Politehnica University Timisoara

"School of entrepreneurs" at UPT, for students and teachers

"School of entrepreneurs" at UPT, for students and teachers

Ensure Your Future through Education and Entrepreneurship - AVEA

27 September 2019





Starting from the idea that the balanced development of a city or a region implies the existence of large companies as well as of small companies, Politehnica University Timisoara, which has very good relations of collaboration with the big companies in the area, is also involved in supporting small entrepreneurs, by introducing into the study program of entrepreneurial education.

In this regard, Politehnica University Timisoara is coordinator and beneficiary, together with the Danke Association, of a project worth almost 8 million lei from European non-reimbursable funds, which aims to increase the participation and the level of education for students, students and teachers, especially for vulnerable groups, by providing financial support to students and students, increasing the attractiveness of the educational offer and improving the skills of the teachers, the project manager being prof. eng. Sorin Herban, PhD.

The launch of the AVEA project (Ensure Your Future through Education and Entrepreneurship), a project co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020, took place on Friday, September 27, 2019, at the Conference Center of Politehnica University Timisoara.

Among the objectives of the project, which will run between 2019-2021, we mention the participation of 450 students in information-counseling activities in order to increase the participation and the level of education, especially for the disadvantaged groups, with a particular focus on reducing the number of students who have difficulties related to integration in the academic environment, respectively of insertion in the labor market after completing their studies.

At the same time, the project proposes to inform and advise a number of 300 students from the Western region counties in order to increase the graduation rate of secondary studies and to orientate them towards further studies at tertiary level.

Also, the project proposes to include 75 teachers in a postgraduate program of continuous professional training and development in order to develop competences in the field of innovative entrepreneurship carried out within Politehnica University Timisoara.

The main expected results of the project are:

  • 300 students informed and advised to access tertiary studies       
  • 100 students prepared to improve the results of the baccalaureate        
  • 450 students receiving information and professional counseling activities for easier integration into the labor market        
  • 338 students receiving financial support for completing the degree studies        
  • 75 teachers benefiting from innovative training for the development of teaching competences        
  • elaboration and integration in the beneficiary's education plan of 4 new educational offers correlated with the current needs of the labor market.        

The total value of the project is 7,858,769.70 lei out of which the non-reimbursable value 7,737,672.06 lei.

„Școală de antreprenori” la UPT, pentru elevi, studenți și profesori
„Școală de antreprenori” la UPT, pentru elevi, studenți și profesori
„Școală de antreprenori” la UPT, pentru elevi, studenți și profesori
„Școală de antreprenori” la UPT, pentru elevi, studenți și profesori
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