Politehnica University Timisoara

Politehnica University Timișoara is online!

Politehnica University Timișoara is online!

Virtual Campus of UPT

13 March 2020






Politehnica University Timișoara, through the Virtual Campus of UPT, continues to provide quality education in the current crisis. Teachers and students already use an integrated type of online education, through the tools but also the interactive educational methods.

By the decision of the Administrative Board of Politehnica University Timișoara on the prevention and monitoring of the risks regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) within UPT, all the didactic activities (courses, seminars, laboratory work, practice, student examinations and tests, etc.) are carried out exclusively online, using the Virtual Campus of UPT (cv.upt.ro), the specialized platform for distance learning and specific electronic communication systems.

Politehnica University Timișoara has at its disposal a modern and already integrated infrastructure, necessary for carrying out educational activities in an online system, using the specialized e-learning platform, the Virtual Campus of UPT and six online video conferencing systems.

Virtual Campus of UPT, CVUPT, developed since 2006 by the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center ( CeL ) is an online learning and academic support environment based on open source system Moodle, for all the faculties within UPT and remote learning. CVUPT is highly personalized and adapted to the needs of engineering education, flexible, with innovative communication elements, interactive video clips, labs and virtual classrooms.

Since as early as 2010 the master's degree programs are integrated in CVUPT and use in a normal and continuous manner the blended learning educational method, and the students are familiar with the remote work, the integration and the online support for them is easy.

Over 350 of the bachelor's degree courses already used CVUPT as an academic learning support, allowing for easy switching to online learning. In the last two days, the rest of the courses were integrated, for students from other specializations, the number of online courses now exceeding 1000. All course materials, seminar, laboratory, project related to the Master and Bachelor disciplines are in the Virtual Campus of UPT - CVUPT, in online courses dedicated to each faculty.

Communication with students will be done continuously online, through the Forum of each course, but also through individual messages.

The didactic activities will be supported through interactive virtual classes, through videoconferencing, with the possibility for students to ask questions, to be seen and heard, all the activity being recorded for later access.

Politehnica University Timișoara thus continues the tradition of innovative and modern education, as well as supporting the movement of open education and open source systems, in accordance with the principles of the European Union in the Digital Future Strategy of Europe.

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