Politehnica University Timisoara

Polytechnic Days 2018: 98 years of academic performance!

Polytechnic Days 2018: 98 years of academic performance!

Polytechnic Days 2018: 98 years of academic performance!

7 November 2018






It is 98 years since King Ferdinand signed the decree establishing the Polytechnic School of Timisoara, raising the city from Bega to the rank of university city and thus fulfilling the Banat people's aspirations to have a higher education institution. The establishment of a technical university was a natural choice, Timisoara being, almost a century ago, the city with the most Romanian enterprises, a city with a technical vocation, where hundreds of national, European and even world-wide premieres took place.

In the 98 years, Politehnica University Timisoara has raised the stamp of the quality of the educational act, which, coupled with a scientific research activity at the highest level, has given generations of well-trained engineers, specialists in their field and who took the prestige of the school with them in their community, in the country, and even abroad. The fact that Timisoara is today the most industrialized city in the country, after the Capital, with a booming economy, is a consequence of the quality of the graduates trained in Politehnica. Besides, the names of the graduates of Politehnica Timisoara are found in the management of institutions, professional organizations and companies, large and small, national and multinational.

Now, after 98 years of activity, we pride ourselves on providing students with enviable learning conditions, the largest scholarships (from budget and own resources), accommodation in our dormitories for all applicants, the most modern university library in the country and a sports base like no other university in Romania has. We pride ourselves with our professors, many of them prestigious academics, nationally and internationally recognized professors, in charge of many international professional structures and bodies. Not by accident, according to the number of scientific papers published and indexed in specialized journals with international recognition, SCImago Rankings placed Politehnica University Timisoara on the third place in Romania and a leading place in Central and Eastern Europe.

With a feeling of fulfilled debt, Politehnica University Timisoara celebrated its 98th anniversary through a series of events united under the 2018 Politehnica Days.

At the festive opening, followed by the UPT Promoters Gala, there were high school directors and representatives of the school inspectorates from 9 counties, who gave the most students for Politehnica, representatives of the companies that are also present at Career Days, teachers and students of UPT. Politehnica thus becomes the binder between high school students and the economic environment, preparing them for a successful career.

As a part of the events also took place the festive opening of the Career Days 2018, a traditional manifestation in Politehnica University Timisoara, that now reached the 13th edition.

The opening ceremony also included awarding students' best degree papers.

The full program of the 2018 Politehnica Days, which took place between November 7 and 16, is as follows:


7.11.2018          Festive opening; The UPT Promoters Gala
                          UPT Conference Center, Auditorium, 10:00

                          Bachelor projects awards
                            UPT Library, 11:30

             EDLW (European Distance Learning Week) Webinar  în cadrul EDLW - 2018 (5 - 9 november 2018)
               E-Learning Center, 16:30

7-8.11.2018         Career Days
                            UPT Restaurant, 10:00 – 17:00

8.11.2018          International Conference - ISETC18, 13th Edition, 8-9 november
                          UPT Library, Polyvalent Hall, 9:30 – opening

 Round table on the topic “New challenges in chemistry and chemical engineering education in Romania”
    The Faculty of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Amphitheater A1, Boulevard Vasile Pârvan 6, 18:00

9.11.2018          Seven Decades of Industrial Chemistry in Timișoara – festive ceremony
                            UPT Conference Center, Auditorium, 11:00

  Honorific Consul Evening at FSC – Honorific consuls in Timișoara for a dialog with students on topics regarding multiculturality and multilinguism
     UPT Library, Polyvalent Hall, 17:30

10-11.11.2018        Round table: Communicating Democracy: Challenges to Universities in Illiberal Times
                            Department of Communications and Foreign Languages, room A210, 10:00

12.11.2018             Student projects competition
                             UPT Library, Polyvalent Hall, 12:00

Book Launch: In memoriam Dan Perju “O viaţă dedicată Şcolii Politehnice Timişorene”
Rectorate, Senate Hall, 14:00
Book Launch:
- „25 de ani de Comunicare și Traductologie în Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara, 1993-2018” Monograph;
- „Graduates, professionals, specialists. Slalom among experiences - Absolvenți, profesioniști, specialiști. Slalom printre experiențe” Volume
UPT Library, Polyvalen Hall 16:00

13-15.11.2018        Brazilian Movie Days
                            UPT Library, Polyvalent Hall, 18:00

14.11.2018             Ioan Holender… again at UPT
                            UPT Library, Polyvalent Hall, 11:00

                             98 for Poli – 98-lap run
                            Sports Base 1, 13:30

15.11.2018             Traditional Japanese kimono exhibition
                             UPT Library, central lobby, 15:30

                             Doctor Honoris Causa Award prof. em. Gyde Hansen, PhD, Copenhagen Business School
                             UPT Senate Hall, 16:00

15-16.11.2018        International Conference GLOREP 2018
                UPT Conference Center, Auditorium, 9:30

16.11.2018             Anniversary event: 25 years of communication and translation in UPT
                             UPT Conference Center, Auditorium, 12:00

Zilele Politehnicii 2018: 98 de ani de performanță academică!
Zilele Politehnicii 2018: 98 de ani de performanță academică!
Zilele Politehnicii 2018: 98 de ani de performanță academică!
Zilele Politehnicii 2018: 98 de ani de performanță academică!
Zilele Politehnicii 2018: 98 de ani de performanță academică!
 UPT Central library The Department of Communication and Image
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