Politehnica University Timisoara

Soul event at UPT

Soul event at UPT

Coleta De Sabata, on the anniversary

30 January 2020






A soul event, organized by Politehnica Foundation, took place on Wednesday, January 29, 2020, at the Library of Politehnica University Timișoara. The management of the institution, teachers, students and friends came to bring flowers and tributes to the first and, in fact, only female rector in the University's history, prof. emeritus eng. Coleta De Sabata, PhD, on the anniversary of 85 years.

Since its establishment in 2009, Politehnica Foundation has assumed the role of promoting the educational, scientific, cultural and sporting image and performances of Politehnica University Timișoara. The first event of the year 2020 was the anniversary of Prof. Emeritus Coleta De Sabata, PhD, both educationally and scientifically, as well as culturally, these being, in fact, the areas in which it was asserted at the highest level. On this occasion an exhibition was organized with the works of the distinguished professor, both the scientific and the beletristic ones, to whom she dedicated herself after her retirement from the professional activity, but also with diplomas that she received, throughout her career.

About the life and complex activity that Coleta De Sabata has carried out over time, the rector of Politehnica University Timișoara spoke prof. eng. Viorel-Aurel Șerban, PhD, the president of Politehnica Foundation, Prof. eng. Ivan Bogdanov, PhD, the former rector, Prof. eng. Ioan Carțiș, PhD, director of the Central Library of UPT, eng. Agneta Lovasz, PhD, underlining the strong personality of Mrs. Coleta De Sabata, who marked the history of the Timisoara Polytechnic.

Coleta De Sabata wholeheartedly wanted to become an engineer because she considered it a future job, so as soon as she finished high school she enrolled in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Politehnica University.

As soon as she finished the faculty, she was hired as the main preparator at the Physics Department of Politehnica University, in 1957. She gradually became assistant, professor, and finally, to her surprise, head of the department. During this period, Coleta De Sabata spent dedicated time to another passion she had, namely research. After teaching for 24 years at Politehnica University, in 1981 she was elected rector, a position at which Coleta De Sabata did not even dream.

In a world of men, as was the Polytechnic 30 years ago, a woman managed, through work, passion and determination to occupy a function "reserved", back then, only to men so that Mrs Coleta De Sabata has earned her reputation of being a fighter.

After retiring from her professional activity she dedicated himself to writing. She has published dozens of volumes, in the most diverse fields, from those dedicated to the institution where she spent most of her life, to books dedicated to the technical culture in Banat, the history of the Etruscans, the migration of Italians, love novels or policemen, being proposed, in 2018, for the award of the zNobel Prize for Literature.

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