehnica University Timisoara

Politehnica University Timișoara

Politehnica University Timișoara

effective project implementation model of European structural funds

17 March 2017






Politehnica University Timișoara

– effective project implementation model of European structural funds -


   Funds amounting to 1.277.764.611,54 lei (approx. 284 million euro) were allocated to universities through the Sectoral Operational Program Increase of Economic Competitiveness (SOPIEC). Annual Report Academic Society of Romania (SAR) places University Politehnica University Timişoara on second place in Romania, both in terms of the amount of funds raised and the correlation of their increasing institutional performance. The positive results highlights once again that the judicious use of funds raised is a constant concern for Politehnica Timișoara.

   According to the classification made by Clean Romania, top 5 universities who succeeded to attract more resources from POSCCE program is as follows:



Total contribution UE + RO (lei)

University Politehnica of Bucharest


Politehnica University Timișoara


University Transilvania of Brașov


Technical University Gh. Asachi of Iasi





Source: Author's calculations based on data provided by MFE, top 10 universities: the highest values of projects POSCCE

"As you’d expect it, Politehnica University Timişoara only inform the community about certain achievements, verifiable and worthy to be known by all those who follow our university course. In this way, I wish to point out that the performance to get second place in the country is all the more commendable as the number of teachers in UPT is considerably lower than that of the University Politehnica of Bucharest and that of other universities that boast future plans, but aren’t among the top finalists of the previous financial year", said Rector of UPT, prof. dr. eng. Viorel - Aurel Şerban.

The financial exercise for 2007-2013 period was extended until July 31, 2015, so the results and effects of the operational programs is still the subject of considerable relevance to our country. SAR report, issued Tuesday, March 7th, 2017, examines how the funds were used by the Structural and Cohesion beneficiaries of the 106 projects funded and to what extent can be correlated with increased fundraising performance. However, because the number of patent applications has been an indicator of POSCCE, we analyzed data published by OSIM on applications during the period 2001-2012. It has been a significant increase in the number of applications submitted by universities and research institutes in the funding period POSCCE - 680 applications in 2010, approximately six times more applications compared to 2001.

Politehnica University Timișoara managed "to obtain second place at the national level since assumed financial risks well above the average of other Romanian universities, with particular focus on human resource development and university infrastructure, benefits of POSCCE program" said the Rector of Politehnica Timișoara.

UPT stands among the top universities in the country in terms of correlation value in funds raised in research of university performance. So "meritocracy score" developed on the number of citations of doctoral coordinators highlights international recognition enjoyed by Politehnica Timișoara. These results are consistent with the position obtained by UPT in the prestigious SCImago Institutions Rankings classification, which in 2016 ranked position Politehnica of Bucharest on first place and Politehnica Timișoara placed second among universities in Romania.

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