Politehnica University Timisoara



Establishment of Timișoara University Alliance

19 June 2020






On June 19, 2020, in the unique atmosphere of the Baroque Hall of the Timișoara Art Museum, the press conference dedicated to the signing ceremony of the Partnership Agreement for the establishment of the Timișoara University Alliance (ATU) took place. ATU is the first cooperation and consolidation structure of the university center and the scientific research, development, and innovation platform in Timișoara. It aims to contribute significantly, through a common strategy of the four public universities in our city, to Timișoara becoming a landmark in Central and Eastern Europe.

The rectors of the four universities participated in the press conference: prof. Octavian CREȚU, Ph.D., rector of the "Victor Babeș" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timișoara, associate professor Florin DRĂGAN, Ph.D., rector of Politehnica University Timișoara, prof. Marilen Gabriel PIRTEA, Ph.D., rector of the Western University in Timișoara, and prof. Cosmin Alin POPESCU, Ph.D., rector of the "King Mihai I of Romania" University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat.

The public positions expressed by the participants, in the introduction of the signing ceremony emphasized the university solidarity of Timișoara, a quality recognized by the four members of ATU, dedicated to the innovative effort of collecting the results of scientific knowledge, research, artistic creation, and performance, for the public desideratum of the development of our city.

The rector of the "Victor Babeș" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timișoara, prof. Octavian CREȚU, Ph.D., said: "We are glad for the unification of Timisoara's academic community for a common goal, the desire expressed for some time, for independent universities to be able to collaborate intelligently and efficiently. Although from different fields, the four signatory universities found common points and objectives, materializable in research projects and the complementary use of facilities of each university (libraries, bio base, gyms, and sports fields). The impact on collaboration between students, whether undergraduate, master, or doctoral students and also between student organizations, in the scientific, sports, social or artistic fields, should not be neglected either. For our future, it is essential that our associated universities better respond to international accreditation requirements and are more open to local and county authorities, to whom we offer know-how for the smart development of our city and region".

The rector of Politehnica University Timișoara, associate professor Florin DRĂGAN, Ph.D., declared: "Today, here, it is not about a rector or another, or someone's agenda or public image. If we make the mistake of coming up with this limited vision, the game will turn into a limited one. One of us will win more or less, and the spectators will applaud, but soon, there will be silence. An infinite game now involves building a hub of interconnection with companies in which Politehnica can offer a solid platform based on engineering, in which we can build strong research centers based on robotics, artificial intelligence, cloud computing or internet of things, in which we can innovate in the educational act together, or we can access the important development funds in the areas of medicine or agriculture".

The rector of UVT, prof. Marilen Pirtea, Ph.D., declared: "I am particularly honored and I feel completely committed to this extremely innovative public approach, that of bringing together the forces of the four public universities in Timisoara in a concentration of values of the university center. As of today, all of us, together, almost 5000 teachers, researchers, and university experts, together with 35 thousand students, are more aware of the public mission we have, that of making the best development options of Timisoara achievable, together with the administration and the business environment, in a relationship established throughout the European space, in which the university environment plays a central role. As of today, we are all more ambitious, more generous to our community, and more responsible to future generations".

The Rector of the "King Mihai I of Romania" University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat, Prof. Cosmin Alin POPESCU, Ph.D., said: "Today's event marks for the first time, by signing this act of solidarity and collaboration between the four public universities in Timișoara, a symbol of unity and altruism dedicated to the city of Bega, Timiș County, and the entire region. The entire academic community of the "King Mihai I" University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat in Timișoara supports this project. We address our message with maturity and professionalism to employers present in the labor market in our city and county; specifically, we help research, innovation - technology transfer, and university extension with direct implications for the sustainable development of the local and regional economy. We believe in this project and are active partners in such efforts for the entire existing socio-economic environment. Through the message we send, we show THAT WE CARE!".

Organizationally, the alliance has very clearly structured its way of functioning and leadership. Thus, the management of the coalition is provided by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. The General Assembly consists of rectors, senators, vice-rectors, CSUD directors, and administrative directors of the four member universities and student representatives in the universities' administrative boards. The Board of Directors consists of the rectors of the four member universities and ensures the executive leadership of the alliance. The General Assembly meets every six months, summoned by the incumbent president of the coalition, and guests may attend this meeting. The Board of Directors meets monthly, convened by the incumbent president of the alliance, and guests may attend. The decisions of the Board of Directors are adopted unanimously, and the President of the Board of Directors also holds the position of president of the alliance. The ATU agreement stipulates that the position of president is exercised by rotation, by each member of the Board of Directors, during a calendar year, in the order in which the member universities are registered in the founding document. The university holding the presidency of the alliance also provides the coalition's secretariat.

ATU projects and strategies will materialize by assuming an annual plan of proposals, debates, and collaborations. It will involve social actors representative to the local community, on topics of strategic interest to the community, agreed through the sessions of integrated working groups that will be established.

Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
Constituirea Alianței Timișoara Universitară
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