Politehnica University Timisoara

The anniversary of Prof. Eng Alimpie Ignea, Ph.D.

The anniversary of Prof. Eng Alimpie Ignea, Ph.D.

The anniversary of Prof. Eng Alimpie Ignea, Ph.D.

10 November 2017







The anniversary of Prof. Eng Alimpie Ignea Ph.D. at the age of 70

During the Politehnica Week, marking the 97th anniversary of the Politehnica University Timișoara, Friday, November 10th, at 12 am, at the K1 Amphitheater of the UPT Library,  will be honored Prof. Eng Alimpie Ignea Ph.D., at the age of 70.

Born in Bozovici, in Caraş-Severin County, the distinguished professor graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest in 1970, with the applied electronic specialization, and since 1974 he has been a teacher of the Politehnica University Timișoara. Doctor of Engineering since 1986, 1994 professor and doctoral supervisor since 1997, Prof.Eng Alimpie Ignea Ph.D., is a founding member of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Association of Romania and the Association of Electronic Engineers of Timișoara, but also has cultural concerns, being a founding member of the "Almăjul" Cultural Society in Timişoara.

Professor Engineer ALIMPIE IGNEA Ph.D.

Studies and titles:

  • Middle School Bozovici , Caraş-Severin County, 1961 - 1965, Maturity Diploma,
  • Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, 1965 - 1970, Diploma of Engineer in Applied Electronics,
  • Doctor of Engineering in 1986 in the field of Metrology and Measurement Technology, UPT,
  • Professor at the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications since 1994,
  • Ph.D. supervisor in the field of Engineering Sciences, Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications since 1997.


  • 1979-1980 - Specialization at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands,
  • 1997 and 1999 - Documentation at the Institute of Technology in Oulu, Finland,
  • 1998 and 1999 - Documentation at the Technical University and the Fachhochschule in Karlsruhe and at the Fachhochschule in Rosenheim,
  • 1998 - Documentation at the University of Preston and the Community College in Bilston, England.

Notable Achievements:

  • As an authorized metrologist, he contributes to the establishment of the Metrology Laboratory and AMC Repair Workshop within the EAM Chair, then to the SPM,
  • Teaching the first Electromagnetic Compatibility course,
  • Course introduction: Measurements in industrial processes, Electrical measurement of non-electrical quantities, Radio frequency measurements, Electromagnetic compatibility norms.

Occupied administrative functions:

  • Logistic Responsible Project no. 6 "Doctoral scholarships", 2008 - 2012,
  • Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, 1996-2000,
  • Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, 1992-1996 and 2004-2008,
  • Director at the Interuniversity National Center for High Voltage Engineering and Electromagnetic Compatibility - TICEM, 2001- 2012
  • Member of UPT Senate and ETC Academic Council


  • Founding member and member of the Board of Governors of the Association for Electromagnetic Compatibility in Romania ACERO, (1996 - present),
  • Founding member and president (1997 - 2000) of the Association of Electronic Engineers from Timișoara,
  • IEEE member in EMC and Antenna & Propagation,
  • Founding member and president (1996-2010) of "Ţara Almăjului" Cultural Society from Timişoara, vice president (2010 - present).

Research directions, important results obtained:

  • In the field of ultrasound it contributes to the calibration of measuring transducers,
  • The nonlinearity study system (high frequency transmission lines, hysteresis devices),
  • Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Study, New Modeling and Simulation Methods with Verification Based on Measurements,
  • Measurement of electrical and non-electrical quantities, transducers,
  • Elaboration and application of electromagnetic compatibility rules.

Patents, scientific papers, grants and research contracts:

  • 5 patents and over 100 scientific papers published in national and international journals and conferences,
  • Director and team member of more than 40 scientific research contracts, with 15 being responsible for the topic or grant manager,
  • A CALIST program, 3 TEMPUS programs, a LEONARDO program,
  • 6 POSDRU programs: 3 programs - Doctoral scholarships (logistic responsible, respectively lecturer in cross-courses) and 3 postdoctoral programs (2 - logistic responsible and one - tutor).

Courses, books published in publishing houses:

  1. Ignea, "Contribuţii la calibrarea transductoarelor de măsură folosind metoda autoreciprocităţii în impuls", Ph.D. Thesis, 1986.
  2. A. Ignea, "Măsurarea electrică a mărimilor neelectrice" West Ed., 1996.
  3. A. Ignea, „Măsurări şi teste în compatibilitatea electromagnetică”, Ed. Waldpress, 1996.
  4. A. Ignea, "Introducere în compatibilitatea electromagnetică" West Ed., 1998.
  5. A. Ignea, M. Chivu, I. Borza, „Măsurări electrice şi electronice în instalaţii”, Ed. Orizonturi universitare, 2001.
  6. A. Ignea, "Compatibilitate electromagnetică" Ed Orizonturi Universitare, 2001, second edition re-edited and added in 2007.
  7. A. Ignea, E. Marza, A. De Sabata, "Antene şi propagare" West Ed., 2002.
  8. Ignea, T. Jurca, "Măsurări electrice şi electronice" Ed Orizonturi Universitare 2001.
  9. A. Ignea, M Chivu, I. Borza, „Măsurări electrice şi electronice. Culegere de probleme”, Ed. Politehnica, Timişoara, 2003.
  10. A. Ignea, D Stoiciu, „Măsurări electronice, senzori şi traductoare”, Ed. Politehnica, Timişoara, 2003.
  11. A. Ignea, ş.a. „Compatibilitate electromagnetică în medicină”, Ed. Waldpress, 2004.
  12. A. Ignea, „Aspecte ale compatibilităţii electromagnetice în medicină”,  Ed. Waldpress, 2006
  13. A. Ignea, „Măsurări în telecomunicaţii”, Ed. Politehnica 2006.
  14. A. Ignea, ş.a. „Aspecte privind monitorizarea perturbaţiilor dintr-un site”, Ed. Waldpress, 2006.
Aniversarea prof.dr.ing. Alimpie Ignea
Aniversarea prof.dr.ing. Alimpie Ignea
Aniversarea prof.dr.ing. Alimpie Ignea
 UPT Central library The Department of Communication and Image
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