Politehnica University Timisoara

The Gala of Excellence Banat 2019

The Gala of Excellence Banat 2019

The Gala of Excellence Banat 2019

16 December 2019






The Council for Excellence Timișoara (Romanian Academy Timiș branch, West University Timișoara, Politehnica University Timișoara, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timișoara, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat) organized, on December 14, 2019, the Banat Excellence Gala, a special edition dedicated to the Romanian Revolution started in Timisoara.

It was desired that this year's edition of the Banat Excellence Gala be given a special and solemn character, being organized on the eve of the day of the Timișoara Revolution and the LIBERTY of Timișoara and Romania (the last Saturday before the commemoration of the Romanian Revolution in Timişoara), in the most representative building of Timișoara (National Theater / Romanian Opera) and keeping the character of the gala, on the model of the Nobel prizes: Gala. Concert. Dinner.

The main objective of the Banat Excellence Gala is to highlight and recognize the personalities of Timisoara and Banat, with the most obvious and valuable achievements in their fields of activity (achievements of the last year or of the entire career).

Within the Gala, Politehnica University Timișoara received the diploma of Ambassador of Excellence, and two outstanding personalities of the UPT were honored with special prizes for the entire activity.

The "TRAIAN VUIA" award for engineering sciences was awarded to Prof. Em. eng. IOAN GH. CARTIS, PhD. Professor Emeritus Ioan Gh. Carțiș is a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1959), doctor engineer (1973), doctoral supervisor in the field of engineering sciences, DHC, full member of the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences. In the terms of Rector of the UPT (1996-2000-2004), he made an important contribution to the development and modernization of higher education and scientific research. During the same period, he was part of different forums and bodies of the ME, such as Vice-President of the National Council of Rectors, member of the institutional committee of CNEA, member of the commission for granting university degrees and diplomas, etc. He was rewarded with diplomas, medals and decorations, such as the Republic's 25th Anniversary Medal, the Knight's Meritorious Merit, the title of Citizen of Honor and others.

THE ROMANIAN ACADEMY AWARD was awarded to the academic Dan Dubina, a civil engineer, who graduated in 1974 from the "Traian Vuia" Polytechnic Institute in Timisoara, a university professor at Politehnica University Timisoara. His areas of excellence in research are stability and ductility of structures, engineering of metallic structures, behavior of structures at extreme actions. He is a full member of the Romanian Academy since 2015 (correspondent member since 2010), the president of the Branch of the Romanian Academy in Timisoara, Doctor Honoris Causa of the Technical University in Cluj-Napoca (2005), honorary member of the University of Pecs (2012).

Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
Gala Excelentei Bănățene 2019
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