Politehnica University Timisoara

The Inventor of the First Artificial Cornea

The Inventor of the First Artificial Cornea

Emeritus Member of Politehnica Fondation

26 September 2014


The inventor of the first artificial cornea, Professor Traian V.Chirila, visited at the end of September Politehnica University Timisoara. With the occasion of this reunion and thanks to the sincere admiration for his special contribution for the advancement of science, the management of Politehnica University Timisoara decided to start the procedure for granting the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Chirila.

Moreover, during the press conference organized on Friday, 26th of September 2014, Professor Chirila received the distinction of Emeritus Member from the Politehnica Timisoara Foundation. The diploma was handed in by the Rector Viorel-Aurel SERBAN, and the badge of the Foundation by the Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Nicolae VASZILCSIN, vice president of the Politehnica Timisoara Foundation.

The distinguished scientist graduated from Chemical Engineering in 1971, and in 1981 obtained his PhD in Organic Chemistry at UPT. For over 30 years he has lived in Australia, country in which his passion for this area and the scientific talent were continuously encouraged, supported and recognized.

Diploma de Membru Emerit al Fundației Politehnica
Înmânarea insignei Fundației Politehnica de către dl. Decan al Facultății de Chimie Industrială și Ingineria Mediului, dl. Profesor Nicolae Vaszilcsin
Aspect de la evenimentul de înmânare a diplomei de membru al Fundației Politehnica domnului profesor Traian V. CHIRILĂ
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