Politehnica University Timisoara

The Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities (ARUT)

The Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities (ARUT)

Bucharest, February 23, 2018

24 February 2018





     The Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities (ARUT)


Bucharest, February 23, 2018


The members of the Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities - ARUT, represented by the leaders of the universities, met on 22-23 February 2018 in a working meeting at the Technical University of Civil Engineering in Bucharest (UTCB). They also participated as guests: Minister of National Education - Prof.Eng Valentin Popa, Ph.D., Minister of Research and Innovation - Prof.Eng Nicoale Burnete, Ph.D., Minister of Energy - Prof.Eng Anton Anton, Ph.D., President of A.R.A.C.I.S. - Prof.Eng Iordan PETRESCU,Ph.D.,  president of C.N.F.I.S. - Prof. Claudia POPESCU, Ph.D., and ANC President - Prof.Eng Tiberiu Dobrescu. Ph.D.

This year marks 200 years of technical higher education in Bucharest, since the great Enlightenment and patriot Gheorghe Lazar set up in Bucharest, at St. Sava Monastery, "a science academy, even in the language of his mother", in which the first engineers were trained. The meeting of the Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities (ARUT) of the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest (UTCB) is part of the series of events marking the centenary of the technical universities in Bucharest: the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) and the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest (UTCB) .

At the meeting were reviewed strategic aspects of technical higher education, the current problems faced by Romanian universities, as well as proposals for carrying out research and mobility programs within ARUT.

  •  Considering:
  • some of the negative findings of Council of Europe on higher education in the National Reform Program of România such as the lack of correlation between the proposed competencies and those required on the labor market, the large number of university education programs;
  •  its recommendations on the need to correlate the National Qualifications Framework with the European Qualifications Framework and the compatibility of the international classification in the field of education - ISCED with the study fields in România;
  • triggering the regulatory process of engineering education within the European Union;
  • the need to establish a common core of learning outcomes by engineering field.

ARUT members express their willingness to participate in the activities specific to the achievement of the objectives stated above and formulated within the POCU project, Priority Axis 6 "Education and Competencies" coordinated by MEN (Ministry of National Education) and ANC (National Agency for Qualifications). During the debates, the importance of adopting some major measures for better correlation of the Romanian higher education system with the European one and with the requirements of the labor market was emphasized.

ARUT asks the National Council for Statistics and Prognosis of Higher Education (CNSPIS) to consider in the future the establishment of proposals on how to allocate the budgeted places for the three cycles of study, in addition to the priorities given by national strategies and market requirements labor, and other criteria such as: employment rate in the field of study, scientific results obtained (for the doctoral cycle);

Members of the Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities - ARUT have decided this year to organize the first national intergovernmental research grants within ARUT to support the scientific career of young researchers. The competition will take place on an individual level as well as on three-member joint teams from three distinct universities within ARUT.

The ARUT inter-university mobility program for both student universities and teachers was also approved.

The next meeting of the Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities will take place in early May in Timişoara.

  President of ARUT
Viorel-Aurel ŞERBAN
Rector of Politehnica University Timișoara
Rector of Polytechnic University of Bucharest
  Vasile ŢOPA
Rector of Technical University of Cluj-Napoca


Rector of Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" Iași

Rector of Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest


ARUT - București 23 februarie 2018
ARUT - București 23 februarie 2018
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