Politehnica University Timisoara

Professor Corneliu Bob, celebrated at the age of 80

Professor Corneliu Bob, celebrated at the age of 80

Professor Corneliu Bob, celebrated at the age of 80

11 March 2019






The Faculty of Civil Engineering of Politehnica University Timisoara organized on Monday, March 11, 2019, the homage celebration of Prof. Eng. Corneliu Bob, PhD, who at the age of 80, was given an opportunity to receive an anniversary plaque from the UPT leadership.

About Professor Corneliu Bob's career and personality speak prof. eng. Daniel Dan, PhD, Vice-Rector of UPT, who handed over his birthday plate, prof. eng. Raul Zaharia, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, and lect. eng. Sorin Dan, PhD, director of the Department of Civil and Industrial Construction, all of whom were former students of Professor Corneliu Bob.

Visibly excited, Professor Corneliu Bob remembered the beginnings of his career, with outstanding personalities such as Victor Vlad, Constantin Avram or Dan Mateescu, as well as events from the past. Moreover, it is noteworthy that, after a 57-year teaching career, Professor Corneliu Bob is still active, he has lectures and has PhD students enrolled.

After graduating from Traian Doda high school in Caransebes, Corneliu Bob attended the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Timisoara, becoming an engineer in 1961.

Teaching began at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. He held the teaching positions: assistant (1961 - 1966), chief of works (1966-1968), lecturer (1968 - 1990), professor (from 1990) and from 1978 to 1984 he was dean of the faculty.

Between 1996-2004 he was a director at INCERC - Timisoara Branch.

He has specialized at the Royal Polytechnic Institute and the Institute for Research in Construction, Stockholm (1972-1973), at IENS Cauchan (1998), where he also attended a course (1998) and Haifa Technical University (1999).

Since 1970 he has been a PhD engineer. He is a PhD tutor, many students having obtained a PhD title under his tutelage.

In parallel with the didactic duties, he also carried out an intense design and verification activity with 185 projects designed and over 75 technical expertise.

It is worth mentioning the 10 patented inventions of Professor Corneliu Bob (coauthor), namely: High strength cement mortar anchors for precompressed concrete elements; The superplastifying additive composition for concrete and the process of obtaining it; Concrete composition; ”Îmbrăcăminte de beton de ciment pentru cale de poduri și procedeu de realizare a acesteia”; Concrete composition; Device for fiber- cutting of steel wire; Process for measuring rotations; A local material for building masonry; Procedure for making rigid knots to precast concrete structures.

It is also noteworthy that the he was awarded with the Aurel Vlaicu Romanian Academy in 1981 for the book "New types of special concrete" and declared "docent lecturer" in 1988.

For his prolific activity, he was elected to the Standing Committee and Commission 8 IABSE (International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering); member of E-Core-ECCREDI (European Council for Constructions Research); member of the Romanian Academy "Material Science" Commission – secretary of Timisoara Branch; member of the editorial staff of SED (Structural Eng. Documents), edited by IABSE (Zürich).

Professor Corneliu Bob has been a member of the editorial board of IABSE Bulletin for 8 years, along with his younger colleague, also from UPT's Faculty of Construction, lect. eng. Sorin Dan, PhD.

Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
Profesorul Corneliu Bob, sărbătorit la împlinirea a 80 de ani
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