Politehnica University Timisoara

Politehnica University Timișoara students began the second semester in a hybrid regime

Politehnica University Timișoara students began the second semester in a hybrid regime

Politehnica University Timișoara students began the second semester in a hybrid regime

22 February 2022






On Monday, February 21, 2022, the students from Politehnica University Timisoara started the second semester in a hybrid regime as per the UPT Senate decision regarding the organization of teaching activities of the second semester of the 2021-2022 academic year, this document including the measures taken for preventing and combating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Depending on the epidemiologic situation in Timisoara and Hunedoara, respectively, the infrastructure, the particularities of the study programs and the human resources, teaching activity in the second semester of the 2021-2022 academic year will be organized according to the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: Students participate to teaching activities in a mixed system:

  • non-final bachelor years: a mixed system with online courses and in-person practical activities, respecting and practicing protection measures;
  • final bachelor years: students will attend online courses. The organization of practical activities will be decided in every faculty by the Faculty Council Boards, depending on the specifics of every subject;
  • master students: all activities will be held online.

Scenario 2: Every student attends teaching activities online.

The first scenario is the working plan if legal conditions allow in-person activities , otherwise, the second one will be used.

The decisions regarding the organization of teaching activities in during the semester will be updated by the Administrative Board of the university as often as needed. The distribution of teaching hours during the semester (normally or modularly), and that of students into study groups will be decided by the faculty management, depeding on the specifics and particularities of each faculty, on the infrastructure, the needs of the study programs and human resources.

In outstanding situations motivated by the faculties, after consulting students and teaching staff and with the approval of the faculty management, in-person or online teaching activities may be organized with other student groups than the recommended ones.

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