Politehnica University Timisoara

Technical universities face new challenges

Technical universities face new challenges

Technical universities face new challenges

1 November 2019







In today's increasingly technologized society, where notions like virtual reality, augmented reality, connectivity, 5G technologies, industry 4.0 etc., are beginning to become commonplace, higher technical education is facing real challenges. The demand for engineers specialized in new technologies is increasing, but the quality of the educational process must be preserved. Last but not least, scientific research from universities with a technical profile must keep up with the latest developments in science and technology, but also with new funding programs.

Politehnica University Timisoara hosted on Friday, November 1, 2019, a new meeting of the Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities - ARUT. The Rectors and vice-rectors of the most important institutions of higher technical education in the country, as well as representatives of the Ministry of National Education, debated, in the Multipurpose Room of the Central Library of the UPT, topics of interest of the moment.

Thus, after the welcome word of the Rector of UPT, the ARUT work focused on topics such as: H2020 Program - The relevance of research in Romanian universities. Analysis and points of view (prof. eng. Viorel-Aurel Șerban, PhD); Romanian technical universities in European research programs (representatives of all ARUT member universities); The methodology for allocating the budgetary funds for the financing of the state universities for 2020 (Prof. Claudia Popescu, PhD - CNFIS president); Transferable credit system. Implementation mode in ARUT member universities (representatives of all ARUT member universities); Research grant competition within ARUT. Proposals for the 2020 competition (prof. assoc. Liviu Cădariu-Brăiloiu, PhD).

The ARUT meeting in Timișoara is also important given the fact that it is the last of the current mandate of the managers of the 5 technical universities, also having the role of raising awareness of the importance of continuing the policies initiated by ARUT regarding the reform of the technical higher education and its adaptation to the new realities.

The idea of forming a Consortium of Romanian technical universities was often the subject of meetings of the leading universities of the profile. Thus, in June 2016, the management of universities with technical profile in the country - Politehnica University of Bucharest, Politehnica University Timisoara, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași and the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest - establish the Romanian Alliance Technical Universities (ARUT).

The soul of the establishment and functioning of the new structure, Prof. eng. Viorel-Aurel Șerban, PhD, rector of Politehnica University Timisoara, is also the president of the Alliance, from its inception until now.

From the very beginning, the Alliance has set to represent a collaboration platform for the most prestigious universities with technical profile in the country, as well as a common, strong and permanent voice involved in the optimization of education and research policies. As specified in the Statute of the Association, the efforts of the members focused mainly on promoting the engineering sciences, their role and contribution in the economic development of Romania and the unitary representation of their interests in the decision-making and consultative structures of the national and European bodies in Romania. in the field of education and of scientific research.

The results were not delayed. The quarterly organization of the alliance meetings, by rotation, in each university center, provided both the opportunity for mutual knowledge of the activities carried out, the educational and scientific concerns of each university, but, above all, led to the identification of the areas of excellence in common research. of the partner universities, as a first step towards combining the resources of the institutions involved.

The interventions, positions, proposals of the Alliance with reference to topics of interest for the Romanian higher education such as the classification of universities and the hierarchy of study programs, the financing of scientific research activity in universities, the cooperation with the national research-development institutes, the evaluation methodology of the doctoral schools and doctoral study programs, the procedure for allocating budget funds for additional funding to state institutions of higher education outlined ARUT as a distinct voice in the Romanian educational space.

The latest activities within the alliance - the establishment of working commissions, the launch of the national interuniversity competitions for research grants within ARUT aimed at supporting the scientific career of young researchers, the start of the ARUT inter-university mobility program aimed at both the students of the member universities and the faculty, come to show the organization capacity of the association.

ARUT, the largest trainer of human resources in areas of interest within the National Strategy for Tertiary Learning 2015-2020, is responsible for continuing to develop projects and to find solutions for financing research projects. It requires both the training of the human resources necessary for the promotion and implementation of projects, as well as the establishment of broad partnerships that synchronize the private environment with the member universities in order to access the projects financed from European funds.

Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
Reuniunea ARUT la Timișoara
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