Politehnica University Timisoara

Specialists in Acoustics and Vibration, meeting in Timisoara

Specialists in Acoustics and Vibration, meeting in Timisoara

"Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures” - AVMS-2019

30 May 2019






The Amphitheater of the Timisoara Branch of the Romanian Academy hosted on May 30, 2019, the opening ceremony of the 15th edition of the International Conference ”Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures” (AVMS-2019), jointly organized by Politehnica University Timișoara, the Romanian Academy - Timisoara Branch, University of Nis (Serbia) and Romanian Acoustics Society.

With every edition, the scope of the conference grew to reach 60 scientific papers of some acoustics and vibration specialists in Romania, Serbia, the USA, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Belgium and Brazil. The conference program included 4 plenary lectures by prestigious specialists from Poland, USA, Serbia and China.

The main topics discussed at the conference are related to:

  • Noise and vibration control,
  • Generation and propagation of noise and vibrations,
  • Effects of noise and vibrations,
  • Condition Monitoring and Vibration Testing,
  • Acoustics and nonlinear vibrations,
  • Analytical, numerical and experimental techniques for noise and vibration,
  • Modeling, prediction and simulation of noise and vibrations,
  • Noise and vibration in the environment and at work,
  • Noise and vibration attenuators,
  • Regulatory requirements and acoustic / vibration quality assurance systems,
  • Biomechanics and bioacoustics.

The works of the conference, held on May 30 - 31, 2019, will be published, as in the previous edition, by the Springer Proceedings in Physics journal, indexed by Web of Science (ISI), the third edition which benefits from ISI indexing.

Specialiștii în acustică și vibrații, reuniți la Timișoara
Specialiștii în acustică și vibrații, reuniți la Timișoara
Specialiștii în acustică și vibrații, reuniți la Timișoara
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