Politehnica University Timisoara

The Faculty of Civil Engineering honored its professors

The Faculty of Civil Engineering honored its professors

Emeritus Professor titles granted in a festive ceremony

12 July 2019






Continuing a tradition established at Politehnica University Timisoara, to honor the teachers with special achievements, the Faculty of Civil Engineering organized on Friday, July 12, 2019, a holiday to confer the honorary title of Professor Emeritus to teachers who have dedicated their entire lives to Politehnica and who were noted through a rich technical activity in the field of civil engineering and installations and a remarkable didactic and research activity.

Prof. eng. Valeriu-Augustin Stoian, PhD, initiated in the mysteries of engineering over 40 generations of graduates, some of them current members of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Politehnica University Timisoara. During his teaching career he has performed a remarkable activity, teaching eight different disciplines in the field of civil engineering in Romanian and English. He contributed to the introduction of new disciplines, such as Hygrothermals and the acoustics of buildings, Construction physics, Building Physics and the creation of the master's program Construction Rehabilitation. He went through all the levels of the university hierarchy, becoming a doctoral supervisor in the field of Civil Engineering in 1993. He is one of the personalities recognized in the country and abroad for the research activity in the field of reinforced concrete constructions and more recently in the field of energy efficiency of buildings. He has coordinated over 200 contracts for scientific research and / or design, expertise, consulting, mainly carried out through UPT. He has been noted as an active member in many prestigious professional associations in the country and abroad. Professor Valeriu-Augustin Stoian has 20 teaching publications (courses, lectures, tutorials), over 200 scientific papers published in national and international journals, 57 scientific papers indexed in the Web of Science, 46 Scopus-indexed papers, is coordinator or coauthor of developing technical standards in the construction of concrete and is a member of several prestigious professional associations in the country and abroad. As a result of his good prestige, he is a fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers (UK). Professor Stoian Valeriu was scientific secretary of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (1992-1996) and its vice-dean (2000-2004) respectively member in its management board. He held the position of director of the CCI department between 2004 and 2016, three consecutive legislatures. In parallel with the aforementioned functions, he accredited and developed the Research Center for Materials and Structures (MAST) as its first director.

Prof. eng. Ioan Sârbu, PhD is a graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Politehnica University Timisoara, class of 1975, and from 1978 he became a professor at the faculty that he graduated, where he went through all the stages of the university hierarchy, becoming a university professor in 1998 and a doctoral supervisor. in the field of civil engineering and installations since 2004. Professor Ioan Sârbu also has a remarkable research activity, recognized nationally and internationally, including over 100 research grants and contracts (over 40 as project manager). Established and accredited the Research Center in Installations and authorized / reauthorized the Laboratory of installations as a laboratory of first degree, with national competence. He participated, as coordinator or co-author, in the elaboration of standards and norms in the field of design, execution and operation of thermal installations, as well as the energy performance of buildings. The results of the scientific research were materialized by the publication of 23 books / chapters, 11 university textbooks, over 350 articles, out of which over 130 published in ISI indexed journals, about 50 articles in the proceeding of international conferences, 6 patents, 15 innovation certificates and over 30 original computer programs. As a recognition of professional performance, the European Federation of National Engineers Associations conferred the title of "Eur.Ing". Professor Ioan Sârbu was head of the Department of Installations (2000 - 2017), head of the 1st Grade Installation Laboratory, with national competence, member of the UPT Senate (2004 - 2008; 2015 - 2017).

Prof. eng. Ioan Borza, PhD, is a graduate of Politehnica University Timisoara, Faculty of Civil Engineering, the class of 1976, and since 1980 he is a teacher at UPT. In this capacity, he went through all the levels of the university hierarchy, becoming a university professor in 1998 and a doctoral supervisor in the field of Civil Engineering and facilities since 2004. Professor Ioan Borza also had a rich research activity, which includes over 75 grants and contracts. research (29 as project manager), over 40 technical expertise and over 120 certificates of energy performance of buildings. The results of the scientific research were materialized by the publication of six books, 12 university textbooks, over 270 articles, out of which about 40 published in specialized magazines, over 170 articles in proceedings with international participation, 6 patents and 19 innovation certificates. He was the head of the Construction Facilities Collective (1990 - 1996), vice president of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (2004 - 2012; 2014 - 2016), director of the Center for Research in Installations (2011 - 2017), member of the UPT Senate (2012 - 2014), founding member of the Association of Installation Engineers from Romania (1990). Professor Ioan Borza contributed to the permanent modernization of education, participating in the design of some research stands and practical works by self-equipping in the UPT laboratories, as well as in the endowment and modernization of the educational spaces.

For all these aspects, the Senate of Politehnica University Timisoara has decided to grant the honorary title of Professor Emeritus to all three distinguished members of the UPT faculty, as a crown of an exemplary teaching, professional, research and administrative career.

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