Politehnica University Timisoara

The most powerful laser in the world, presented at UPT

The most powerful laser in the world, presented at UPT

Offers for students, researchers and graduates

29 May 2019






On Wednesday, 29 May 2019, Politehnica University Timisoara received a visit from a delegation from ELI-NP (Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics), which operates the world's most powerful laser, made up of Dr. Calin Alexandru Ur, Technical Director, Ioan Dancuş, Head of the High Power Laser Laboratory, Dr. Ovidiu Tesileanu, Head of the Lasers / Gamma Combined Experiments Department, Dr. Iani Mitu, Radiological Security Officer, Dr. Marius Gugiu and Dr. Paul Constantin, scientific researchers. They presented the main directions, themes and technical challenges of the research activity of the National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering ”Horia Hulubei" (IFIN-HH) in the Polyvalent Hall of the UPT Central Library.

The session was addressed to engineering students and aimed at presenting the latest generation of experimental equipment to be installed at ELI-NP and the change of scientific and technical paradigm that they bring to the field of photonics and related engineering sciences.

ELI-NP is a European project that has proposed installing / operating / maintaining / developing two unique extreme light systems in the world: a two high-power laser system, 10 PetaWatts (one million billion W) each, and a high intensity gamma beam system. The Magurele laser project, with two independent arms of 10 PW each, is a unique scientific and technical achievement in the world, delivering extreme light pulses that concentrate the 10th part of the Sun's power on Earth.

ELI-NP offers a multicultural and interdisciplinary framework to specialists and engineers from various fields with application in project activities to create a creative and innovation incubator that targets solutions and applications with significant societal benefits. During the presentation, it was stressed that work at ELI-NP is a real challenge for all who want to get involved, as there are new experiments that have never been done anywhere in the world.

Researchers from ELI-NP are currently involved in implementing experimental arrangements that will take advantage of the availability of extreme light beams. These activities involve:

  • engineering activities of mechanical systems for handling large-scale mirrors for the transport of laser light to the point of interaction with the targets;
  • mechanical systems for detector assembly;
  • vacuum systems for interaction rooms and laser transmission lines and range;
  • development of ultra-high vacuum systems for experimental arrangements;
  • development of data acquisition systems based on digital electronic modules;
  • developing algorithms for the treatment of electronic signals from radiation detectors to retrieve relevant information for physics studies;
  • development of algorithms for image analysis produced by laser interaction with matter;
  • storage systems for large volumes of data;
  • automatic control systems for the operation of arrangements; experimental and ultra light beam systems;
  • definition and implementation of interlocking systems for experimental rooms;
  • acquiring the knowledge necessary for the operation of laser systems and gamma;
  • radioprotection studies in very short radiation pulses.

Engineering students can choose bachelor research topics, masters and doctoral theses related to these activities, they can take part in internships, or they can apply for post-graduate engineer / engineer positions at ELI- NP and be integrated into the research groups dealing with the above-mentioned issues.

Organizing the communication session from Central Library UPT is a proof of the good relations of cooperation existing between the ELI-NP and Politehnica University Timisoara and prospects for development projects common in the context of the implementation of the research structure ELI-NP National Physics Platform from Magurele.

Cel mai puternic laser din lume, prezentat la UPT
Cel mai puternic laser din lume, prezentat la UPT
Cel mai puternic laser din lume, prezentat la UPT
Cel mai puternic laser din lume, prezentat la UPT
Cel mai puternic laser din lume, prezentat la UPT
 UPT Central library The Department of Communication and Image
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