Politehnica University Timisoara

Scientific research, prominently at Politehnica University Timișoara

Scientific research, prominently at Politehnica University Timișoara

Scientific research

8 January 2018






The scientific research also occupied, in 2017, a place of honor in the activities carried out at the Politehnica University Timișoara. During the year, hundreds of projects were started/carried out, within national, international, contracts with the economic environment and prestigious international conferences.

In the spring of 2017, an internal competition for research and development projects was launched, which provided funding for over 700,000 lei for young UPT researchers. Only young researchers up to 45 years old with the title of university assistant or head of works/lecturer could participate in the competition. 76 projects entered the competition 14 research fields in the UPT, the first in each field to be funded with at least 10,000 euros. For the first time, part of the funding is provided by the private sector and the rest of UPT's own funds, with the total budget of the competition being about 150,000 euros. A second round of the competition will take place in January 2018, when the projects in the non-winning places in the first stage will have the chance to be financed by economic agents interested in the respective research themes.

Under the „Planului naţional de cercetare, dezvoltare şi inovare - PN III”, in the year 2017 a number of 84 projects amounting to approximately 10,000,000 lei were implemented:

Also on December 3, 2017, projects within the Complex Program were realized in RDI consortia and structured as follows:

  •  1 in which UPT was coordinator, in total amount of 7,500,000 lei;
  •  2 as partners, worth approximately 2,000,000 lei.

UPT ended, in 2017, 115 contracts with the economic environment, in the amount of 1,800,000 lei.

Also, the Politehnica University Timișoara implemented in 2017 a number of 30 projects with European funding of approximately 1.100.000 euro:

  • Projects implemented as partners through programs funded by the European Research Fund (RFCS) and the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program (REC)); UPT total value: € 392,845;
  • Projects implemented through the "Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009 - 2014, Program RO14 - Research in priority sectors ", the call for bilateral projects; UPT total value: € 43,474;
  • Project implemented through the EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY (ESA); UPT total value: € 115,000;
  • Projects implemented through INTERREG Europe - the Danube Transnational Program, one as coordinator, the other as a partner. UPT total value: € 447,713;
  • FP7 project in the last year of implementation. UPT value: € 49000;
  • Projects implemented by the EUROCOD type. UPT value: € 28440;
  • In 2017, UPT researchers have contributed to the successful implementation of 10 COST projects, thus being trained in European and international research networks on topical issues at academia and beyond, in the preparation of Horizon 2020 projects, in conducting scientific papers under the influence of large-impact journals.

In the latter part of 2017, UPT won 2 new Horizon-2020 projects, projects to be implemented starting in 2018. The two projects cover areas of interest such as research in the field of chemistry with a focus on renewable energy and promoting international and trans-sectoral collaboration through the exchange of research and innovation personnel, respectively through the exchange of knowledge and ideas aimed at harmonizing the concept "from research to market "And vice versa. The value of these projects is approximately 500,000 euros.

Between September and December 2017, three prestigious international conferences were held:

  • 19th Central and Eastern European Symposium & Bruker Users' Meeting - CEUM 2017 (September 5-8, 2017);
  • 21st International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing – ICSTCC 2017 (Joint Conference of SINTES 21, SACCS 17, SIMSIS 21, CONTI 10) - October 19-21, 2017;
  • SIM 2017: International Symposium on Management - "Challenges and Innovation in Management and Entrepreneurship" - XIVth Edition - October 27-28, 2017.

As a crowning work, Professors Vasile Marinca and Nicolae Herişanu from UPT received on 15 December 2017 the "Aurel Vlaicu" Prize of the Romanian Academy in the category "Technical Sciences" for the monograph "The Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method Engineering Applications", published by the famous publishing house SPRINGER.

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