Politehnica University Timisoara

The Christmas message of the Rector of Politehnica University Timisoara,

The Christmas message of the Rector of Politehnica University Timisoara,

Prof.Eng. Viorel-Aurel ȘERBAN, PhD

18 December 2018






Dear colleagues, dear students, Nativity is the celebration in which we fill our hearts and thoughts of peace and hope. It is the moment when we leave ourselves in the spirit of Christmas, we direct our thoughts to our loved ones, we make the balance sheet and make our wishes for the coming year.

However, even though during this period, the spirit of celebration is more intense, we cannot forget the academic spirit that King Ferdinand spoke about when he stated, at the inauguration of the first buildings of the Timisoara Polytechnic, that "The walls do not make a school, but the spirit that reigns in one". It's that spirit that for nearly a century has always taken us forward, always higher, to reach where we are today, a university with a tradition, a trusted university, a university of advanced education and research, a university of national and international prestige.

It is also a moment of review and retrospection, and 2018 was a year of many accomplishments, a year in which Politehnica University Timisoara demonstrated that it is a strong university and capable of forming professionals that are well-known at national and international level. It's not by accident that SCImago Rankings places us on the third place at national level, and 47th among the over 3,000 universities in Central and Eastern Europe (including Russia). It is not accidental that two UPT professors have become members of the Romanian Academy this year. It is not accidental that the president of the Timis branch of the Romanian Academy is a professor of Politehnica. It is not by accident that we are the university with the highest number of scientific papers in relation to the number of teachers. It is not accidental that Politehnica students' teams are awarded in high-level, national and international competitions. It is not accidental that the absorption rate of graduates on the labor market is close to the maximum limit.

We must realize, however, that in order to preserve the leading image among the universities in the western area of ​​Romania, we must assume responsibility for maintaining high quality standards, harmonizing the didactic and scientific component, permanently updating study programs with stringent needs in the formation of highly qualified specialists to meet the challenges of an increasingly dynamic labor market, to ensure a working climate that stimulates the performance, maintains and strengthens the good relations established with the economic field and universities around the world.

I would like to address, on this occasion, thanks and congratulations to teachers, students, administrative staff and all our collaborators for their efforts and achievements!

Have a good year, happiness, health, personal and professional fulfillment, and may the light of the holidays to accompany you every moment of the New Year!

Happy Holidays and "Happy New Year!"

Prof.Eng. Viorel-Aurel ȘERBAN, PhD

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