Politehnica University Timisoara

UPT- founding member of the first alliance of technical universities from Romania

UPT- founding member of the first alliance of technical universities from Romania
24 June 2016






The leadership of the top universities with a technical profile from all over Romania- Bucharest Polytechnic University, Timisoara Polytechnic University, Cluj-Napoca Technical University, Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” from Iaşi and Bucharest Technical University of Constructions - have founded on Friday, 24 June 2016, the Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities (RATU). The presidency of the alliance will be occupied through a rotating system, every year, by a rector of one of the five universities. The first who has been chosen for this function is the UPT rector Viorel-Aurel Şerban.

The alliance proposes itself to represent a collaboration platform for the most prestigious universities with a technical profile from all over the country, as well as a common voice, strong and constant involved in the optimization of the educational and research policies.

Both, big companies and small and medium enterprises, need a human resource well prepared for performing in a competitive market, in this context RATU meets the recommandations of the European Council regarding the Romanian national programme for reform for 2015, by increasing the quality and relevance of higher technical education for the labor market and by consolidating the projects for applied research, which aims the consumption market.

The allied universities have signed an open letter through which they warn the government that the education policies field - and mostly those from the higher education field – have created major imbalances at the educational system level and these have been made without consulting the relevant institutions from the field, with severe risks for the near future of economy and national education.

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